Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 646 Cultivation

"Miss Xiao." As soon as Zhou Qi heard the girl's cry, she immediately looked over and recognized Xiao Jiejie. She immediately ran over with a smile.

The two people knew each other because Xiao Jiejie's WeChat nickname was "Xinxue Gege".

Some of the others had seen Xiao Jiejie, some had not, but they all ran over together.

Xiao Jiejie nodded and said, "Follow me upstairs."

"Okay." Zhou Qi agreed quickly and said flatteringly: "Ms. Xiao, you are so beautiful today. By the way, we are here for an interview... Why are you here to pick us up?"

"You'll find out when you go upstairs." Xiao Jiejie said.

The four old salesmen in the agency all knew Xiao Jiejie. When they saw Xiao Jiejie coming to pick them up, they could not help but feel suspicious.

Of course, other than Zhou Qi, no one else knew much about Xiao Jiejie's background. Zhou Qi became even more confused because she knew. This is not Jindu Real Estate, so why is Xiao Jiejie here?

But she immediately realized that everyone was running a real estate company, and Xiao Jiejie must have connections here. It was probably Zhang Yu who took care of the jobs Xiao Jiejie found for them.

Everyone took the elevator straight to the 22nd floor. When they reached the top floor, Xiao Jiejie led them to the chairman's office.

There are not many offices on the top floor. In addition to the chairman's office, there are the board of directors' office, secretariat, and large and small conference rooms.

As soon as they arrived at the door of the chairman's office, everyone was confused. They were here for an interview, so why did they meet the chairman directly? What kind of treatment is this!

Xiao Jiejie walked in directly and walked through her outer office. When she found that Zhang Yu was not there, she followed him into the inner room.

Zhang Yu and four others were chatting inside. As soon as Xiao Jiejie came in, she said carelessly: "Everyone is here."

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Dafei, Glasses Girl, Chen Xue, Zhou Qi and others came in one after another. When they saw Zhang Yu, Yang Ying, Brother Biao, and Sister Biao, everyone was immediately dumbfounded.

"Mr. Yang, Brother Zhang, Brother Biao, Sister Biao...why are you here..."...

Zhang Yu laughed and said: "This is the office of the chairman of Jixiang Group, and I am the chairman of Jixiang Group."

"Huh?" "Huh?"...Zhu Dafei and others immediately opened their mouths. They never dreamed that someone who runs an agency could become the chairman of the group.

You know, how big is the Jiabao Agency? This Jixiang Group building has more than 20 floors! Just change it!

"I didn't tell you yesterday, firstly because I was afraid you wouldn't believe me, and secondly because I wanted to give you a surprise." Zhang Yu said with another smile.

"Brother Zhang...this is too shocking..." Chen Xue said in surprise.

Several other people nodded, but Zhu Dafei, who was very nervous before, became more energetic now that he saw Zhang Yu. He grinned and said, "What did I just say when you come here? Brother Zhang can be the chairman! Are you right?" ?”

"Pull it down, whoever was so nervous just now almost peed his pants." Zhou Qi rolled her eyes at him.

They were all old acquaintances, so the atmosphere was not tense at all, and it quickly became lively and cheerful.

After talking for a while, Zhang Yucai said: "I asked you to come for an interview today, mainly to arrange new jobs for you..."

As he said that, Zhang Yu looked at the girl with glasses first and said: "Su Hong, don't you like to work with Mr. Yang? Mr. Yang is the financial director now, so you go to the finance department."

"Thank you, Brother Zhang, thank you, Mr. Yang!" The girl with glasses finally stopped squeezing her mouth and was happy and sunny.

"Chen Xue, Zhou Qi, you two go to the Securities Investment Department." Zhang Yu said.

"Thank you, Brother Zhang...thank you, Chairman..." Zhou Qi said immediately.

"Chairman... that... securities investment... I don't understand either..." Chen Xue was somewhat self-aware.

"You can learn if you don't understand. This is an important department. You two must learn it clearly. Do you understand?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Okay! I must learn to understand!" Chen Xue and Zhou Qi nodded solemnly together.

They both also know that this department is definitely very important.

