Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 747: Find out more about Liujiapu

"We went to Liujiabao to see her." Wang Chunlan replied.

"Is she really capable? Can she know Taoism?" Zhang Yu became interested.

"It seems so." Wang Chunlan said.

"Why does it seem like it?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Because we didn't see her in person, she was in the house, and we could only watch from outside. Everyone who came into the house, whether seeking medical treatment or fortune telling, thanked Liu Xiangu non-stop in the end, and said Liu Xiangu is particularly efficacious." Wang Chunlan said.

Zhang Qingfeng immediately came over and said, "That's right. If a few people say that, they might be shills. But if everyone says that, then they must be real. We originally thought he was a liar, but now we see, it should be no."

"According to your opinion, many people come to Liu Xiangu for medical treatment and fortune telling?" Zhang Yu said.

"Much older. Master, you don't know. We have been doing publicity these days and have not paid any attention to us. Many people have said that it is better to go to Liu Xiangu instead of coming to us." Li Mingyue said.

The disciples all said that Liu Xiangu had skills. Zhang Yu guessed that she might have learned some skills like him. Relying on these skills, you can make money by treating diseases and telling fortunes.

As a colleague, I was here early, and I am a later one. I cannot say that I ruined their place just for the sake of preaching.

He nodded slightly and said nothing. Unexpectedly, Zhao Qiuju said: "If you have the ability, you have the ability, but I always feel that she is crooked."

"How do you say this?" Zhang Yu looked over.

"She said that if someone can't afford the money, they can use the blood of boys and girls. A child can get free treatment if he has a blood transfusion of 100CC. And this blood can be used to ward off any kind of divine punishment. Why haven't I heard of it? Taoism The blood of boys and girls must be used to deal with the disaster." Zhao Qiuju said.

"Huh?" After hearing this, Zhang Yu was also stunned.

Lao Wangtou told him that it is impossible to use the blood of boys and girls in serious Taoist spells, except for using your own blood to draw talismans. Only evil cultivators would use this.

In an instant, Zhang Yu realized that this Lady Liu was probably not a serious person.

If they were colleagues, Zhang Yu would naturally not be able to stir up trouble, but if the other party was really an evil cultivator, Zhang Yu thought it was necessary to step forward. After all, as the abbot of the Taoist temple and the vice president of the Taoist Association, it is his duty to eliminate demons and defend Taoism. More importantly, it might even be able to gain a reputation as a Wudang Taoist temple.

Zhang Yu immediately said: "If that's the case, we need to go and take a look. There is no one here this morning, and it is estimated that no one will come in the afternoon. Let's eat now and set off after eating."


It was originally a rural town with few buildings, and it was currently undergoing reconstruction.

Liu Xiangu's home is still in the suburbs of Liujiabao, which is a typical rural area. The roads are not smooth either, and as far as the eye can see, they are all remote areas.

But in this place, there are many cars parked in front of a courtyard, including high, middle and low-end cars.

An Audi car stopped in front of the yard. Zhang Yu, Wang Jie, Zhang Qingfeng, and Zhao Qiuju got out of the car and walked into the yard together.

They were wearing ordinary clothes without monastic robes, and it was impossible to tell what their identities were.

The courtyard door was open, and you could see at a glance that there were many people gathered in the courtyard, at least fifty or sixty.

Zhang Yu and the other four walked in and managed to get to the front. The yard is not small, with a wing on the left and a large tile-roofed house on the front. There is a rope between the crowd and the big tile-roofed house, and no one is allowed to cross it casually.

At the door of the tile-roofed house, two men and two women stood, looking no different from ordinary people. But it can be seen that he should be a countryman.

The doors and windows of the tile-roofed house were all hung with black curtains, making it impossible to see what was going on inside. Zhang Yu could only stand there and wait. After a while, the door finally opened and a middle-aged woman came out.

The woman held a gourd in her arms. When she went out, she did not forget to express her gratitude, "Thank you, fairy! Thank you, fairy!"

Seeing her coming out, many people cast envious glances at her.

The middle-aged woman hugged the gourd tightly, as if she was worried that someone would snatch it. After walking over, she bumped into a simple middle-aged man and left quickly.

Immediately afterwards, I heard a woman guarding the door opposite shout: "Next number, No. 27."

"It's me, it's me..." Immediately, a middle-aged man ran out excitedly.

The woman took the number plate from his hand, opened the door, and let him in.

The other people were waiting anxiously outside. Zhang Yu was a little curious and looked at a woman in her fifties next to her, "Auntie, I came here because of her reputation, and I don't quite understand the rules here. I wonder what the rules are? "

This woman in her fifties was fine, and immediately said: "There's nothing too particular about it. When you arrive, you can ask the people on the opposite side to ask for number plates, and then wait for your number to be called. When your number is called, you can go in. That's right. , do you want fortune telling or medical treatment?"

"I...see a doctor...and tell fortunes by the way..." Zhang Yu said: "I wonder what the price is?"

"When it comes to seeing a doctor, whether it's a serious illness or a condition, for ordinary illnesses, you can just buy a talisman that costs 1,000 yuan. Some three talismans are enough, and some require more than a dozen. If you are seriously ill, you have to buy 10,000 yuan." A piece of talisman. Fortune telling costs one thousand yuan, and the fortune telling can be accurate. If you need to solve disasters, the cost will be more expensive." said the woman in her fifties.

"What should we do if we don't have so much money?" Zhang Yu asked deliberately.

"The fairy lady is revealing the secrets of heaven. Some of them are against the will of heaven. If you don't have enough money, you can only use the blood of boys and girls. But it doesn't take too much, 100CC will be enough." said the woman in her fifties.

"Does Fairy Girl's talisman really work?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"Of course it works. If it didn't work, where would there be so many people?" said the woman in her fifties.

"That's true. By the way, let me see that aunt just now, take out this bottle, what is it?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"That is holy water, used together with the magic talisman. But the fairy said that there is no charge for this holy water." When the fifty-year-old woman said this, she was obviously very grateful.

"Auntie, are you here for medical treatment or fortune telling?" Zhang Yu asked.

"I'm here to tell fortunes. My son lost money in business, but he doesn't believe it, so I'm here to tell fortunes for him to see when things will turn around." said the woman in her fifties.

Fortune-telling for people is at most a horoscope. This fortune-telling is about the fortune and destiny of a lifetime, not just for a short period of time.

Obviously women don't understand this. If you come to find a fairy to calculate for your son, what can you calculate?

Of course, Zhang Yu can't say this now. After waiting for a while, the middle-aged man came out with a smile on his face. He didn't forget to say thank you after he went out, "Thank you Fairy for the guidance... I'm really grateful..."

After he left, the woman at the door of the tiled house shouted to let No. 28 in. The person who entered this time was a man in his fifties, and he was dragging a little girl of eight or nine years old with him.

It is not difficult to predict that this is to ask the little girl to draw blood in exchange for the fairy's treatment.

Moreover, there are many such people. Zhang Yu has already seen five or six children around him.

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