"Jie Tian Ruler..." Zhang Yu muttered, full of curiosity about this ruler.

There is no formation on the Jie Tian Ruler. Zhang Yu is sure that it should be a magic weapon, but he doesn't know how to activate it.

Finally, Zhang Yu focused his attention on the letter. The answer to the two things left by his ancestor could probably be found in the letter.

Zhang Yu put down the Jie Tian Ruler and reached out to pick up the envelope. The seal was sealed. After Zhang Yu tore it open, he took out the letter paper inside. There were three pages in total. When he started to take a look, his head was buzzing.

It turns out that the characters above are in traditional Chinese, which is heart-wrenching to read. Especially these characters are connected with each other quite heavily. With Zhang Yu’s level of education, it’s really a bit crazy to see this.

Only at this moment did he realize that no wonder the requirements for becoming a Taoist priest are so high nowadays. You also need a bachelor's degree and no cultural level. It is really difficult to read these things.

Zhang Yu recognized each word one by one. After reading for a long time, he finally had a rough idea of ​​the words on the first page.

"You finally read this letter. I believe that when you read this letter, your cultivation will definitely improve greatly and you can pass on the mantle of my Wudang Sect. If the Wudang Sect wants to regain its glory and carry forward, it will definitely spread widely. Recruit disciples. The purpose of this sect is to teach without distinction. Anyone who is willing to abide by the precepts of this sect can be admitted into the gate. There are ten precepts in total, which are called the Ten Precepts of Undue Discipline. The first is to disobey parents and teachers, and the second is to kill. Innocent, three precepts rebel against the sect, four precepts betray the flesh and blood, five precepts slander the Tao and Dharma, and six precepts pollute the quiet altar... These ten precepts must be clearly documented and recorded and posted on the door wall. Anyone who enters the unruly sect must be punished. The leader swears an oath on the leader's token to abide by the Ten Precepts. If there is anyone who disobeys the precepts of this sect, I have a Heavenly Ruler of Precepts for your use. Anyone who swears an oath to the leader's token, whether true or false, can be beaten with the Ruler of Precepts. Ruler of Precepts Hidden in the Taoist mysteries, no matter how high or low the Taoist skills are, it is difficult for those who enter the wall to escape. One foot can teach bones to break, tendons to break, and the true energy to disappear; two feet can teach the Dantian to rupture, and it will be difficult to practice forever; three feet can teach the soul to fly away, and it will last forever. Super life..."

Seeing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but be secretly surprised that this thing was so powerful.

He also understood why the Jie Tian Ruler looked like a magic weapon, but it didn't look like a magic weapon at the same time. It turns out that the Jie Tian Ruler cannot hit normal people, it can only hit those who swear an oath to the leader's token and betray the sect's precepts. How to activate it, I still don’t know.

Moreover, Zhang Yu believed deeply in what was said in the letter, because the magic power contained in the leader's token was so powerful.

Zhang Yu then looked back, "There are three treasures in our sect. These three treasures are the Jie Tian Ruler, the Nie Luo Qin, and the Jiu Xuan Mirror. The Jie Tian Ruler is activated by a spell, and this spell is *\u0026¥ # \u0026... Nie Luo The Qin can use the power of thunder and fire to stimulate people's minds. However, in the battle at Juetian Ridge, the Nie Luo Qin was broken by Taoist Langya, and where it is now is unknown. However, the Nie Luo Qin cannot be completely destroyed. There is \u0026 If you are lucky enough to find the talisman, you can use the talisman to activate it. This talisman is... The Jiuxuan Mirror is a rare treasure of Xuanmen and can decipher all the talismans in the world. At that time, I was seriously injured and could not protect myself. The Jiuxuan Mirror Taken away by Monk Kutou. The Nine Mysterious Mirror is activated by the Nine Mysterious Runes and the spell..."

Seeing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but sigh, the Wudang Sect was really miserable back then, and all their treasures were taken away. With so many enemies, it seems that it is not easy for the Patriarch to save his life.