"Tang Jing, Li Guowen, you two go to the purchasing department." Zhang Yu said again.

"Thank you, Chairman."...

"Jiang Mengmeng, go to the human resources department." Zhang Yu said.

"Thank you, Chairman." Jiang Mengmeng agreed immediately.

"Zhao Yan, go to the sales department." Zhang Yu said.

"Thank you, Chairman."

Zhu Dafei watched Zhang Yu arrange work one by one, except for his own. All seven were finished and he was the only one left. He couldn't help but asked bitterly: "Brother Zhang, what about me?"

"You..." Zhang Yu deliberately made his voice very long and scratched his head, "I forgot about you when I made arrangements earlier."

"Ah...Brother Zhang...don't do this..." Zhu Dafei almost cried.

"I won't tease you anymore, go to the security department." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Security Department...just me..." Zhu Dafei frowned. How could he not know what he was? When it comes to fighting, I don't seem to be the one.

"You not only want to go to the Security Department, but you also want to be the head of the Security Department!" Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Minister of the Security Department..." Zhu Dafei's eyes almost popped out. Others had no positions. He started from the grassroots level and became the minister himself. "Brother Zhang... are you kidding me..."

"Am I joking? Haven't you always wanted to learn Kung Fu? I can teach you a few tricks. In addition, Brother Biao will also lend you a few people to use. Don't just talk about it in the future. You must give it to me. Do a good job in protecting the group!" Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Yes! I promise to complete the mission!" For a moment, Zhu Dafei stood up straight, like a soldier, implicitly accepting the huge mission.

Chen Xue rolled her eyes at Zhu Dafei, curled her lips and said, "Just be pretty, we will all do it from below, and you will be the minister when you come up."

"What's your attitude...Brother Zhang has a keen eye for recognizing heroes!" Zhu Dafei said proudly.

This is really a man who has achieved enlightenment, and Zhang Yu is also a typical nepotist. However, a famous person once said it well, if you don't use nepotism, how can you still use nepotism?

Such a large group company must have a few confidants. No matter whether you are good or not, being placed among them will help you control the company.

These things were also taught to him by Pan Chonghai. You, Zhang Yu, cannot take over a group company with your bare hands. In that case, you will not be fooled to death by the people below. Therefore, we must bring some people with us, cultivate confidants in the company, and gradually place them in various major departments. A strong company needs talented people, as well as obedient and reliable people.

Fan Shiji did not come at all for today's handover. The reason was that he could not attend due to physical reasons. He was fully represented by Jin Aoxiang.

Jixiang Group's financial department has long been under control, and Fan Shiji's private use of public funds has been investigated clearly. Tens of billions of funds were used to purchase shares of Jindu Real Estate, and they must be returned. Otherwise, they will be seen by the court.

Regarding this point, Jin Aoxiang has no problem expressing his position. After all, the outcome has been decided, and there is no point in cheating. If you go to court, you will lose 100% of the time.

At the next meeting at the middle level and above, everyone from the Jiang family and the Xiao family attended. The two companies are not directly involved in the management of the company, and Zhang Yu is responsible for everything. In addition to being chairman of the board, Zhang Yu also serves as executive president.

Of course, executive president and chief executive officer actually mean almost the same thing and have similar powers. Most companies only have one. There are also companies that offer both positions.

In addition, there is a long list of appointments and dismissals. Naturally, all of Fan Shiji's closest confidants must be eliminated. In addition, some people with intricate connections have also been dismissed. Among them, there are those who are conscious and have resigned on their own initiative.

Some of their positions are selected within the company, some are recruited from the public, and some are filled by people from Jindu Real Estate and Tianzi Group.

It can be said that this was a major purge, and the people with the greatest real power were Zhang Yu and others.

Finally, there was the name change ceremony. Jixiang Group officially changed its name to Wudang Group. The signboard of the Group Building was changed on the same day.

Reporters from various media outlets were busy interviewing and taking photos for a whole day before it was over. Many reporters wanted to conduct exclusive interviews with Zhang Yu, but Zhang Yu refused. There were really many things that were difficult to explain to outsiders.

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