Bao Jiayin usually slept alone, so it was really inconvenient for Zhang Yu to sleep next to him tonight. But it would be so awkward for her to sleep in her clothes, so she could only lie down in her pajamas. I have to say that hers is indeed much bigger than Fang Yatou.

Compared to Zhang Yu's lack of heart, Bao Jiayin couldn't sleep. On the one hand, it was because he had never slept with a man before, and on the other hand, it was too disturbing.

As for this matter, it’s really hard to come back from it, and it’s giving me a bit of a headache. Unknowingly, she thought of Xia Yuechan. When she thought of this partner since childhood, she finally felt better. In the second half of the night, I finally fell asleep.

Jiugecheng KTV.

In a large private room, several girls and boys were singing and drinking, having a great time.

However, there was one girl who just held her cell phone, lowered her head and remained silent. She wasn't playing with her phone, but looking at the stock market. Looking at her face, she looked depressed.

The girl was none other than Xiao Jiejie, and the stock she was looking at was none other than their family's Jindu Real Estate stock.

At the close of trading today, the stock price was rising again. If she were someone else's princess, she would be very happy to see her own stock rising sharply. But Xiao Jiejie couldn't be happy.

"Jiejie, you've been here for a long time. You're just reading on your phone, and you don't sing or drink. What are you thinking about?" A girl approached Xiao Jiejie and said.

The girl's name is Tong Lin, and she is a gangster who plays with Xiao Jiejie.

It was okay not to listen to her. As soon as she heard her speak, Xiao Jiejie's eyes immediately widened and she shouted loudly: "Okay! Okay! Stop singing!"

When the men and women in the room saw her shouting, they all acted obediently, and no one dared to speak out again. Some people even took the initiative to pause the screen.

"You all get out!" Xiao Jiejie shouted again, pointing to the door.

Her words were very effective. Everyone in the room stood up obediently, looked at Xiao Jiejie inexplicably, and slowly moved outside. Tong Lin also wanted to go out, but she only took one step before Xiao Jiejie said: "Tong Lin, you stay!"

"What's the matter?" Tong Lin said cautiously.

"You all get out, let's talk alone!" Xiao Jiejie shouted.

When others saw that Xiao Jiejie was talking to Tong Lin, everyone withdrew safely.

Tong Lin sat down carefully and asked in a low voice: "Sister Jiejie, what's going on?"

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Jiejie said angrily: "You said a few days ago that my company's stock was going to plummet, and we would definitely make a lot of money by short selling. Why is it rising every day now?"

"This is not what I said. It was the stock commentators who were short on your family's shares, saying that it was extremely negative and would definitely fall. I have already lost a lot of money. But what does this matter have to do with you... You guys It's a good thing that our stocks are going up..." Tong Lin said with aggrieved tone.

The so-called short selling is an investment method in the securities market. For example, if an investor predicts that a certain stock will fall, it is definitely useless to buy the stock if he wants to make money from it. At this time, you can temporarily borrow stocks from brokers and sell them. After the stocks fall, you can buy back the stocks at a low price and return them to the brokers. In this way, you can make a profit.

This kind of operation is naturally risky and requires a certain amount of deposit to be given to the brokerage firm. In addition, the money for selling the stocks is also deposited in the hands of the brokerage firm. If the stock falls, you will definitely make money, but if it rises and the increase exceeds the mortgage deposit, then the mortgage deposit and the money from selling the stock at that time will be gone. Unless you cover your position again, that is, pay another deposit, and continue to bet on the stock price falling, if it continues to rise, you will lose your money.

Tong Lin was miserable, it looked like she had lost a lot.

Xiao Jiejie was even worse off than she was, because Xiao Jiejie sold out 5% of her stocks. I'm just waiting to buy it back after the big drop and make a fortune from it. God knows, the stock price fell for two days when it was first sold, and then rose again. As it grew higher and higher, Xiao Jiejie couldn't buy back all the stocks she sold with the money she originally sold.

Of course, Xiao Jiejie is not a pure idiot. Mainly because in those days, other than Tong Lin, there were always people saying this when her friends were having dinner, and some people suggested that she sell her stocks first. Coupled with the fact that stock commentators all sang bad news and Zhang Yu ignored her, she was eager to prove that she was not a rich second generation just waiting to die, so she impulsively threw away the stocks in her hand, just waiting to buy them back at a low price. Make a fortune.

"But..." Xiao Jiejie felt bitter in her heart. She didn't know how to explain that she did it without telling her father that she had thrown away the stocks. If you let your father know, you won't be scolded to death.

"But what?" Tong Lin asked curiously.

"Forget it, forget it!" Xiao Jiejie said angrily, then stood up and walked outside, "I'm in a bad mood, I won't play anymore!"

The bed in Bao Jiayin's room.

When people are dreaming, they will occasionally control their bodies for no reason.

Bao Jiayin was not particularly honest when sleeping, let alone having such a dream. In her sleep, she turned over and the quilt on her body covered Zhang Yu's body.

Zhang Yu was sleeping soundly. When he turned over in a daze, the two people's faces came together.

This was a good thing, the two people were already close to each other, and their bodies immediately touched each other.

I don't know how long it took, but Bao Jiayin suddenly felt that his arms were particularly numb, which was very uncomfortable. She opened her eyes unconsciously and was startled. It turned out that at this moment, her face was almost touching Zhang Yu's.

In desperation, she immediately turned over and wanted to get up. As a result, she turned over, but she couldn't get up when she wanted to. The reason was no other than that one of his arms was resting under Zhang Yu's head.

Sometimes when Bao Jiayin slept with Xia Yuechan, he would habitually put his arm on Xia Yuechan's pillow. I just didn't expect that the person resting on my arm now was Zhang Yu.

For a moment, Bao Jiayin couldn't help feeling angry and wanted to pull out his arm, but Zhang Yu was so heavy that he was sleeping like a dead dog and couldn't pull it out at all.

She deliberately woke up Zhang Yu, but after a moment's hesitation, she saw that Zhang Yu was sleeping very soundly, so it seemed inappropriate to wake him up from his sweet dream. Moreover, I still count on Zhang Yu for help.

"This you want to show some respect..." Bao Jiayin muttered in her heart. She tilted her head and stared at Zhang Yu closely.

Zhang Yu had a perseverance on his face, and within this perseverance there was also a sense of affinity, making people feel that this person was very reliable and very easy to get close to.

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