Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 706 Weird Smith

Zhang Yu raised his hands, crying in his heart, not understanding what was going on.

Why did two big pythons suddenly appear? When he just jumped down, he clearly saw more than 20 people shooting at him. He was so nervous that he lost his footing and fell. The result is great, there are really four.

Could it be that my eyesight is dazzled? It's impossible. It's not for the sake of Alzheimer's disease.

"Boy, what are you doing hiding up there?" Smith said in broken Mandarin.

"I was just passing by to take a look," Zhang Yu said with a grimace.

What a misfortune. I managed to keep it quiet, so how could I be discovered?

"So that's it. Our affairs cannot be leaked. Get rid of him!" Smith said with a sneer.


In an instant, two people almost shouted in unison. One is Zhang Yu and the other is Xia Yuechan.

"Do you know each other?" Smith said with a slight smile.

"Haha. Not bad." Zhang Yu smiled awkwardly.

At this stall, three people came in from outside, one was Will, one was a nigger, and the other was Ouyang Yanyan.

As soon as Will came in, he said, "Mr. Smith, what's going on?"

"There is a kid hiding here, and I lured him out. They know each other, how do you want to deal with it?" Smith said calmly.

"No need to say more." Will said coldly.

"Don't kill him!" Ouyang Yanyan shouted directly.

"Oh?" Will looked at Ouyang Yanyan, "What is his relationship with you?"

"He is my friend, don't touch him!" Ouyang Yanyan said seriously.

"I'm giving you this face." Will pointed to Xia Yuechan and said, "Handcuff the three of them together and make sure there is no mistake. Wait for my call."

"Yes." A foreigner nodded in agreement.

Seeing what the other party said, Zhang Yu, Ouyang Yanyan, and Xia Yuechan breathed a sigh of relief almost at the same time.

The two foreigners escorted Zhang Yu towards the sofa. Ouyang Yanyan was a little puzzled. She didn't expect that Zhang Yu would hide here, and she didn't know when he came. However, she was secretly happy that with Zhang Yu here, at least her daughter would not be in danger, because she believed that Zhang Yu had the ability to escape.

However, at this time, Smith suddenly walked towards Zhang Yu and said, "Wait a minute, this kid seems to have some skills."

"I have no ability." Seeing the other person say this, Zhang Yu almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

I went to the wrong set. You are the protagonists. One is a bloody duo, the other is Harry Potter, and I am just the soy sauce.

Smith had already arrived in front of Zhang Yu, and the other two men were pointing guns at Zhang Yu's head. Zhang Yu did not dare to move at all.

"Look for anything on him," Smith said.

A man immediately took action and grabbed a large handful of copper coins from Zhang Yu's pocket.

Zhang Yu complained in his heart, "They probably don't recognize my money sword."

"Mr. Smith, look." the man said.

Smith took the copper coin, looked at it for a moment, and said, "This thing seems a bit weird, let me save it for you first."

After speaking, Smith took out a bag and put all the copper coins in it.

When Zhang Yu saw this, he almost stopped crying. It was over, and he fell down.

Soon, the man took out the talisman, wallet, master key and compass from Zhang Yu's pocket.

"What are these things for?" Smith looked at Zhang Yu.

"You can keep it if you like it." Zhang Yu said bitterly, thinking to himself, without the money sword, what use would these things have.

"Put it there." Smith motioned to put the compass and other items on the coffee table. He looked Zhang Yu up and down and said, "You are a very weird person. I am not very confident about you."

Zhang Yuxin said, I am like this, why are you worried?

He smiled bitterly and spread his hands.

"I think it's better to bring a chair over here." Smith pointed to a chair next to him.

The nigger immediately brought a chair over, and Smith pointed at Zhang Yu, "Sit on it."

Zhang Yu didn't understand what he meant, but now that he was pointed at a gun, he didn't just do what others said. After all, it has not yet reached the point of being invulnerable with copper skin and iron bones.

"Let the girl go and bring her over." Smith pointed at Xia Yuechan again.

A man released Xia Yuechan and pushed her over.

Smith pointed to Zhang Yu's legs and said, "Face him and sit on his lap."

"You..." Zhang Yu was puzzled.

Xia Yuechan was also stunned, "What to do?"

Smith smiled and said: "Boy, you are getting an advantage. This woman, even in the United States, is considered a beauty."

Then, he looked at Xia Yuechan and said with a sneer: "Do you need me to help you?"

"I'll do it myself." Xia Yuechan had no choice but to sit astride Zhang Yu's lap.

She was tall and tall, and after sitting on Zhang Yu's lap, her breasts were facing Zhang Yu's face.

"You, hold her waist." Smith said to Zhang Yu.

"Why?" Zhang Yu was confused.

"Do you want your head blown out, or do you want to live?" Smith asked.

"Haha." Zhang Yu had no choice but to reach out and grab Xia Yuechan's waist.

"Cuff him," Smith said.

A foreigner immediately took out handcuffs and cuffed Zhang Yu's hands and wrists.

Good guy, it's almost impossible for Zhang Yu to continue holding Xia Yuechan.

Before Smith was done, he directed again: "Put this woman's hands under the back of the chair."

The man hung the handcuffs on the crossbar of the chair, and then cuffed Xia Yuechan's hands. As a result, Xia Yuechan's body was pressed tightly against Zhang Yu's body, unable to even move.

Seeing this, Ouyang Yanyan asked anxiously: "What do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything, it's just for safety. Don't worry, as long as they don't have any evil ideas, we won't hurt them," Smith said.

Ouyang Yanyan complained again in her heart. Zhang Yu and his daughter were locked together. It was estimated that even if he had the ability to reach heaven and earth, he would not be able to escape. This foreigner is too cunning.

Xia Yuechan was clinging to Zhang Yu. Because she was handcuffed downwards, she had to lean forward. The pair of chests were basically pressed against Zhang Yu's face, and her chin rested on the top of Zhang Yu's head.

Although Xia Yuechan was embarrassed by this posture, she didn't blush because of the fear in her heart.

Zhang Yu was so pressed by her that he could hardly breathe. He hesitated and said, "What if I want to go to the toilet?"

"Figure it out yourself." Smith smiled faintly.

He looked at the two of them up and down again, seeming to be very satisfied with his masterpiece, nodded, and then waved and said: "Let's go. You three stay here and keep an eye on me carefully. This guy has some tricks up his sleeve." , if he dares to act rashly, shoot him directly. Also, you three should spread out."

"Yes!" The three men nodded together.

Zhang Yu is crying now. I have been locked up like this by you, and it is of no use if I have any more connections.

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