Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 658 Formation Superposition (Ninth Update)

Zhou Tongbo was wearing an apricot yellow Taoist robe. He was not tall and had a bun on his head. In terms of appearance, to be honest, he was a bit ugly, mainly because he had an upturned nose.

This guy is holding a mahogany sword in his hand, with a string of talismans on the sword. On his left hand, he is holding a rain order.

He spoke plausibly, and even though he was far away and could not hear it, it was nothing more than rain-making words like sweet rain falling from the sky.

There were dark clouds overhead covering the sun, and everyone present looked surprised. It was incredible that at the age of twenty-four or five, he could create clouds and cause rain.

"Which Taoist temple is he from?" "Yunlaiguan." "It seems that he is not famous. I didn't expect such a person to come out. It seems that the third Taoist temple in the future will be Yunlaiguan." "Is it possible?" "Why not? , has the power to examine and approve ultimatums, so that’s not a big power.”

People in various Taoist temples were talking in low voices. Not only them, but also the students of Zhenhai University were talking about it now.

"Yun Lai Guan! I have never heard of it before." "It seems good to join this Taoist temple." "Looking at his age, he is about the same as us, but he has such cultivation." "You can consider joining Yun Lai Guan. ”.

As they were discussing, they looked at the peach wood sword in Zhou Tongbo's hand. The talismans on the sword spurted out into the air one by one.

"Puff puff!".

Every time one is shot out, it will automatically ignite in mid-air and then turn into ashes.

When the last talisman was shot out, a thunder exploded in the sky, "Rumble"

"Hua Hua Hua"

Big raindrops fell from the sky, and it actually rained.

"It's raining!" "It's raining!" "The rain ceremony was a success!" "It really was a success!" "I looked at the weather forecast. There is no rain today. It's really the rain coming from the festival." "It's really amazing! "Taoist magic is really powerful."

Everyone was excited. No one was hiding from the rain. In fact, there was no place to hide.

They were all stunned!

If Yuan Zhenren and Lu Zhenren were here to offer rain sacrifices, even if they succeeded, it probably wouldn't be so shocking.

Director Qin, who was sitting on the rostrum, also had his mouth wide open now. He turned his head and looked at Zhenren Lu, as if to say that there was indeed a way.

Likewise, he was also shocked by this scene. Everyone talks about Taoist magical powers, but I have never seen such magical powers with my own eyes.

"Master Yuan, how high do you think Zhou Tongbo will be in the future?" Master Lu looked at Master Yuan deliberately.

"Who can tell what will happen in the future?" Yuan Zhenren said deliberately disapprovingly.

But in her heart, she secretly resented the fact that the Quanzhen Sect had such a talent, and it was in Zhenhai. Looking at his own White Eyebrow Palace, the talents seem to be gradually withering away. There are really not many outstanding disciples in the next generation.

Although Shangguan Ning is good, it depends on who he compares with. Compared with Zhou Tongbo in front of him, there is no comparison.

Master Yuan couldn't help but look at Zhang Yu. Perhaps this boy was the only one who could compare with Zhou Tongbo. But could this boy do it?

She still didn't know Zhang Yu's strength. Although Zhang Yu is also very strong, he has not yet taught seal script.

If I met Zhang Yu last year and participated in the seal-giving ceremony, maybe I can still fight this time.

It rained for about five minutes, and then the clouds began to clear and the sun began to appear.

Considering Zhou Tongbo's age, it is already quite good to be able to sustain rainfall for five minutes.

Zhou Tongbo put down the magic weapon and bowed to the teachers present before retreating.

The Taoist sect does not pay attention to applause, but at this moment, countless applause and cheers rang out from under the Fengchan stage.

When Zhou Tongbo stepped aside and stood down, everyone's eyes turned around.

They all wanted to see who else from the Quanzhen Sect could succeed in offering sacrifices to the rain.

Ling Kongzi and Tu Yazi looked at each other. They were old acquaintances and knew each other very well.

Lingkongzi smiled awkwardly and said: "Brother Dao, I don't seem to have the ability, so I gave up. If you can do it, you can come."

Tu Yazi had tried to offer sacrifices to rain before, but due to his limited cultivation, he had never succeeded.

He chuckled and said, "Actually, it was all in vain for me, but if Fellow Daoist Zhou succeeded, our side basically won. I won't go up."

The two chatted and laughed, then immediately gave up.

On the Quanzhen Sect side, only Yang Qizhao of Wuliangguan is left.

Yang Qizhao smiled slightly and said, "Then I'll try it too."

After saying that, he walked to the middle of the Fengchan platform, but he did not immediately start offering sacrifices to the rain. Instead, he went to the table next to him first.

On this table, there are all the rain-seeking instruments provided by Yangchun Temple.

He selected many from above and began to arrange them on the bill. His actions attracted the attention of many people, because Zhou Tongbo did not make so many preparations when he offered sacrifices to the rain.

There were many masters sitting on the Fengchan stage, and everyone quickly realized that Yang Qizhao seemed to be setting up some kind of formation.

To pray for rain, Taoists use various magical instruments such as rain formations, rain talismans, rain orders, and rain flags.

But the rain formation is only an auxiliary, mainly depends on the sensor, because if you want to ask for rain, one formation is not enough.

Zhang Yu was also attracted by Yang Qizhao's actions. Yang Qizhao mainly used command flags to set up formations. The formation he arranged seemed to be a rain formation, but it seemed not. In this rain formation, there seems to be a formation superimposed, and this formation looks a bit like the Bagua formation.

"The superposition of the Xingyu Formation and the Bagua Formation, there is such an expert!" Zhang Yu instantly recognized Yang Qizhao's routine.

"Superposition of the Bagua array." When Zhang Yu thought of this, he suddenly remembered something.

He once saw a superposition of the Bagua array, and he remembered it was in Jixiang Square not far from Tianzi Square.

It was a bureau of hundreds of birds paying homage to the phoenix, but Zhang Yu did not see the phoenix at the time, and discovered that there should be a Bagua array inside. At that time, Zhang Yu had not yet practiced the Eight Qimen and had limited knowledge. He just felt that it belonged to a superposition of formations and could not confirm it.

Now Zhang Yu is absolutely sure that this is indeed a superposition of formations.

"The Bagua array superimposed on the Xingyu array. The Bagua array superimposed on the Hundred Birds Chaofeng Bureau will be the same person." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart and looked at Yang Qizhao curiously.

After Yang Qizhao completed the layout, he threaded a talisman on the peach wood sword. He stepped on the gang step, turned a few times on the step carpet, and pointed the peach wood sword in his hand toward the sky.

With a "bang" sound, the talisman shot out and turned into a ball of flying ash.

"Hua Hua Hua"

In an instant, raindrops fell from the sky.

Unlike Zhou Tongbo's prayer for rain just now, there were no clouds or thunder, but the raindrops were indeed real. It rains or shines.

The rain lasted for less than three minutes. Everyone on the stage watched quietly. When the rain stopped, the sky-high cheers also started.

"It's amazing!" "Wuliangguan is so powerful!" "I've never heard of Yang Qizhao's name before." "Wuliangguan wasn't famous before, but now experts suddenly appear."

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