Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 720 Poisonous Palm Mark

On a large soft round bed, a woman lay quietly on the bed.

She slept soundly, with a peaceful smile on her face. In her dream, she may have dreamed of many happy things.

Finally, she opened her eyes faintly, looked around, and then was stunned, "Where is this? Is this the legendary underworld?"

The decoration in the room is very comfortable, warm and elegant.

There is a huge screen in front of the big round bed, dividing the room into two halves. The light is not so dazzling and is very soft, suitable for resting. The woman lying on the bed is none other than Ouyang Yanyan.

"Am I dead or not?"

Ouyang Yanyan still felt something was wrong and sat up all of a sudden.

As soon as we got together, a woman's voice suddenly sounded next to her, "Mom."

Ouyang Yanyan's heart trembled when she heard this voice. She quickly turned around and saw a woman who looked exactly like herself sitting next to her.

This woman is younger than her, with long shawl hair. If she is not her daughter Xia Yuechan, who is she.

"Xiaochan!" Ouyang Yanyan couldn't believe her eyes.

"Mom, you finally woke up," Xia Yuechan cried out with sobs.

"Why are you here? I'm not dead?" Ouyang Yanyan said in surprise.

"You are not dead, it was Zhang Yu who saved you." Xia Yuechan cried and said, "Mom, please don't die again. Okay."

"I" Ouyang Yanyan also shed tears.

It turned out that after Zhang Yu saw the people from the fire brigade arriving, he quickly braced himself, took Ouyang Yanyan away, and returned to his home in the Jixiang Villa District.

Ouyang Yanyan was half cured, but Zhang Yu was worried that Ouyang Yanyan would commit suicide again. It is easy to save a person once, but it is very difficult to save a person who wants to die. In addition, Xia Yuechan was particularly worried about Zhang Yu, so Zhang Yu simply called Xia Yuechan and asked her to come and watch, and also to report that she was safe.

When Xia Yuechan arrived, Zhang Yu briefly explained the situation and went to bed. Xia Yuechan stayed with Ouyang Yanyan here to prevent Ouyang Yanyan from committing suicide again.

"Mom, my mother told me. Zhang Yu also told me, don't die. I don't want you to die. Our mother and daughter just met, are you willing to leave me behind?" Xia Yuechan said pitifully.

Ouyang Yanyan has experienced life and death twice in her life. Seeing her daughter at this moment, all her will to die was gone. She rushed over, hugged her daughter, and said with choked sobs: "Mom is not dead. Mom is not dead, Mom." You must live well”

"Mom" Xia Yuechan leaned her cheek against her mother's arms and cried loudly.

Mother and daughter hugged each other and cried for more than a minute, and then slowly let go.

Ouyang Yanyan looked at her daughter with unspeakable joy in her heart. This meeting was like a lifetime ago.

"Uh" Xia Yuechan also looked at her mother excitedly. Suddenly, she screamed, leaned to the side and fell to the ground.

"Xiaochan!" Ouyang Yanyan was startled and jumped out of bed quickly.

Xia Yuechan's face turned a little dark when she fell down. Based on Ouyang Yanyan's experience, it was not difficult to determine that Xia Yuechan was poisoned.

"Xiaochan! Xiaochan!" Ouyang Yanyan was so anxious that she shouted twice, but her daughter didn't respond. She suddenly thought of Zhang Yu. Only Zhang Yu could save her daughter.

She hurriedly ran forward, shouting as she ran, "Zhang Yu! Zhang Yu!"

After rushing out of the bedroom, we entered the corridor. After several calls, two people ran out of a room, one was Zhang Yu and the other was Yang Ying.

Yang Ying had been accompanying Zhang Yu, and no one was asleep. When she heard Ouyang Yanyan's anxious shouts, she quickly pushed Zhang Yu awake, and the two ran out together.

Seeing Ouyang Yanyan, Zhang Yu felt happy and said, "Auntie, you're awake."

"Zhang Yu, come and see Xiaochan, she seems to be poisoned." Ouyang Yanyan cried out sobbing.

"What?" Zhang Yu was shocked. He never thought in his wildest dreams how Xia Yuechan could be poisoned.

He hurriedly rushed into Ouyang Yanyan's room, and when he came behind the screen, he saw Xia Yuechan lying at the foot of the bed.

Zhang Yu saw her face turned dark and hurriedly carried her to the bed. He knew without checking her pulse that Xia Yuechan was poisoned.

He then checked Xia Yuechan's pulse, and found out that the poison she was poisoned was exactly the same as Ouyang Yanyan's. The only difference was that the poison was not taken orally, but seemed to seep in through the skin.

"What's going on?" Zhang Yu immediately turned Xia Yuechan over and pulled the clothes off his shoulders. As expected, there were two black palm prints on both shoulders.

Judging from the size of the palm print, it should be a woman's palm.

"This" Ouyang Yanyan was also shocked when she saw this scene.

"Don't worry! This is not difficult to treat!" Zhang Yu quickly took out the silver needle, pricked the acupuncture point on Xia Yuechan's shoulder, and asked Yang Ying to get the cupping pot at home.

When the jar was brought and the acupoints were opened, he immediately covered Xia Yuechan with the cup.

A trace of black blood seeped out along the skin, and Zhang Yu and others breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's wrong with Xiaochan?" Ouyang Yanyan grabbed Zhang Yu's hand a little worriedly, "Isn't she being plotted by someone?"

"What kind of skill does it take to be plotted against?" Zhang Yu was also surprised, but he immediately realized something was wrong. There seemed to be a poison seeping invisibly on Ouyang Yanyan's hand.

Zhang Yu quickly broke away from Ouyang Yanyan's hand and looked over warily.

Ouyang Yanyan saw that his gaze was wrong and said a little puzzled: "What's wrong?"

"You" Zhang Yu looked at Ouyang Yanyan's hand, and was shocked again. He had the impression that he had forced the poison gas into Ouyang Yanyan's hand, and both arms and hands were black. But now, Ouyang Yanyan's hands are of normal color, with no trace of black visible.

"I" Ouyang Yanyan looked at Zhang Yu in confusion.

Zhang Yu didn't know how to explain it, so he immediately grabbed one of Ouyang Yanyan's arms, and when he touched it, he couldn't help but feel that his pulse was normal, as if there was still a small stream of true energy in Ouyang Yanyan's dantian.

"Who are you?" Zhang Yu couldn't help but ask.

"Who am I?" Ouyang Yanyan was stunned and said, "I am Ouyang Yanyan. Is there any problem?"

Seeing her blank expression, Zhang Yu touched Ouyang Yanyan's face to see if she was wearing a human skin mask or something. It turned out that there was none at all, it was just his face.

"Zhang Yu, what's wrong with you? Or is there something wrong with me?" Ouyang Yanyan said in shock.

Then, she spread her hands casually.

Zhang Yu couldn't understand why Ouyang Yanyan's palm had just discharged toxins, and why there was still true energy in her body. He subconsciously lowered his head and saw Ouyang Yanyan's palms.

I saw two black moles appearing on the palm of my hand.

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