Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 66 Bad idea (fifth update)

Brother Da Biao left the agency, got in the car, took out his cell phone and dialed Su Jun's phone number.

After the call was connected, Brother Da Biao said directly: "Junzi, come to the construction site, I have something to ask you!"

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Brother Da Biao is not the kind of gangster who has no real job. He made some money while working in society and later became a family. Now that I have a family and a job, I can no longer live a life of swords and swords, so I start doing legitimate business.

He contracted three buildings in Dingcheng Real Estate and became a foreman, but many of his brothers continued to work with him.

When he arrived at the construction site of Dingcheng Community, Su Jun had already arrived. He called Su Jun into the mobile room and handed Su Jun a cigarette. Su Jun thanked him excitedly.

Su Jun and Brother Da Biao have not been together for a long time. Because this boy is still good at things, he was accepted by Brother Da Biao, but he was not given a formal job. of.

At this moment, Brother Da Biao sat down. He looked at Su Jun and said, "Junzi, you have been following me for a while, and I have never solved your work problem. Furong Nightclub is my cover. Yes, Er De is always responsible for watching over the scene, starting from tomorrow..."

He wanted to say that Su Jun would go to the nightclub and watch the scene, but when he said this, he hesitated.

Su Jun was very smart. When he heard this, he immediately understood that the boss was going to arrange for him to go to the nightclub, and he was secretly happy.

Unexpectedly, after a pause, Brother Da Biao changed his mind and said, "Come to the construction site tomorrow and learn something along the way. Later, you can report to Lao Yang and learn some knowledge about construction from him. It will also be useful to you in the future." Help. We don’t need any internship period anymore, we’ll give you five thousand a month.”

"Thank you, Brother Biao, thank you, Brother Biao..." Su Jun immediately thanked him.

Although he didn't understand why Brother Dabiao asked him to work at the construction site. After all, he didn't know anything and didn't have the strength to move bricks. But the boss said so and gave him another five thousand a month, so he was naturally very happy.

"There is one more thing I need to tell you." Brother Da Biao turned serious at this time.

"Brother Biao, say..." Su Jun said cautiously.

"I heard that you are very courageous. You dare to hit your father and scold your mother at home! Today I will tell you clearly what I said. I hate unfilial people the most in my life. When you get home, apologize to your parents immediately. Promise to be a filial and good son! If you dare to be disrespectful to your parents again, I will break your legs, do you understand?" At the end of the sentence, Brother Da Biao's eyes widened.

Seeing Brother Biao's glare, Su Jun shivered in fright, and quickly said timidly: "Brother Biao... I didn't say that I was unfilial to my parents..."

"What are you arguing with me for?" Brother Da Biao still stared and shouted sternly.

Su Jun lowered his head, not daring to quibble anymore, and said honestly: "Yes, yes... Brother Biao, don't worry... I will definitely listen to you in the future and be filial to my parents... I will apologize when I get home tonight..."

"Damn it! If you dare to fight against your parents today, you will dare to fight against me tomorrow when I lose power! So you kid must first teach me how to be filial to my parents! Let me warn you again. Remember this kid! , don’t tell me one thing and do another! Do you understand?” Brother Da Biao said viciously again.

"I understand, I understand..." Su Jun quickly agreed with trepidation.

"Okay!" Brother Da Biao waved his hand to the Soviet army and said, "Go out and find Lao Yang. Just tell me what I said, and you will follow him from now on."

"Yes, yes..." Su Jun agreed repeatedly, and then ran out in a hurry.

Brother Da Biao is still very capable of management. He can use carrots and sticks at the same time. Give the Soviet Army some sweetness first, and then discipline him harshly.

In other words, it would be easier for Brother Da Biao to deal with the Soviet army. If he relied on other people's earnest persuasion, it would be useless. Zhang Yu really found the right person.

A big barbecue restaurant.

In a booth at the barbecue restaurant, three people were eating barbecue at the moment.

The person sitting inside is Wang Guozhu. This guy was beaten up by two women last time and lost two "good friends". Afterwards, he went to the hospital and found out that he was indeed ill. He was also shocked and wanted to get treatment as soon as possible. He was feeling better today, but he was in a particularly unhappy mood. He felt as if things had not gone smoothly since Yang Ying's lawsuit. Especially that day in the mall, he was so embarrassed that he was afraid of being recognized when he went out.

Today he found two friends to drink together, thinking about drowning his sorrows with wine, and after drinking, he went to have a good time. Among his two friends, one is named Sun Xuan, who is a real estate speculator by profession; the other is named Pang Hu, who is a financial company owner by profession.

Wang Guozhu's own family has money, so he can't miss his friends.

Wang Guozhu was already in a bad mood, but he didn't expect that Sun Xuan couldn't catch up with him. He was as depressed as if his father had died.

"Xuanzi, what's wrong? What happened to make you so unhappy?" Wang Guozhu asked curiously.

"Don't mention it, don't mention it, everyone makes money by speculating in real estate, but it's just me who speculated in real estate and became a landlord!" Sun Xuan said with a frustrated look.

"Now that house prices are so high, how can I become a landlord? At most I will make two less." Pang Hu said with disbelief.

"I would like to make less money, but that house is so evil that I can't even sell it." Sun Xuan said with a frown.

"Evil sect? What kind of evil sect?" Wang Guozhu asked curiously.

Pang Hu also looked at Sun Xuan curiously.

Sun Xuan sighed and said: "How should I put it? It's because I was greedy for cheap. This house is an elevator room with a total of ten floors. The attic on the tenth floor is a gift. The ninth and tenth floors, together with the attic above, were It was sold for 1.2 million. When I saw the price, it was a good deal. The large French window on the tenth floor was broken, but it was no big deal. Because I didn’t have that much cash, I borrowed 200,000 from elsewhere and put it into use. I bought these two houses. I thought I could make a lot of money by changing hands during the Chinese New Year, but I didn’t expect..."

It turned out that after Sun Xuan completed the transfer of ownership, he replaced the broken windows on the tenth floor with new ones. Who would have thought that after the large floor-to-ceiling windows were installed, they would be blown to pieces by the wind within a day. Previously, only the tenth floor was like this, but not long after, the ninth floor also became like this. After asking his neighbors, he learned that someone had died during renovations on the tenth floor. A cleaning woman fell while cleaning the windows. It was unknown why the ninth floor would be like this. Neighbors said it was a ghost who was haunted by ghosts and came to seek revenge. These two houses have not been sold in the past five years. Seeing that other people's houses have increased in value, the total price of these two houses has reached 2.4 million, but he cannot sell them at all. Now the original decoration inside has been blown away by the wind and is in a mess. Now I am in a hurry for money. Seeing that I can't sell the house, can I not get angry in a hurry?

"There are such evil things..." Pang Hu couldn't help but smacked his tongue, and then comforted: "If you need money urgently, you can get some from me first."

"Forget it, others don't know the level of your financial company. I don't know yet. After I took the money, I couldn't pay it back for a while. Don't let your friends turn into enemies by then and let your people pay you back." Cut it off." Sun Xuan shook his head and said.

However, after hearing this, Wang Guozhu rolled his eyes and suddenly came up with a bad idea.

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