Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 717 Decisive Battle

"Ouch" "Ouch".

No one inside would have thought that something like this would happen. They were caught off guard and several men were knocked down by the two-headed wolf that rushed in.

The wolf doesn't know them. In the eyes of the wolf, as long as they are not of the same kind, they are enemies.

"Ah!" "Ah!".

A shrill scream instantly sounded in the stone room.

"This?" "What?" Everyone was shocked. Some even had guns in their hands, but they didn't react for a moment and watched helplessly as their companions had their necks bitten off.


It was Will who fired first, killing a charging wolf, and shouted, "Where's your whistle?"

Yin Xiong was obviously a little confused. He didn't know why these wolves rushed here.

"Beep beep beep" Fortunately, Will reminded him in time and he quickly blew the whistle.

Unfortunately, the wolves that rushed in didn't seem to listen to him at all, and just attacked like crazy. This is normal. This whistle can only be controlled by the wolf king. The wolf king is dead. Without the leader wolf to command, how could those wolves listen to the whistle.

In an instant, the stone room became a Shura field.

"Bang bang bang bang." "Ouch" "Ah".

Gunshots, screams, and wolf howls came one after another and kept ringing.

Ouyang Yanyan was so frightened that she could only shrink behind Yin Xiong.

Yin Xiong kept spewing poisonous sand venom, killing the strange wolves that rushed to him one by one. After those strange wolves tasted the pain, they seemed to remember him and immediately attacked those they didn't know.

"Ah" a two-headed wolf pounced on Luo Xiao. No one could care about him now, and it was not easy to save his own life. How could Luo Xiao have the ability to fight back? Without waiting for a cry, the strange wolf threw him to the ground and bit his neck off.

It all started with him, and he was obviously retributive.

The people in the stone room fell one by one. It took five minutes before the fierce battle ended.

Yin Xiong's side was easy to say, only the silent child was bitten to death by the wolf. It was a bit worse for Will and Smith. Except for the black man and the two gunmen, everyone else fell in a pool of blood.

But they were pretty tough, and they actually killed more than thirty monster wolves.

"Why is this happening? Do you want to give me an explanation?" As soon as the room became quiet, Smith looked at Yin Xiong angrily.

"I don't know either." Yin Xiong's voice was also filled with surprise.

At this moment, a young man's voice sounded outside the stone door, "Let us tell you the answer!"

The sound settled down, and four people came in from outside.

It was Zhang Yu, Yang Kang, and two disciples of the Shennong Sect.

When she saw that Zhang Yu was not dead, Ouyang Yanyan couldn't help but feel surprised and happy. She was happy that Zhang Yu was not dead, but she was surprised as to why he wasn't dead?

Not to mention that she was confused, everyone else was also very surprised.

"Why aren't you dead?" Yin Xiong couldn't help shouting.

The guns of Will and others were also pointed at the people coming in.

"Because beasts are beasts, and no matter how powerful the beast is, they are afraid of fire!" Zhang Yu said coldly, and immediately a piece of talisman paper in his hand spontaneously ignited.

The talisman turned into a fireball and shot directly at Smith.

Smith seemed to be prepared, and he ran to the side to avoid the fireball.

With a "pop" sound, the fireball hit the wall, causing sparks to fly everywhere.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!".

Will and Yang Kang also opened fire.

Will and the others used guns, while Yang Kang and the others threw out the poisonous fire bombs in their hands.

"Ah!" "Ah!"

Two screams rang out immediately, and two Shennongmen disciples were shot and fell down immediately.

The four Wills were not hit by the poisonous fire bombs, but their bodies could no longer stand, their faces turned black, and they fell to the ground involuntarily, "Poison."

"Kill them both quickly!" Smith shrank to the side and pointed forward with the short staff in his hand.

Zhang Yu and Yang Kang suddenly saw two giant pythons emerging in front of their eyes. Zhang Yu knew it was an illusion and hurriedly bit the tip of his tongue. In an instant, everything returned to normal. He was about to use his thunder method, but he didn't expect that Smith's movements were so fast that he suddenly jumped behind Ouyang Yanyan.

He directly held Ouyang Yanyan with his short palm, and a shining blade popped out from the bottom of his palm.

Yin Xiong had already taken out a handful of medicinal powder from his pocket. When he saw Smith suddenly attacking Ouyang Yanyan, he immediately said angrily: "What are you doing?"

"Of course we have to save our lives! This kid has great magic power. If we don't find someone to back him up, we will all die soon!" Smith said bluntly.

"Don't you have to die?" At this moment, Yang Kang had already recovered from the hallucination.

"Ha..." Smith chuckled and said, "If this woman hadn't begged this boy before, he would have gone to hell now! I know that this woman misses this boy in her heart, so this boy will definitely not be right. She takes action!"

Seeing what he said, Yang Kang immediately looked at Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu smiled faintly and said: "Leave this person to me, you go and deal with the person you are looking for."

"Okay." Yang Kang nodded and looked at Yin Xiong.

Yin Xiong's eyes were also trained on Yang Kang, and he said coldly: "Brother, we finally meet again."

"Back then, you deceived your master and destroyed your ancestors for the "Poison Scripture", and this time you harmed your fellow disciples. I will never let you go this time!" Yang Kang said bitterly.

"It doesn't have to be nice to say it. You didn't show mercy to me back then. Otherwise, I would be like this!" Yin Xiong said, suddenly scratching the skin off his face.

He revealed a ferocious face, and his skin was pitch black, as if it had been burned. The five senses are all gathered together, looking so terrifying.

"This is all thanks to you! To be honest, if you don't come to me, I still want to find you! In fact, it's okay, let's fight to the death here!" Yin Xiong's voice became even colder, Fists clenched tightly.

"Zhang Yu, please step back first." Yang Kang said calmly, his hand already inserted into the deerskin bag.

Zhang Yu knew that these people were all drug addicts, so it was better to be careful. He retreated consciously, and Smith on the other end seemed to know the power, holding Ouyang Yanyan hostage and retreating step by step.

Yang Kang slowly walked towards Yin Xiong, and Yin Xiong also slowly walked towards Yang Kang, and the distance between the two people became closer and closer.

"Brush!" "Brush!" "Brush!" "Brush!"...

Suddenly, the two of them took action almost at the same time, and various powders and hidden weapons were flying everywhere.

"Puff puff!"

In just one or two seconds, the battle was over.

Yang Kang stood firmly on the spot, while Yin Xiong had fallen to the ground. There were three blood holes on his body, and black blood gurgled out. The prison cell was already filled with the smell of blood, but at this moment, the smell of blood was even stronger.

"Yin Xiong, I thought you would make a lot of progress over the years, but I didn't expect that you have regressed a lot compared to back then." Yang Kang said with some pride.

"Hehehe..." Yin Xiong didn't say anything, just smiled proudly.


We agreed that there will be ten updates today, and we will definitely have ten updates, as I always say. The three chapters that had just been released didn't feel good, so they were deleted. Without further ado, tonight will be another sleepless night for Lao Tie.

Everyone, read these five chapters first, and then read the next five chapters after dawn! ! !

Also, everyone who has a vote should vote. Today is the 28th, the last day. Why do I feel that Lao Tie will be sixth again, but still not in the top five? Cup...

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