Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 63: Fire (Second update)

When Yang Ying finished saying these two words, she felt regretful in her heart. We had already decided that there would be no need for Zhang Yu to paint tonight. Why did he subconsciously agree when Zhang Yu asked?

She turned around and peeked, and saw that Zhang Yu had already dipped some cooling ointment on his hands and looked like he was about to apply it to her body.

Yang Ying was nervous again, but a voice came out in her heart, "I applied it yesterday, so I might as well apply it again today. Besides, I am his little aunt, what can I do? I am not afraid of shadows." Hey, no one knows about this."

Thinking of this, Yang Ying finally reached a new level. She said coyly: "When you apply it on me, turn off the light first. I'll take off my clothes. Don't peek at me."

Zhang Yu stuck out his tongue and turned off the light. At this time, Yang Ying had already taken off her thin pajamas and was waiting for Zhang Yu to come over and apply it to her.

"Okay, you can come here."

Zhang Yu agreed, turned around and came to the bed, and began to apply it on her body.

Fortunately, Zhang Yu's hand stopped in time and the cooling ointment had been applied to her body.

She finally breathed a sigh of relief, glad that she didn't embarrass herself in front of Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu fell asleep quickly, and Yang Ying tossed and turned for a while before falling asleep.

When we arrived at the agency the next day, the employees also arrived one after another. The girl with glasses took her father over by car to discuss cooperation with Yang Ying on the decoration.

Su Tong has been in this business for a long time and is well aware of the tricks in decoration. He did not hide it from Yang Ying and told her all the tricks involved. Yang Ying found that Su Tong was a very down-to-earth person, because the profits from house decoration were not small, so Yang Ying decided to hire Su Tong as the agency's decoration supervisor, who would be responsible for purchasing and supervision during the decoration process, so she no longer had to do the work herself. Moreover, she also gave Su Tong a fixed salary of 2,500 yuan per month. For every house the agency decorated, Su Tong could also get a commission based on the profit from the decoration.

This job is not very tiring, mainly because of the sense of responsibility. At Su Tong's age, if he continues to work hard by himself, he may not be able to do it for long. After all, time is not forgiving. The income from this job is definitely more than what Su Tong earns from working on his own. This makes Su Tong extremely happy. The girl with glasses is also extremely excited and looks at Zhang Yu gratefully.

Because the decoration business was tight, Su Tong immediately contacted some friends who were working, called everyone over, and began to divide the work. Su Tong's legs and feet were not working well, but he was quite responsible. He was going to the scene to check now. It was not enough for the girl with glasses to support him. However, Zhu Dafei took the initiative to ask for help and was willing to help support the old man.

Starting today, the decoration business of Jiabao Intermediary will officially start. Yang Ying also made a big billboard tree at the door. It said that as long as you buy a house and decorate it through this agency, you will receive a free Feng Shui design to ensure your home is peaceful and your wealth is prosperous.

Normally, no one would believe this kind of stunt. However, it is inevitable that some people will be curious. When inquiring about a house, they will ask by the way to see if the information is accurate. I'm afraid you won't ask about this kind of thing. As long as you ask, Zhang Yu will explain it to you. He can tell you roughly what you do based on your face. How can anyone not believe this ability?

Ever since, even if they didn’t want to buy a house right away or decorate it here, after listening to Zhang Yu’s explanation, they all decided to buy a house and decorate it here.

In fact, they didn't know, and Zhang Yu didn't know either. He casually designed a Feng Shui bureau for people, and the price was higher than the cost of decoration.

Over the past few days, the transaction volume of Jiabao Agency was very large, several times the usual volume. Every salesperson made a lot of money. Even the girl with glasses who was the most stupid-talking girl was able to sell three houses.

The performance of Anmei Intermediaries has hit rock bottom. When customers come to place orders for houses, the two houses are listed together to see who can sell them. The results were great. Basically, all the better houses were sold by Jiabao agency. The salesmen of Anmei Agency are listless now. Few customers come in. They can't make any money. Who can be in a good mood? During working hours, they either eat melon seeds or play games.

The salesman who turned his back on Yang Ying and came here now regrets it, and it's not an ordinary regret, it's almost as if his intestines are full of regret. Because they have heard that the current Jiabao intermediary does not need the skills of a salesperson at all. A stupid girl can sell houses just like that. Customers will buy after seeing it, as if they were possessed by a devil.

At this moment, Hou Xingcai and Lin Hai were standing at the door of their agency, looking at the bustling scene opposite, not to mention how angry they were.

Hou Xingcai couldn't help but complain, "Lin Hai, the idea you came up with for me is good, but it made the other party angry. Isn't this what we are doing to make wedding clothes for them?"

This time, Hou Xingcai didn't even bother to call Lin Hai brother, and he was obviously in a very unhappy mood.

Lin Hai was also a little embarrassed. The agency's business was not as good as it was before he came up with the idea. Hou Xingcai was not angry either, so that was when he was haunted. Lin Hai smiled awkwardly and said, "I didn't expect it either."

"Then what do you think we should do now? If this continues, we will close the store first without them closing the store." Hou Xingcai said.

"This." Lin Hai rolled his eyes and said, "Mr. Hou, I think it's impossible to fight openly and openly now. We have to use some tricks."

"What's the trick?" Hou Xingcai said.

"Didn't that guy say he was designing Feng Shui for people? I think otherwise, you could find a few people and pretend to design Feng Shui. Wait for the guy to explain, then say he's not accurate, and then stay with them. As long as you don't leave. If you just wait there, how can any customer dare to come to talk to you?" Lin Hai said.

"Your method is okay. But that day, you didn't notice that that kid was very capable of beating. One person could beat seven or eight people to the ground. I asked someone to come to the house to sort things out, and no one was allowed to be beaten by that kid. Beat him to death." Hou Xingcai said with a frown.

"If that kid really takes action, wouldn't it be better? We can call the police to arrest him right away. When we ask people to cause trouble, we also make excuses. We ask people not to take action or smash things, but they just refuse to leave. That kid If you call the patrol, the patrol will not take care of it without taking action. At most, they will send the person away temporarily, and he will come back after the patrol leaves." Lin Hai said proudly.

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