Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 68 Broken House

This kind of salesperson comes often when there is nothing to do. Yang Ying has seen many of them. She looked at the business card and saw that it said manager. Yang Ying didn't take it seriously. Nowadays, the streets are full of managers, and any salesperson dares to print the word manager on the business card.

Yang Ying nodded and said perfunctorily: "Okay, if necessary, I will definitely trouble Mr. Pang."

The two of them said a few more polite words, and Yang Ying sent Pang Hu away.

After he left, Zhang Yu said: "Little aunt, I don't think this guy's face looks like a kind person."

"What kind of person can you be when you work in a financial company? They are all loan sharks. It is impossible for us to deal with them. I am just being polite." Yang Ying was not confused and said directly.

In the morning, the agent received seven more clients and directly closed two houses.

It seems that the performance seems to have declined a bit. In fact, this is helpless. After all, in the past few days, the houses sold by the agency have been very popular. Many houses have been sold. The remaining houses are either not suitable in size or at a wrong price. . Therefore, even if Zhang Yu can arrange Feng Shui for people, the customer cannot be too complacent. After all, buying a house is not buying groceries.

When no one was around at noon, Zhang Yu went to the pharmacy and grabbed some medicine. He was going to treat Brother Da Biao in the evening.

He came back with the medicine and when he walked to the door, there happened to be a man who could be about forty years old walking inside. Zhang Yu said politely: "Welcome, sir, would you like to buy a house or rent a house?"

The man was Sun Xuan. He nodded and said, "I have two houses and I'm anxious to sell them out."

"Sir, please come inside. Let's go in and talk." Zhang Yu also smiled in return.

Entering the agency, Zhang Yu asked Sun Xuan to take a seat, but Sun Xuan did not sit down, but directly said: "Who is the boss?"

When Yang Ying saw that someone was looking for her boss again, she politely said, "I am."

Sun Xuan looked at Yang Ying, his eyes lit up, and he said to himself, this little girl is so beautiful, she seems to be taking advantage of Fat Hu.

Sun Xuan said politely: "Hello, I have two houses that I am anxious to sell, and I couldn't find a buyer for a while. I heard that the agency has the business of collecting houses, so I thought about asking here if you can collect them. Don’t worry, the price is easy to negotiate and your agency will definitely make a profit.”

When Yang Ying used to work in an agency, the agency had that kind of business. In the intermediary industry, if you come across some cheap houses and think you can make a fortune by reselling them, the intermediary boss will not mind paying for them first.

If Yang Ying had no money a few days ago, she would naturally not dare to talk about this kind of business. But recently, Yang Ying has made a lot of money, and with the rent saved, she has hundreds of thousands in hand. So she thought that if she really made money, she could take over the house.

So, Yang Ying said: "How prestigious are your two houses? How much do you plan to sell them for? What kind of community are they in?"

"The house is in the riverside garden. One is on the ninth floor, with 110 square meters, three bedrooms, two living rooms and one bathroom. The other is on the tenth floor with an attic. The downstairs area is also 110 square meters, with three bedrooms, two living rooms and one bathroom, and the attic upstairs. 60 square meters, two bedrooms, one living room and one bathroom, just a spire. The current market price of these two houses is at least 2.4 million, I can sell them to your agency cheaper, 1.6 million. Mainly because I do business I need money urgently and I really can't wait any longer." Sun Xuan showed a genuine look on his face.

He was still very cunning. Although he originally said he would sell it for 1.2 million, and if it failed to sell, Wang Guozhu would make up for it, but he couldn't just say that price. In this case, people would definitely think that there was something wrong with the house. Similarly, he cannot raise the price. If he asks for two million, the intermediary will not be able to serve him. Not to mention that ordinary intermediaries can't afford so much money. Even the profits in the middle and the cost of transferring the property back and forth are quite a lot, so intermediaries don't have to go through such trouble. Therefore, the intermediary must have enough profit margin and believe that it can sell it as soon as possible without depositing funds, so it will buy it with its own money.

Yang Ying naturally knew that the house in Riverside Garden had a good environment and a good location. Two million and four hundred thousand for two houses was indeed the lowest market price. The other party offered two sets of 1.6 million, which actually left a lot of profit margin, but I didn't have that much money on hand.

But then I thought about it and thought of Pang Hu who came here in the morning. Pang Hu's financial company can provide unsecured loans and no interest in the first month. Based on the current sales ability of the intermediary, the only thing that is inferior is the better houses, such as the houses in Riverside Garden, which are easy to sell and can probably be sold in a day or two. Especially at this price, you can make a lot of money from it.

Yang Ying nodded and said, "The price is pretty good, but I have to go check out the house first."

"Of course, is it convenient for you now?" Sun Xuan said.

"Okay." After Yang Ying said that, she stood up.

At a glance, she saw Zhang Yu beside her, and after thinking for a moment, she thought of the house in Galaxy Garden last time. The house in the other party's riverside garden is sold so cheaply, so don't worry. If you take Zhang Yu there, at least you won't be deceived.

"Xiao Yu, come with me and let's go see his house." Yang Ying said.

"Okay." Zhang Yu nodded.

Sun Xuan drove here, and Zhang Yu and Yang Ying got into his Passat and headed to the riverside garden together.

The riverside garden also got its name based on the scenery next to it. There is a river next to the community. The scenery is very good. The developer also processed the river at that time. It is particularly beautiful and can be used for residents here to take a walk by the river at night.

The greening in the community is also good. After they entered, they quickly arrived at Building No. 10.

This is a small high-rise building with an elevator room. Take the elevator to the ninth floor first. There are two rooms on the first floor. 901 is Sun Xuan’s house.

After opening the door and going in, Zhang Yu immediately felt that something was wrong. The wind in the house was extremely strong, and the wind carried an evil spirit. There was also a trace of resentment in the evil spirit.

Looking at this house again, there are some decorations, but it is very messy. Zhang Yu and Yang Ying took a few steps forward and felt that the wind was particularly strong. They turned their heads and looked towards the source of the wind. They saw that there was no glass on the floor-to-ceiling windows of the large living room, and the wind blew in from here.

Looking at the large living room, the walls are in tatters. In some places, you can still see the appearance of latex paint. It must have been painted before, but in most places, the wall covering has come off, and it is not as big as the clear water room. the difference.

Yang Ying frowned and said, "Why is there no glass on your floor-to-ceiling windows? And this wall, why does it look like this?"

Sun Xuan laughed dryly and said: "The glass accidentally broke, but just press it on, it shouldn't be a big deal."

There wasn't even any glass on the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the walls didn't look like anything. Everyone could see that the broken glass had not been replaced for a long time. Let alone Yang Ying, anyone else would think there is something wrong with this house.

Especially this kind of floor-to-ceiling windows, there are frames on them. This kind of frame is not randomly matched, and the entire community must be consistent. Therefore, it must be installed by the property management company. With the current state of the house, no matter who wants to buy a house, they have to talk to the real estate agent about the windows. As long as they talk, they will know the problems with the house. This is the main reason why you can't cheat.

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