Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 597 Commission

Zhang Yu didn't expect that this guy was so easy to talk to. He seemed to have seen him before but couldn't remember him. Since the other party was so direct, Zhang Yu was not polite and said with a smile: "I heard that Mr. He has 3% of Jindu Real Estate's shares. I want to buy it. I wonder if you can sell it to me?"

"Do you want to buy it?" He Yunshuai looked Zhang Yu up and down, and then said, "Come and sit."

"Thank you." Zhang Yu nodded and came to sit on the sofa.

He Yunshuai waved his hand towards the secretary, and after the secretary left, he said to Zhang Yu: "How much money are you prepared to pay?"

"I know you want 4 billion, which is a bit expensive." Dealing with business is not Zhang Yu's specialty. If he cuts it in half, he may not be able to sell it. As he spoke, he thought about how to talk better.

As he was talking, he suddenly discovered that the layout of this office seemed simple, but it was actually a pretty good Feng Shui tactic for gathering wealth. Anyone who can create such a feng shui situation must be a master. So, he continued: "It can be seen that you should know Feng Shui, and I also know a little. If possible, we can leave it to friends and communicate with each other. If you can use me in the future, just ask."

He Yunshuai smiled again and said: "I can see that you are not a veteran in the mall. What use do you want my 3% for?"

"Help Xiao Mingshan." Zhang Yu said bluntly.

"Help him?" He Yunshuai said with a smile: "Then do you know that it is useless if you get the 3%. As far as I know, Fan Shiji has almost 10% more chips than Xiao Mingshan."

Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment. What he said was the same as Mr. Pan. He also smiled and said: "Your analysis is quite accurate. No wonder you can sell it at a high price."

"So, you also know." He Yunshuai looked at Zhang Yu.

"I know." Zhang Yu nodded.

"Then let me guess, do you still hold 7% of Jindu Real Estate's shares?" He Yunshuai said confidently.

"You know all this?" Zhang Yu was shocked this time.

"Hahahaha." He Yunshuai laughed and said, "You are the funniest person I have ever seen."

"Why do you say that?" Zhang Yu was puzzled. After all, he couldn't remember where he had seen this person.

"It's you who show kindness without expecting repayment. People like you are rare in this world. I, He Yunshuai, once said that I owe you a favor, but I don't know where to repay it to you. The result is really Landscapes meet each other, and you found me here. Just because you don't remember me, I've agreed to help you with this, and I can repay your favor." He Yunshuai said, turning to look at the group of people sitting aside. Uncle, said: "Uncle Qun, ask the company's legal advisor to write a letter of authorization. The 3% of the shares in my hand will be entrusted to him."

"Yes." Although Uncle Qun was confused, he immediately agreed and left the office.

At this moment, only Zhang Yu and He Yunshuai were left in the office.

Zhang Yu also looked at He Yunshuai with great interest. From his eyebrows, he could tell that this man had an evil aura and was definitely not a good person. After I came to Zhenhai, I helped a lot of people, but when did I help this person?

The other party now wants to entrust the 3% to him. Zhang Yu understands that he seems to be able to speak on behalf of He Yunshuai. Zhang Yu said sincerely: "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He Yunshuai smiled, "Wudangzhai layman Zhang Yu said this, are you a member of the Taoist sect?"

"Yes." Zhang Yu said.

"This time we are even. Maybe I will be able to ask you for help in the future, but I will pay you." He Yunshuai stretched out his palm towards Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu also stretched out his palm, and the two of them held their hands together. Zhang Yu also said: "I will keep this favor of yours in my heart, not to mention the reward. If there is any place that needs me in the future, as long as I can do it , we must try our best.”

Little did the two know that this handshake would make them regret knowing each other in the near future.

After chatting for a while and leaving each other's phone numbers, Uncle Qun brought a middle-aged man into the office.

This person is the legal adviser of Heilong Industrial, called Lawyer Zhao, and the power of attorney has been completed. The above content is very simple. Zhang Yu has all other rights except transferring the 3% shares.

He Yunshuai escorted Zhang Yu out of the office, and Zhang Yu went downstairs alone. As soon as he walked out of the company door, Xiao Jiejie greeted him.

"Zhang Yu, how are you?" This girl was anxiously looking around, wondering if Zhang Yu could buy the shares at a reasonable price. A slight premium is fine, as long as it’s not too outrageous.

"Look at this." Zhang Yu handed the power of attorney to Xiao Jiejie.

After Xiao Jiejie looked at it, she was stunned for a moment and then handed it to Molly who was standing aside.

Molly immediately watched it, and after seeing it, she was even more shocked. She looked at Zhang Yu in surprise, "How did you get it?"

Zhang Yu spread his hands and said, "He said that I helped him as a way of repaying my favor, but I don't even remember it."

"Huh?" Xiao Jiejie and Molly's mouths opened wide. They never dreamed that such a thing would happen.

"Okay, let's go back to Jindu Real Estate quickly. The board of directors will be held soon." Zhang Yu said.

"Yes, yes, let's go back quickly." Xiao Jiejie said and hugged Zhang Yu's arm.

Zhang Yu came in Brother Biao's car, and he didn't expect to meet Xiao Jiejie by such a coincidence. This time there was no need to take Brother Biao's car. He was dragged directly into the Lamborghini by Xiao Jiejie and headed to Jindu Real Estate together.

At one o'clock at noon, Jindu Real Estate Conference Room No. 1.

This is where the board of directors is held, and all the important figures from Jindu Real Estate are present.

Sitting in the middle of the head is naturally Chairman Xiao Mingshan. On the left and right sides, sat the major directors, namely Fang Chuyu, Zhang Xingzhun, Li Jin, Wang Xin, Ma Kun, Sha Chongliang, and Wang Haiyan. There is another person, Jiang Yulin, the eldest son of Jiang.

Xiao Mingshan went to Jiang's house just now. Jiang Yuting had already transferred the shares and almost made Xiao Mingshan angry to death. Jiang Xianzhang was in a coma and had no place to reason. Although Xiao Mingshan questioned Jiang Yuting, he only got one answer: he was anxious to sell it with money.

As soon as Jiang Yulin heard about the seriousness of the situation, he accompanied Xiao Mingshan over to see what happened.

At this moment, the door of the conference room opened and a group of people walked in. The person walking at the front was Fan Shiji, and behind him were Jin Aoxiang and Xu Wenyu. There were also several people in uniforms, who at first glance belonged to the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Trademark Office.

It can be seen that Fan Shiji is obviously sure of victory this time, and plans to freeze the assets of Jindu Real Estate directly after winning.

The two sides were at war with each other, but they nodded to each other as a greeting. Fan Shiji's face was full of wind. When he saw Jiang Yulin, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Isn't this Mr. Jiang? He is romantic and passionate. It's an honor to meet him here by chance."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Yulin almost lost his temper. He smiled coldly and said nothing.

Fan Shiji walked to the seat opposite Xiao Mingshan and sat down, while Jin Aoxiang and Xu Wenyou sat down respectively.

Xiao Mingshan asked people from the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Trademark Office to sit aside. The board of directors had nothing to do with them, but they would be needed to freeze the assets later. Usually, this kind of step is only done after the board meeting is over. This time Fan Shiji started too early. This made Xiao Mingshan grit his teeth even more, but he had to be polite when facing the people from the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Trademark Office.

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