Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 594 Already foreseen

Zhang Yu had a rough idea of ​​what was going on, and Fan Shiji asked Xiao Mingshan to convene a board meeting to discuss the chairman's issue. The chairman of Jindu Real Estate is none other than Xiao Mingshan. Could it be that Fan Shiji is going to replace him.

He had watched some TV, and it seemed that there was such a thing, whoever has the most shares has the final say. Judging from this, it seems that Fan Shiji really has more shares than Xiao Mingshan.

Zhang Yu, an outsider who didn't understand much about such a big matter, naturally couldn't help. He left immediately and Xiao Jiejie accompanied him downstairs.

When entering the elevator, Xiao Jiejie pursed her lips and looked aggrieved. Looking at that, she almost cried.

"Jiejie, what happened?" Zhang Yu asked with concern.

"I got into trouble." Xiao Jiejie said sadly.

"I just took a rough look, what exactly is going on?" Zhang Yu said.

"Some time ago, my dad transferred me 5% of the group's shares. People outside said that the stock price was going to fall. I went out with my friends that day, and there were some stock traders there, and they also said that our company's stock was going to fall. If so, I sold it at a high price for the time being, and then bought it back after the price dropped, and I could make a large profit. I thought it made sense, so I sold it to cash out, and waited to buy it again. Who would have thought that the price would fall just a short time ago? Oh my god, it has gone up sharply. Even if I want to buy it, I can't afford it. I can only wait for it to fall again. The result is good. It hasn't fallen now. Someone is going to swallow up my dad's company. Zhang Yu, I'm in big trouble. What should I do?" At the end of the sentence, Xiao Jiejie couldn't help crying and grabbed Zhang Yu's arm, pitifully.

"In other words, after Fan Shiji bought your stock, he now owns more shares than your father. From now on, Jindu Real Estate will belong to him." Zhang Yu said.

"Yes." Xiao Jiejie nodded lightly, "Jindu Real Estate is my father's hard work. If it's because of me, then I will be a sinner and I will have no shame in living. Wuwu."

"Don't cry either. There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. I think your dad is quite calm. There should be a way." At this point, Zhang Yu suddenly thought of one thing, that is, when Luo Chen asked him to buy Jindu Real estate shares are said to be a sure way to make a fortune. Zhang Yu didn't understand himself, so he could only ask Pan Chonghai for help. He didn't know how much he bought and whether he made a profit. There are no shares of Jindu Real Estate now.

"What?" Xiao Jiejie asked in confusion.

Zhang Yu didn't tell the truth right away. After all, using other people's company's stocks to make money seemed a bit like taking advantage of someone else's situation. And he didn't know what the situation was like on Pan Chonghai's side. So, Zhang Yu said: "What I mean is, if I buy a lot of your company's stocks from the stock market, can I help your father keep the company?"

"Yes." Xiao Jiejie nodded slightly and said, "I originally had 5% and sold it for more than one billion, but now if I want to buy these, I need three billion and the stock price has doubled."

"Don't worry about getting angry, there will always be a way." Zhang Yu quickly reassured.

"What can I do?" Xiao Jiejie said with a flat mouth.

"I don't know about this at the moment, but don't worry, I will help you find a way." Zhang Yu said.

"Zhang Yu!" Upon hearing what Zhang Yu said, Xiao Jiejie couldn't help but trembled. She stepped in front of Zhang Yu and stared at Zhang Yu with a pair of big crystal eyes.

Zhang Yu couldn't help but take a step back and said quickly: "I will try my best to find a solution."

"I believe in you. There will be a way. It's you who saves me every time." Xiao Jiejie cried.

"We are all friends." Looking at Xiao Jiejie's affectionate and dependent eyes, Zhang Yu felt a little nervous.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Xiao Jiejie hugged Zhang Yu fiercely. She didn't speak, she just cried.

"Don't cry, don't cry. Didn't you hold a board meeting at one o'clock? I'll go and think of a solution. What about that, you go back first and ask your dad for some news. We'll call you later to see if it's okay." Zhang Yu said gently. Saying that, he gently pushed Xiao Jiejie away.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Xiao Jiejie nodded heavily.

"Okay. I'll leave first and wait for a call later." Zhang Yu said eagerly.

Just at this time, the elevator door opened, Zhang Yu ran out in one step, and left Jindu Real Estate.

He also knew that this girl seemed to be interested in him, but he and Fang Tong had already established a relationship. He hadn't figured out what happened with Bao Jiayin yet, and he didn't want to continue to cause trouble.

Zhang Yu took a ride straight to Pan Chonghai's studio. When he got there, he had the key himself. He opened the door and went in. He saw several traders sitting around in the large living room, each looking at three computers, but Pan Chonghai was nowhere to be seen.

"You've all worked hard, where is the old man?" Zhang Yu asked.

"It's in the house." A trader pointed to the room on the side.

Zhang Yu knocked on the door and went in, only to see Pan Chonghai sitting on the big sofa, flipping through a few pages of paper in his hand.

"Grandpa Pan." Zhang Yu greeted with a smile.

"Xiao Yu, you're here. Sit down quickly." Pan Chonghai said with a smile.

Zhang Yu sat down on the sofa next to him and said, "Um, last time I talked about buying shares of Jindu Real Estate. I wonder what the situation is like?"

"I only took in 7%, which did not meet my expectations. However, there is no problem in making more than a billion. After a while, I may be able to make more." Pan Chonghai said calmly.

"7% seems like a lot," Zhang Yu said.

"The original plan was 10%, but the other party didn't give us a chance, so we didn't get much in the low position." Pan Chonghai shook his head and said.

"That's enough, old man, I want to ask you something." Zhang Yu said.

"What's up?"

"Will our shares be effective if they are put on the board of directors of Jindu Real Estate?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Oh?" Pan Chonghai looked at Zhang Yu in surprise and said with a smile: "You also see that someone is going to swallow up Jindu Real Estate? Not bad. If this number of shares is taken to the board of directors now, it will definitely be very important."

"Ah?" Zhang Yu was startled, "Have you, the old man, noticed it a long time ago?"

"Yes, I saw it when you asked me to operate this stock." Pan Chonghai said.

"Then why didn't you say anything?" Zhang Yu asked anxiously.

"You didn't ask me. Besides, weren't you just trying to make money at that time? Could it be that you still have some friendship with Xiao Mingshan of Jindu Real Estate?" Pan Chonghai said.

"It's not bad. Fan Shiji of Jixiang Group wants to be the chairman of Jindu Real Estate and freeze the assets of Jindu Real Estate. Judging from the shares in his hands, it seems that he has more shares than Xiao Mingshan. I want to help Xiao Mingshan, I don’t know if what we have done is enough..." Zhang Yu immediately recounted everything that had happened before.

"It came so fast!" Pan Chonghai couldn't help frowning after hearing this, and immediately picked up a few pages of paper placed on the coffee table.

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