Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 698 The first level of officialdom crushes people to death

"Don't talk now. This will speed up the spread of the poison. After we get off the boat, I will have a way to save you. Isn't life better than death?" Zhang Yu said.

"I can't survive...even if you keep me, someone will kill me..." the manager said sadly.

"Hold on... I know you've been hit by the Rotting Insect Pill, and I can't figure it out. Just explain it to me when the time comes!" Zhang Yu said seriously.

"It's useless. People's hearts are more vicious than the Rotting Bug Pill... I finally understand why Luo Chen betrayed the organization because of you... If I had met you earlier, maybe I would have... What you want The secrets are all there, but after seeing it... you... uh..." At this point, the manager couldn't hold on anymore.

Although Zhang Yu slowed down the spread of her poison, he was still unable to speak. Her mouth kept moving, finally causing the poison to flow down, and she was unable to save her life.

"Ring ring ring"

Suddenly, the boss's cell phone rang on his desk.

Zhang Yu went over to pick up the phone and answered it directly, "Hello!"

"Who are you?" A surprised voice sounded on the phone.

"I am the Zhang Yu you are looking for." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"You, you, why did you use Tu Shanqian's mobile phone to answer the call?" The person on the phone was none other than Yin Xiong. He had now discovered that a large number of police officers had rushed to the beach, and specifically informed Tu Shanqian to run away. Unexpectedly, the person who answered the phone was Zhang Yu.

"Because he has fallen into my hands, not only him, but also your maritime entertainment city will be gone soon!" Zhang Yu said coldly.

Not far from the seaside is Wanghai Road. Further along Wanghai Road, there is a coastal community where you can enjoy the sea view.

In a high-rise residence, a high-power telescope is placed in the window. Unfortunately, the telescope is now useless. It was raining heavily all over the sky, and there was rain on the glass. Through the telescope, I couldn't see anything at all, it was just a blur.

Yin Xiong was standing by the window, his hand holding the phone trembling now.


He smashed the phone against the wall so hard that it shattered into pieces.

You know, Ocean Entertainment City is his foundation, and all his hopes are here. If this place disappears, even if it is not nothing, it will be almost nothing.

Without this place, it would not be so easy to make a lot of money. It is much more dangerous to sort out these messy things in the city than at sea.

He has made the most sophisticated arrangements to prevent anyone from telling anyone about the Sea Entertainment City. You know, pretending to be a police officer is a serious crime, especially if you use a tranquilizer gun to injure someone. Not only one person was injured, but also a congressman. Needless to say, all the people involved in the case, the Ocean Entertainment City will also be sealed and no longer allowed. Continue to operate.

"How could this happen? Why did it suddenly rain? Why did Zhang Yu suddenly appear here!" Yin Xiong gritted his teeth with hatred, and his teeth were almost broken.

"Didi-di-di-di. Di-di-di-di."

The sound of patrol cars became louder and louder, and before long, they gathered at the beach. A large number of patrols rushed into the Ocean Entertainment City, and all the tourists and people in the entertainment city were restrained. We can only talk about it after verifying our identity.

In the entertainment city, there are inevitably some gunmen, some who resist and some who surrender directly. The vast majority of people chose to surrender. After all, there would be no good end to confronting the patrol.

The crime of many people will never be death, but at most they will be punished. They are defined as members of a black society organization. The boss can only squat for a few years, so he does not have to risk his life.

Detective Bai led the main force to the top floor and met Zhang Yu. Now Tu Shanqian's mouth was full of blood. This was not because he was beaten by Zhang Yu, but because his teeth were pulled out by Zhang Yu to prevent him from committing suicide.

From his mouth, you can definitely find out a lot of things.

It's probably impossible to kill thousands of people now. Let's go back to the patrol room first.

There were four patrolmen escorting thousands of people to be slaughtered. They all went downstairs and the Ocean Entertainment City was immediately sealed.

This operation was an absolutely big one. The Zhendong District Police Office dispatched hundreds of police officers and even a riot squad.

Regardless of the identity of the people present, all will be detained. All the assets of the Ocean Entertainment City, not to mention cash, and the assets in the accounts will naturally be frozen.

The men and horses were packed up, and Inspector Bai was about to take Tu Shanqian away first, but at this stall, a series of patrol cars suddenly sounded at the intersection in front of him.

"Didi-di-di-di. Di-di-di-di."

Hearing the sound of the police car, Inspector Bai couldn't help but be startled. It seemed that there were no reinforcements, so why were there still people coming?

Soon, more than twenty patrol cars drove over. Good guy, all the cars parked on the beach seem to have turned into patrol cars and are being patrolled.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of police officers got out of the patrol car opposite. It was still raining heavily, but no one cared about it.

"Who is in charge here?" the new patrolman shouted loudly.

As soon as Detective Bai saw this posture, he immediately shouted: "Am I responsible? Where are you from?"

"We are from the Anti-Terrorism Task Force of the Administrative District Patrol Office. I am the deputy team leader Zhao Zhanwu. We received a report that the Ocean Entertainment City is suspected of being a terrorist organization, and we came here to arrest him." The leading patrol officer on the other side came to Inspector Bai in a hurry. before.

When Zhang Yu and others heard this, they said to themselves, what a coincidence. We didn't take action here, and we didn't see any movement from you. We just arrested someone here, and you came.

Inspector Bai came to Zhao Zhanwu and saluted each other. Inspector Bai said: "Please show your ID."

"No problem!" Zhao Zhanwu said directly.

A patrol officer immediately handed over an umbrella. Zhao Zhanwu first took out his ID, and there was also a search warrant with the official seal of the administrative district patrol chief.

When Detective Bai saw this, he knew it was true. Therefore, Inspector Bai said: "The people in the Ocean Entertainment City are suspected of pretending to be patrol officers and the nature of the Black Society organization. Our Zhendong District Patrol Head Office has come to investigate and was resisted. Now all the criminals have been captured! I don't think so. We need your anti-terrorism task force."

"That's it. Then I would like to thank the patrol chief of the execution area in advance. I will call my superiors now to hear what they have to say." After Zhao Zhanwu finished speaking, he immediately dialed a phone number and reported the situation here. For a moment.

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Zhanwu looked at Inspector Bai and said, "Our leader said that he will communicate with your patrol chief. I think there will be a reply soon."

Not to mention, within three minutes, Inspector Bai's phone rang.

Team White looked at the phone and saw that it was his top boss and immediate boss, Chief Inspector Lu Weichen, calling.

"Hello, Detective Lu?" Detective Bai quickly answered.

"Xiao Bai, the administrative district patrol officer just called me. You should hand over all the prisoners to the administrative district patrol officer now." Lu Weichen said directly.

"No. Chief Inspector. We have been setting it up for so long before we caught the person. Now, why should we hand it over to them?" Inspector Bai couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"This is an order from your superiors. You just need to carry it out. As for the credit for this arrest, you will be credited!" Lu Weichen said seriously.

"That's right, Chief Inspector." Although Inspector Bai was reluctant, he had no choice but to crush people to death at the highest level.

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