Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 72: Transforming grudges and destroying evil spirits

Early the next morning, Yang Ying and Zhang Yu came to Jinyuan Finance Company. Before arriving, Yang Ying had already called Pang Hu and told him that he wanted a loan.

After the meeting, Pang Hu was very enthusiastic and received him personally. It's just that this guy's eyes wandered around Yang Ying's collar from time to time.

"Ms. Yang, how much loan do you want?" Pang Hu asked enthusiastically.

"Eight hundred thousand!" Yang Ying said directly.

"Eight hundred thousand" Pang Hu was stunned when he heard this.

Last night, he drank with Wang Guozhu and Sun Xuan. At the dinner table, Sun Xuan had already said that Yang Ying decided to buy it, but kept the price very low and was only willing to pay 800,000.

Wang Guozhu is a meticulous person, so he decided to go to Riverside Garden to look at the two houses. He looked at the houses overnight and found that the condition of the floor-to-ceiling windows was really terrible. This kind of house, let alone the average price of 400,000 yuan, was given to Wang Guozhu for nothing. I dare not go in and live there. Who could have the courage to buy such a house, so Wang Guozhu believed that after Yang Ying bought it, the house would definitely fall into her hands.

Wang Guozhu knew Yang Ying's background. She came from a rural area and her family had no money. If she borrowed a loan, it would be difficult to replace the house as long as it couldn't be sold. Wang Guozhu gritted his teeth and agreed to Sun Xuan that he would make up the difference of 400,000 yuan.

Wang Guozhu thought at that time that although Yang Ying could not afford 800,000, she should still have some money, at least 300,000 to 400,000, and it was estimated that she could borrow about 400,000 from Pang Hu.

At this moment, Pang Hu couldn't help but frown a little when he heard that Yang Ying wanted to borrow 800,000 yuan. Yang Ying had no fixed assets in this city. She was the only one, even if she was beautiful, she couldn't afford 800,000 yuan. Pang Hu could still afford the loss if he lent 400,000 yuan, and he could probably get 200,000 yuan out of it. Yang Ying could barely cover the rest of the money.

However, if Yang Ying fails to pay 800,000 yuan, the loss will be too great.

Pang Hu hesitated for a moment and said, "Ms. Yang, eight hundred thousand is a bit too much. I have to discuss this with the big boss."

There is no bigger boss here, he is the biggest boss. The big boss he was talking about was actually Wang Guozhu.

"Okay." Yang Ying nodded.

Pang Hu immediately got up, went up to the second floor, entered his office, and then called Wang Guozhu. He said that Yang Ying wanted to borrow 800,000 yuan, which was too much. If she couldn't pay it back, I would lose too much.

Wang Guozhu was also eager for revenge and said directly: "You lend it to her first. If she doesn't pay back, you have to use your ability to collect accounts to deal with her. In the end, you will pay whatever you have to pay, and I will make up the remaining difference for you." .”

This was what Pang Hu was waiting for, and he said, "It's done, I'll go down and lend it to him."

After saying that, Pang Hu hung up the phone and ran downstairs excitedly.

Pang Hu had a good way of asking for debts. In the past, a beautiful woman borrowed money. The principal was only 50,000, but the interest rolled up to 100,000. He forced the woman to repay the 110,000 with interest, and also accompanied her He slept for a month before settling the matter.

Now that Wang Guozhu was supporting him, Pang Hu was naturally not afraid of losses. Thinking of his beautiful figure, he almost drooled.

Wang Guozhu was also excited. Yang Ying borrowed 800,000 yuan at once, and there was basically no room for improvement. When the house is sold to you and the money is not paid, you still have to squeeze the meatballs into flat pieces. Thinking of the thrill of conquest, Wang Guozhu almost let out an inspiring wolf howl.

The interest rate on loans from Jinyuan Finance Company is not low. Yang Ying looked at the contract carefully to make sure there would be no problems. The first month's loan is indeed interest-free. In the second month, interest will start to be calculated. The interest of 800,000 yuan will be 40,000 yuan in one month, which is equivalent to a monthly interest rate of 5%. This is many times that of the bank. . If the interest cannot be replaced in time, the interest will be transferred to the principal, and then the interest will be calculated based on this figure.

If the money is not paid within a year, the principal and interest will more than double.

Yang Ying was a little worried. She told Zhang Yu the situation in the contract, and Zhang Yu deliberately said: "Your house is cheap. It may be sold in less than a week, and you won't have to pay back interest by then. It's so much OK."

Seeing what Zhang Yu said, Yang Ying signed and got 800,000 from Pang Hu.

Pang Hu secretly said in his heart, if you can sell this house, then there will be a ghost. I give you one month's interest-free just to let you share this small advantage. When you can't sell it, I'll see how you die.

Yang Ying called Sun Xuan as soon as she went out and made an appointment to bring all her things to the real estate trading hall to handle the transfer. She would pay the money with one hand and transfer the ownership with the other. The agent had ready-made sales contracts and brought two copies with him.

The transaction went very smoothly, and I got all the keys, real estate certificates, etc. Yang Ying also checked the transaction records of these two houses. Sure enough, as Sun Xuan said, he originally bought them for 1.2 million.

After getting the house, the two parties left separately. Yang Ying looked at Zhang Yu and said, "Xiao Yu, what should we do now?"

"Let's go home first. I'll bring something with me, and then I'll go to the riverside garden." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

He asked to go home first, mainly to get props.

Although Zhi Feng Sha is not powerful, normally it is not even comparable to the Sun Halo Sha he encountered last time, but the key is that there must be resentment in it, and Zhang Yu needs to resolve the resentment in Zhi Feng Sha first.

After picking up the things, Zhang Yu and Yang Ying came to the riverside garden. He asked Yang Ying to wait for his call below. After he finished processing, he went to the property management company to close the floor-to-ceiling windows again.

Yang Ying was waiting downstairs alone, watching Zhang Yu carrying a bag of things upstairs. Yang Ying has seen a lot of Zhang Yu's abilities, but can Zhang Yu solve such evil things?

Zhang Yu went directly to room 1001, because this was the room where people had died.

After entering the door, the evil wind rushed towards him. Zhang Yu was extremely calm and walked to a stop about three meters away from the floor-to-ceiling window.

He took out the altar cloth from his bag and spread it on the ground. The wind outside the window was very strong, and ordinary things would be blown away on the spot, but this altar cloth could be spread firmly on the ground. He then took out a long piece of cloth from his bag. This thing was called a banner. Zhang Yu took out another piece of talisman paper, bit his finger and drew a salvation talisman. Finally, he took out the Bagua mirror, drew a bad evil charm and pasted it on the back of the Bagua mirror.

When everything was ready, he took out his mahogany sword, stepped onto the altar, stepped on the altar, and spoke plausibly.


The banner on the ground suddenly rose, and the talisman paper attached to it glowed faintly red.

Zhang Yu pointed forward with his mahogany sword and said in his mouth: "The soul of grievance is gone, so why should the resentment arise? Today, I am transcendent and will dissipate quickly!"

The banner hanging in mid-air immediately started to rotate rapidly at this moment, from fast to slow, spinning seven or forty-nine times.

When the flags stopped turning, the wind blowing into the room had become much smaller. Zhang Yu could feel that the direct wind was still there, but the trace of resentment in it had disappeared. Without resentment, the power of Zhi Feng Sha will naturally be greatly reduced.

Zhang Yu then picked up the Bagua Mirror, pointed it toward the outside, and shouted, "Broken!"

With a flash of golden light, the evil wind completely disappeared, leaving only a normal breeze.


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