Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 602 Vegetative state?

"Ahem!" Xiao Mingshan naturally knew that his daughter liked Zhang Yu, but there were so many people here. You girl, you can't be more reserved. He coughed twice.

Xiao Jiejie was overjoyed just now, but now she realized it, stuck out her tongue, quickly let go of Zhang Yu, and ran away like a rabbit.

"Hahaha, this girl!" Xiao Mingshan laughed dryly.

In fact, he was also happy in his heart. Zhang Yu was definitely coming to his rescue in a critical situation. If at this moment, Zhang Yu said that he wanted to marry his daughter, Xiao Mingshan would definitely agree without any hesitation.

Zhang Yu was also a little embarrassed, "Haha. It's okay, it's okay."

The other people present were all on Xiao Mingshan's side, and they all laughed, and some said: "Sooner or later, we understand." "Young people, who has never been young." "That's not the case. Well, this Zhang Yu is really a young hero with a formidable future." "I think he and Jiejie are both handsome and talented."

When Zhang Yu heard this, he secretly said in his heart, I am just doing a favor, but I don't care about the beauty.

Xiao Jiejie, on the other hand, felt happy after hearing this. She turned to look at Zhang Yu secretly, her face still flushed.

There were people from the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Trademark Office nearby, and they all frowned when they saw this posture.

What was tense and tit-for-tat before turned into a blind date in the blink of an eye.

A staff member of the China Securities Regulatory Commission said: "Mr. Xiao, it seems that we have nothing to do here. I'm going to say goodbye. I'm sorry for disturbing you."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. I'll see you off." Xiao Mingshan was in high spirits on happy occasions and walked over with a smile.

This time, on the surface it was a tie at 40 versus 40. But everyone knows that this is Xiao Mingshan's victory. Fan Shiji's plan went bankrupt, which was an extremely serious blow to Fan Shiji. Otherwise, this guy couldn't bear the blow and had a heart attack on the spot.

But everyone knows that this battle is not over yet, it is just a beginning, a prologue.

Next, there will be a second war, that is, both sides will sweep up goods in the securities market and compete for the chips of Jindu Real Estate. And the next war will be even more tragic.

Obviously, the remaining 20% ​​of the chips are definitely trapped in high positions. Some of them have probably been trapped for several years. The rush to raise funds now is undoubtedly to relieve these people. The price spent can be imagined.

But if both sides don't do this, it won't work. They are already riding a tiger. If Xiao Mingshan doesn't sweep the goods, the company will be gone. If Fan Shiji didn't sweep the goods, he would have to lose the bargaining chip he spent a lot of money on.

Now that the stock price is at a high level, if you expect retail investors to take over at this price, you are really treating retail investors as fools. It takes at least a year to speculate on a stock, with various shuffles, shakes, and slow shipments. If Fan Shiji wants to sell all the high-position chips, he probably has to be a banker for at least a few years.

Could it be that he went to such great lengths just to speculate in stocks in Jindu Real Estate? It would be a joke if word spread.

If the acquisition fails, will it become a bookmaker's stock trading? How will I see people in the future?

Xiao Mingshan sent away the people from the Securities Regulatory Commission and the Trademark Office, and returned to the conference room. He held a simple meeting, which was nothing more than thanking everyone, and then preparing for a more brutal war.

The meeting ended quickly and the other directors left one after another. Only four people, Xiao Mingshan, Zhang Yu, Xiao Jiejie and Jiang Yulin, were left in the conference room.

Jiang Yulin looked at Zhang Yu. He had said nothing before, but this time he couldn't help but said sincerely: "Brother Zhang, after three days of separation, you should look at each other with admiration!"

Zhang Yu grinned and said, "Brother Jiang, thank you."

He then said, "By the way, why were all your family's shares sold at once?"

Jiang Yulin smiled bitterly and said: "He said he was short of money, and Fan Shiji happened to come to him and wanted to buy it. He didn't dare to tell his father, so he sold it secretly. He planned to buy it back on the securities market later, but unfortunately the stock price was too high, so he couldn't buy it back for the time being. .”

"I don't believe it! This guy definitely didn't have his best intentions in mind!" Xiao Jiejie shouted angrily without anyone else saying anything.

"Brother Jiang, actually I don't believe it either." Zhang Yu said.

"I don't believe it either." Jiang Yulin said, spreading his hands helplessly, "It's a pity that my father is unconscious now and there is no one in charge of the family, so we can only let him say this."

"Why is Uncle Jiang unconscious?" Zhang Yu asked.

Pan Chonghai mentioned this matter beforehand. According to Mr. Pan, we don't know whether it is true or not yet.

Therefore, Zhang Yu wanted to see what was going on. Whether it's a real illness or a fake illness, if you let yourself take a look, there will definitely be no difference.

"I don't know either. Yesterday morning, my father didn't wake up for a long time. At first, Ma Mingxue thought that my father was sleeping in and waited until it was getting late before saying hello. However, he couldn't wake up, and that's when he realized that something serious had happened." Jiang Yulin said.

"Have you seen a doctor? How is the situation?" Zhang Yu asked.

"How can I not see a doctor? The doctor said that the brain is on the verge of death and in a vegetative state. He may remain in a coma for a long time, or he may die at any time." Jiang Yulin said sadly.

"Vegetative state?" Xiao Jiejie was shocked.

Zhang Yu was also stunned and said: "How come you turned into a vegetative state for no reason?"

"I don't know this either. I asked Ma Mingxue, and she said she didn't know either. She didn't know why my father didn't wake up when he slept normally at night. I asked anxiously, but we got into a quarrel, saying that I doubted her! Jiang Yulin said through gritted teeth.

"Then what you mean is that you don't know exactly why Uncle Jiang became like this." Zhang Yu said.

"I don't know, but I suspect it must be her!" Jiang Yulin said bitterly.

"Isn't it?" Zhang Yu said.

"That's accurate!" Jiang Yulin gritted his teeth and said, "The mother and son treated me like that, and now that I'm back, my father has given me the same number of shares in the Tianzi Group as the mother and son. They hold a grudge and take advantage of my father's return. If you don’t have a will, doing this kind of thing should be nothing!”

"Don't think so. Can you let me go to your house and see your father for medical treatment?" Zhang Yu said.

"You, you know how to see a doctor?" Jiang Yulin was surprised. He knew that Zhang Yu knew Feng Shui, but he didn't know that Zhang Yu knew how to see a doctor.

Xiao Jiejie immediately said: "What's so surprising about this? Zhang Yu is very capable. Brother Jiang, let's go and see Uncle Jiang now, let Zhang Yu cure Uncle Jiang's illness, and then deal with Jiang Yuting ruthlessly!" That bastard!"

When Jiang Yuting's name was mentioned, Xiao Jiejie gritted her teeth in hatred. Judging from her intentions, she wanted to eat Jiang Yuting alive.

"Okay, since my brother has such ability, let's go back together. If it weren't for Uncle Xiao's side, I wouldn't dare to leave my father's bedside easily, for fear that someone would harm my father!" Jiang Yulin said.

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