Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 687 Do you have a daughter?

Zhang Yu took a ride alone to the Huanmei Villa. This place was not very close. Fortunately, there were few cars on the road at night, and the taxis drove very fast. Even so, they only arrived at five o'clock.

A fit woman picked him up outside the villa area and invited him into Ouyang Yanyan's home.

The woman looked very anxious, and Zhang Yu went straight upstairs without even having time to appreciate the decoration in the villa. However, from a quick glance inside the villa, it looks high-end and elegant.

Arriving at the room on the third floor, Zhang Yu could feel a wave of heat as soon as he entered the door. The air conditioner had to be turned on at any degree.

On the bed, a person was wrapped in two large quilts, but it could also be seen that he was shivering. The woman was Ouyang Yanyan, and there was a female bodyguard standing beside the bed. The bodyguard's head and body were covered in sweat. As soon as Zhang Yu entered, he couldn't bear the heat.

"Boss, Mr. Zhang is here." The bodyguard who led Zhang Yu said.

"Mr. Zhang, please sit down." Ouyang Yanyan's teeth were chattering when she spoke.

Zhang Yu came to the bed and sat down. Ouyang Yanyan reached out her hand and said, "I feel so cold."

Zhang Yu grabbed her pulse gate, and with just a touch, he felt that her wrist was like ice, colder than a dead person's wrist.

This made Zhang Yu take a breath, and then he discovered that Ouyang Yanyan's meridians were no longer flowing smoothly, and her blood was a little clotted. It was estimated that she could only last for six or seven hours at most.

He was certain that Ouyang Yanyan was not poisoned by a witchcraft, but 100% poisoned, probably a cold poison.

"Mr. Zhang, how are you?" Ouyang Yanyan said weakly.

"You should be suffering from a cold poison. Normally, there must be an antidote. It's just that time is short. In order to ensure your safety, I can't randomly try medicine to treat you. However, I have another way. , should also be able to resolve the cold poison in your body." Zhang Yu said confidently.

"As long as it can be cured." Ouyang Yanyan said immediately.

"On the phone just now, Ms. Ouyang said that as long as your cold poison is cured, you can agree to any conditions. I think you won't break your promise," Zhang Yu said.

"Of course not." Ouyang Yanyan said firmly.

"That's good," Zhang Yu said calmly, "Actually, I'm not afraid of you lying to me, because I have a hundred ways to make you tell the truth."

"You!" Ouyang Yanyan gritted her teeth and stared at Zhang Yu.

The two bodyguards in the room immediately looked on guard, as if they were worried that Zhang Yu would be unfavorable to Ouyang Yanyan.

Zhang Yu just smiled, glanced at the two female bodyguards, and said, "You have nothing to do here, you can go out."

The two bodyguards were stunned and looked at Ouyang Yanyan. Ouyang Yanyan smiled lightly and said, "Go out."


The two bodyguards then retreated and the door closed, leaving Zhang Yu and Ouyang Yanyan alone.

Ouyang Yanyan looked at Zhang Yu, but she didn't show any fear. She just said, "How do you want to treat it?"

"Please ask Ms. Ouyang to lift the quilt. It's useless to cover it so much. The cold poison in you is not a toxin that directly attacks the heart, but a poison that attacks the blood vessels of the whole body. I only need to use acupuncture to open the acupuncture points, and then assist with massage to remove the cold poison. Just force the coldness out of your body." Zhang Yu said calmly.

"So awesome." Ouyang Yanyan lifted the quilt.

She was wearing a white double-breasted nightgown. Then she frowned slightly and said, "Acupuncture. Do you still need to take off your clothes?"

"What do you think?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Okay!" Ouyang Yanyan gritted her teeth and said no more nonsense.

However, she couldn't bear to let a woman take off her clothes directly in front of Zhang Yu.

She turned around, facing away from Zhang Yu, and slowly unbuttoned her nightgown.

When she was unbuttoning her buttons, her hands were shaking and her body was shaking, as if her hands were not so responsive.

After all the buttons were unbuttoned, Ouyang Yanyan finally couldn't help but said, "Can you close your eyes first?"

"I kept my eyes closed." Zhang Yu said with a faint smile.

Ouyang Yanyan turned around and was startled. It turned out that Zhang Yu was facing her with his back at the moment.

"You are upright!" Ouyang Yanyan said appreciatively and took off her nightgown. She immediately lay down on the bed, her body still shivering, her teeth chattering and she said, "Okay."

Zhang Yu turned around and looked at Ouyang Yanyan lying on the bed. At this moment, he couldn't help but feel that he had seen her before.

I remember the same thing when I was trying to get rid of Xia Yuechan's evil spirit. Especially the woman in front of her, not only does her appearance look the same as Xia Yuechan's, but her figure also seems to be similar.

Zhang Yu couldn't tell how old Ouyang Yanyan was. Judging from her voice and appearance, she was almost forty. It's just that she's tall, so it's not an exaggeration to say she's Xia Yuechan's sister.

Wen Qiong is the most caring woman Zhang Yu has ever seen, and this woman seems to be better at caring for her than Wen Qiong.

Zhang Yu didn't say much, and inserted the silver needles in his hand into Ouyang Yanyan's acupuncture points one by one.

The method of getting rid of cold qi is actually similar to that of getting rid of evil qi, but relatively speaking, it is easier than getting rid of evil qi. The evil spirit needs to be forcefully extracted with a jar, while the cold air only needs Zhang Yu's massage technique to rub the acupoints, and then it will flow out automatically along the opened acupoints.

After opening the acupuncture points, Zhang Yu first pressed his hands on her neck and kneaded it bit by bit.

Not to mention, gradually, Ouyang Yanyan felt that her neck became warmer, instead of the previous coldness all over her body. However, Zhang Yu's technique was not fully felt because his body was still cold.

Zhang Yu's hands slowly moved down, kneading slowly along the spine. A trace of cold air flowed from the skin where the tentacles passed.

There were more and more warm places, and Ouyang Yanyan also felt the mystery of Zhang Yu's techniques, and wondered in her heart, "How did this kid do it? He still needs a few doses of medicine to cure it, but this kid, it's so easy It can detoxify the poison."

While she was thinking about it, she heard Zhang Yu smile lightly and say, "Are you not feeling cold anymore? It's just that your limbs and lower abdomen are very cold."

"Yeah." Ouyang Yanyan responded.

"That means it worked. Let's start with the limbs now." After Zhang Yu finished speaking, he started acupuncture on Ouyang Yanyan's arms and legs with needles.

But this time, he was not idle, but said: "Auntie, do you have a daughter?"

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Yanyan's body couldn't help but tremble. This time it was obviously not cold, but nervous. But then she said displeasedly: "I'm not married yet, where can I get a daughter from?"

"It doesn't mean that you won't have children if you don't get married. This child is not young yet, but her father has already passed away," Zhang Yu said calmly.

This time, Ouyang Yanyan was even more shocked. She finally couldn't help but said, "Who are you? Who sent you?"

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