Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 56 No need for anesthesia

Pan Yun's thighs were not as white and smooth as Xia Yuechan's. Her thighs were plump, firm and full of vitality.

The three-sided thorn was inserted on it, and the blood stained the surrounding skin red. Zhang Yu observed it and wiped the surrounding blood with a sterilized cotton ball.

Pan Yun was lucky. The three-edged thorn was inserted into the inner part of the thigh and did not pierce the bone. Zhang Yu estimated the depth of the penetration, which was about ten centimeters. This was definitely not a minor injury.

The old man looked on. He was not the one injured, but cold sweat broke out on his head.

With such a serious injury, as soon as the three-edged thorn is pulled out, it will probably bleed into a river.

"It's so deep." Zhang Yu gritted his teeth, picked up the scissors, and started cutting on Pan Yun's pants again.

Pan Yun looked puzzled and asked, "What are you doing again?"

"This area is not enough." Zhang Yu said in his mouth, and cut off the entire trousers leg in three strokes, turning the trousers directly into trousers.

Then, he took out a small box from his pocket. This was his silver needle. Fortunately, he was going to the glasses girl's house to give her mother acupuncture tonight, so he took it with him.

Zhang Yu immediately inserted the needles into the acupuncture points and veins of Pan Yun's thigh one by one, which sometimes left Pan Yun baffled. Not to mention Pan Yun, the old man looked confused.

He knew about traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, but Zhang Yu was so young, how could he still do this? Besides, how can acupuncture help to remove the three-edged thorns?

Soon, Zhang Yu inserted up to twenty needles into Pan Yun's thighs and calves. At this time, he nodded slightly.

Strangely enough, at this moment, Pan Yun suddenly found that his injured thigh began to feel numb. The previous pain was gradually replaced by numbness. Gradually, there was only numbness and no pain anymore. And the entire thigh seemed to no longer belong to her.

Pan Yun was extremely curious, wondering how Zhang Yu did it. At this time, Zhang Yu reached out and grabbed the handle of the three-edged thorn, and it looked like he was about to pull it out now.

The old man was shocked when he saw this and shouted quickly: "Don't give her an anesthetic! This will hurt to death!"

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said, "Her legs are numb now, right?"

After speaking, he looked at Pan Yun confidently.

Pan Yun said: "It's numb. I feel like my legs don't feel at all now."

"That's good!" Zhang Yu nodded, then raised his right hand upward, and the three-edged thorn was pulled out by him.


A blood arrow spurted out immediately.

Seeing the blood spurting out, the old man shuddered immediately. He thought that the next step would be like a fountain of blood and the bleeding would not stop. But something he didn't expect happened. Although there was blood, it was not much. That is to say, there was more blood when the Gangjun thorn was pulled out.

The blood on the leg is now seeping out a little bit, which can be regarded as the amount of bleeding from an ordinary wound. Zhang Yu took the panax notoginseng powder next to him and quickly pressed it on the wound. Panax notoginseng has always been very effective in stopping bleeding. Within half a minute, the wound was covered with Panax notoginseng powder and the blood stopped flowing out.

"This, this" Looking at the scene in front of him, the old man seemed like he couldn't believe his eyes.

He rubbed his eyes vigorously and realized that he had seen correctly. The three-pointed wound was no longer bleeding.

This is a three-edged thorn. It can penetrate ten centimeters, and even if it sheds such a small amount of blood, no matter what hospital it is, I'm afraid it can't do this.

Pan Yun felt the pain at the moment when the three-edged thorn was pulled out, but the pain was fleeting. She watched carefully as Zhang Yu treated her wound, and the bleeding stopped just like that.

Pan Yun didn't know that the triangular thorn was very powerful, but she insisted not to go to the hospital. Firstly, she was afraid that her mother would know about it, and secondly, she was angry with her mother. In her opinion, even if she is disabled, it doesn't matter, it will be better. The Qi family will not find a disabled woman as their daughter-in-law.

What she didn't expect was that Zhang Yu was so powerful, and his methods seemed to have surpassed those of doctors in big hospitals.

Pan Yun then remembered what Zhang Yu had said to her during the day, saying that her hall was dark and there was a bloody disaster, so she should not go out alone, especially at night. At that time, she didn't believe it at all and never thought it would actually come true.

"You, how did you do it?" Pan Yun asked curiously.

"Using needles to seal the acupuncture points on your legs will not only temporarily numb your legs, but also hinder blood circulation so that your blood will not spurt out along the wound." Zhang Yu said truthfully.

"Is there really such medical skill in this world?" Pan Yun couldn't believe it. But the facts are before your eyes. Even if you don’t believe it, you still have to believe it.

"My master taught me this. In fact, this is my first time to use it. If you hadn't insisted on not going to the hospital, I wouldn't have dared to take the risk." Zhang Yu said.

"It's the first time. The first time you dare to test me, and you say you're 80% sure?" Pan Yun couldn't help but say.

"I think what my master said is correct. Just because it has not been tested, I say 80%. If it had been tested, I would dare to say 100%." ​​Zhang Yu said seriously.

Looking at Zhang Yu's sincere look, it didn't look like he was bragging at all. Pan Yun couldn't help feeling that this guy was too immodest. Of course, they are capable and have the capital to be arrogant.

"By the way, you said you saw that I had a bloody disaster. How did you see that?" Pan Yun asked again.

"I just want to see your Yintang turn black." Zhang Yu said.

"You can see this too. I remember that the scams on the street are all like this." Pan Yun said.

"You said they were cheating, but I'm not a liar." Zhang Yu said sincerely again.

"Ring ring ring ring ring."

At this time, the mobile phone in Zhang Yu's pocket rang.

He took out his cell phone and saw that it was Yang Ying calling.

It's already late at night, and Yang Ying is probably anxious because he hasn't answered yet. When he came out of the glasses girl's house, Zhang Yu called Yang Ying and said that he was going back. Now that he had been delayed for such a long time because he was treating Pan Yun's injury, if Yang Ying was not anxious, then the ghost would come out.

Zhang Yu quickly answered the phone and told Yang Ying about his heroic act. Thanks to the fact that he saved the police officer, Yang Yingcai didn't lose her temper directly, but she was very angry in her heart. I kept cursing in my heart, you are from out of town, you really dare to take care of anything, and you are not afraid of getting yourself into trouble.

She asked Zhang Yu to go home immediately and not to stay outside anymore. After Zhang Yu agreed, he took out the needle inserted in Pan Yun's leg and bandaged the wound with gauze.

Pan Yun's legs were still numb, and Zhang Yu told her that it would take at least twelve hours for the acupuncture points to become unblocked. By that time, the bleeding will have completely stopped.

After saying goodbye to Pan Yun and the old man, Zhang Yu hurried away on his bicycle. The old man looked at Zhang Yu with admiration on his face. I have been a doctor for more than half my life, and I have never seen such a powerful doctor. This is really in line with the saying, those who learn first come first.

When Zhang Yu returned home, his little aunt was still waiting for him. Without such a person in the family, Yang Ying felt as if something was missing and she felt particularly uneasy. She was relieved when she saw Zhang Yu coming back. When Zhang Yu lay down to sleep, she soon fell asleep.

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