Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 764 It’s great to have friends from far away

pedestrian mall.

This morning, Xiao Jiejie went shopping with two friends. Although she works as a secretary for Zhang Yu, Zhang Yu, the chairman, really spends three days fishing and two days drying nets. As a secretary, it is difficult for her to see Zhang Yu, so she gives herself holidays from time to time.

On the pedestrian street, there are many people doing business and selling, as well as those who set up stalls and tell fortunes. But for Xiao Jiejie, these are simply insignificant. Which fortune teller can catch up with Zhang Yu.

When the three of them passed the Gua stall, a middle-aged man wearing a white Tang suit who looked very elegant suddenly stepped forward and stopped Xiao Jiejie.

"Miss, do you want to tell your fortune?"

"Tch! No need!" Xiao Jiejie said directly and disdainfully.

After saying that, she would go around the middle-aged man.

Not thinking about it, the middle-aged man immediately said: "Looking at the girl's face, it is obvious that Luo Hua is willing to follow the flowing water, while Flowing Water has no intention of falling in love with Luo Hua."

"Huh?" Xiao Jiejie was stunned, and lowered her legs that she had already raised.

The middle-aged man then smiled and said: "It's great to have friends from far away! My Xiaoyaozi is just a destined person in my life, and I am happy with my fortune."

Then, he got out of the way and walked towards his position. As he walked, he said: "I will only stay here for three days, and then I will leave."

Xiao Jiejie looked at the middle-aged man, pondering what he said. At this moment, the ringtone of her mobile phone rang in her bag, "My friends were talking about who ended up in an awkward situation with whom. My feelings couldn't be exposed to the moonlight, so I had to wander first. I was alone in front of the TV, biting... Teeth Fantasy…”

She took out her mobile phone from her bag and looked at the caller ID. She was stunned for a moment, then answered the call excitedly, "Hey, Gillian!"

"Jiejie, what are you doing?" A girl's cheerful voice sounded on the phone.

"I was shopping. Why did you remember to call me today?" Xiao Jiejie said with a smile.

"My dad and I returned to China today and just got off the plane. Let's have dinner together tonight. I miss you so much," said the girl on the phone.

"Okay! Wherever you go tonight, I will accompany you the whole time..." Xiao Jiejie said happily.

Wang Ajiao is Xiao Jiejie's best friend. The two grew up together when they were young. Later, Wang Ajiao followed her father abroad. The two could only communicate through the Internet and did not see each other often.

This time Wang Ajiao came back, which really made Xiao Jiejie very happy.

The two talked again, and Xiao Jiejie hung up the phone. She then looked at the middle-aged man, feeling even more surprised.

The middle-aged man just said, "It's great to have friends from far away." Oh boy, this is so accurate. His best friend will be back soon.

The middle-aged man looked calm, as if nothing had happened.

Xiao Jiejie walked up to him and said politely: "Master, it was my fault before... Can you help me figure it out..."

"Love is the most painful relationship in the world, and it is rare for a wonderful person to have lingering words. If you want to live in two places, you need a red thread, and a piece of green hair will connect you to a good match." The middle-aged man said with a gentle face.

Xiao Jiejie thought about his words and said after a while: "Master... can you be more straightforward..."

"I have been here for the past three days. When you are in the most pain, come to me again." The middle-aged man smiled.

"I will come to you when I feel the most painful..." Xiao Jiejie's face was full of doubts. She really couldn't figure out what kind of medicine this middle-aged man was selling in his gourd.

Could it be that the most painful thing will happen to me within three days?

District Office, in the office of Executive Officer Wen Qiong.

Wen Qiong was sitting behind his desk, holding a document in his hand titled "Application for the opening of subway lines in Guangming Town."

After reading it, Wen Qiong nodded with satisfaction and put the document aside.

There are several newspapers placed on the desk, and the headline on the front page is - Zhenhai Guangming Wudang Taoist Football Team upset the Taishan Pacers and advanced to the semi-finals of the Football Association Cup. After the draw, the next game will usher in another round of Zhenhai Derby, against Zhenhai Zhengang, which has the stone ball king and many big-name players.

"Zhang Yu." There was a satisfied smile on Wen Qiong's face, "This kid's skills are really getting better and better. He's really getting better with three punches and two kicks. Tsk tsk. Xiaoyun's vision is very good. It's not bad, but I don't know if they have made any progress now."

"Dang Dang Dang"

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Wen Qiong shouted.

The door opened and the secretary came in from the outside, "Executive Officer."

"What's the matter?" Wen Qiong said gently.

The secretary came to Wen Qiong's desk and said in a low voice: "I just got the news that the Futian Group's production line in Masi Town has been cut and officially put into operation. Fu Senbo plans to take this opportunity to expand the production line along the subway. Drive to Masi Town."

"So soon?" Wen Qiong was surprised when he heard this, "How long will it take for it to be put into production there?"

"I heard that Futian Group is working hard day and night, and even the office building has been completed. Equipment for each production line has been shipped one after another, and the recruitment activities have ended long ago. Currently, the employment problem of tens of thousands of people has been solved," the secretary said.

"What conditions did Fu Senbo give Futian Group to help him like this?" Wen Qiong frowned.

"I'm not sure about the specific conditions. However, in terms of finance, the Office should only be able to build one subway line. It would be impossible to open both sides," the secretary said.

"I know this," Wen Qiong clenched his fists and said bitterly, "How dare he get the upper hand so quickly."

"The efficiency here in Guangming Town is obviously a bit low. If there is no more effective progress, I am afraid that the subway project will be snatched away by Fu Senbo," the secretary said with some worry.

Wen Qiong nodded and looked at the newspaper on her desk. Zhang Yu's appearance appeared in her mind unconsciously.

"This time, it seems we have to rely on him..."

Wen Qiong groaned in his heart and then said: "It has nothing to do with you anymore, just go about your business first."

"Okay." The secretary nodded and exited the office obediently.

Wen Qiong immediately grabbed the mobile phone on the table and dialed Zhang Yu's mobile phone number.

The call was quickly connected, and Zhang Yu's voice sounded, "Hello, auntie."

"It's me, Xiao Yu, where are you now?" Wen Qiong asked kindly.

"I'm at Pan Yun's house." Zhang Yu said.

"Oh..." When she heard that Zhang Yu was at Pan Yun's house, Wen Qiong was overjoyed and said with a smile, "Auntie has something to tell you. Come over now and won't disturb you."

"Don't bother..." Zhang Yu said a little puzzled.

How can this bother you?

Because he didn't notice that it was only nine o'clock in the morning. Is there anyone who visits someone's house so early? There is obviously something wrong here, maybe I stayed there last night.

"Okay, I'll be there later." Wen Qiong said gently and hung up the phone.

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