He continued to look down, this was also the last page, "For the success of a sect, in addition to the cultivation of Taoism and the number of disciples, two words must always be kept in mind - morality. Tao, preaching to the world; virtue, virtue being spread by the people. The foundation is to have strong incense and a wide range of good faith. Don't just focus on personal cultivation and abandon the great righteousness. The so-called good faith is not the amount of gold, silver, wealth, but the number of believers; it is not about blindly asking for money, but about supporting each other. Good things come from there. Faith, water can carry a boat or overturn it. The more believers there are, the wider the preaching, and the greater the path can be achieved. One incense burner for ten thousand people is far better than ten thousand taels of gold for one person, remember! Remember!"

These contents are very straightforward and are about good faith. Regarding this, Zhang Yu also heard what Master Jia said, and also knew about the competition between Baimei Palace and Yangchun Temple for believers. The main thing they earn is money, that is, the big boss can make tens of thousands of good friends at a time. I don't really care too much about the small money. After all, it is a big temple.

What the Patriarch means is that it doesn’t matter how much money you have, it just depends on the number of people. The more people, the better. Becoming a believer does not necessarily mean that someone comes to give money to the Taoist temple. Taoist temples also need to help believers free of charge. This is the true avenue.

Zhang Yu pondered for a while and wrote down all the contents above. With a flick of his finger, the letter paper turned into ashes.

He then picked up the Taoist tablets and Jie Tian Ruler, looked at Sun Zhaoyi, and said, "Uncle Taishi, I've seen everything, and I know what to do."

"That's good. Sect Master, please go and do your work." Sun Zhaoyi said respectfully.

The previous conversation with Sun Zhaoyi and reading the contents of the letter made him suddenly enlightened and knew what to do.

After leaving the backyard, Zhang Yu came to the front yard.

Everyone was waiting for him in the main hall. Zhang Yu was not polite and sat down directly in the middle. He simply said some opening remarks. Those who are willing to convert to Wudang Taoist Temple can perform the apprenticeship ceremony.

When everyone heard that Zhang Yu was going to accept a disciple, they were naturally very happy. Zhang Yu immediately wrote out the Ten Commandments of his sect and read them out. If you want to worship at the door wall, you must abide by the Ten Commandments.

The entire Taoism has precepts. The Ten Precepts of Wudang Taoist Temple are similar to those of other Taoist sects, and they are relatively few. The precepts of Baimei Palace have dozens of precepts.

Therefore, naturally no one objected.

To become a disciple, you need to perform the apprenticeship ceremony, and you cannot worship together, you have to do it one by one. After all, there has to be an order of entry. Apprenticeship is not just a job. It only takes a few people to get together and kowtow to one.

The Taoist apprenticeship ceremony is quite complicated, and Zhang Yu is equivalent to the apprenticeship ceremony. There were a lot of etiquette when worshiping Zhenren Jia as a governor that day, let alone worshiping a master, which was even more rigorous.

Zhang Yu asked everyone to go out and line up according to their age, and entered the hall one by one to perform the apprenticeship ceremony. Unexpectedly, someone quit at this time, "Master, you promised to let us worship first. Considering your age, isn't it not very good..."

The person who said this was the fat-headed and big-eared Li Mingyue.

"Yes, we came first." "Yes, we have to bow first." "Master, you promised." Zhang Qingfeng, Wang Chunlan, and Zhao Qiuju all shouted quickly to remind Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said: "Of course, when there is a first-come, first-served basis, the four of you will be the first to line up according to your age. The others will follow you."

At this moment, it was not difficult for him to see the enthusiasm of everyone to become disciples. The most terrible thing was that in order to be in the front, these people reported their birthdays one by one. In the end, they simply showed their ID cards to prevent anyone from falsely reporting their age.

Of the previous four, Zhang Qingfeng, who was skinny and withered, was the oldest and became the senior brother, followed by Li Mingyue, the third senior sister was Wang Chunlan, and the fourth senior sister was Zhao Qiuju.

Others, and so on.

"From now on, my disciple Zhang Qingfeng is willing to convert to Wudang Taoist temple and worship Master Zhang Yu as his teacher. From now on, he will strictly abide by the Wudang Ten Precepts. The first is to disobey parents and teachers, the second is to kill and slaughter innocent people, the third is to rebel against the sect, and the fourth is to commit adultery. , the five precepts slander the Tao and Dharma, the six precepts pollute the quiet altar..."...

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