Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 553 Homemade Divine Walking Vest

Since taking over the football team, Zhang Yu has gained a little understanding of the rules of football. In addition, this game is already the sixth round of the league. He only scored 1 point, and he has long been firmly ranked first.

Zhang Yu frowned and said: "Winning or losing is one thing. The key point is, why are the players so lacking in energy at all? They look no different from eggplants beaten by frost. When I took over, I didn't make up for all the arrears of wages." Are you on board?"

"The team has been losing consecutive games and has low morale. Now I heard that the home court will be moved to the countryside again. Several main players are clamoring to transfer, so the morale is low." Zhao Yadong said.

"Then what can you do?" Zhang Yu asked.

"The way, I think, is to increase the winning bonus. In addition, during the second transfer in the summer, buying two better foreign players may be able to avoid relegation." Zhao Yadong said.

"Is it enough to just buy foreign players? I don't think our players are that good either." Zhang Yu shook his head.

"Actually, the level of domestic players is not much different. The main difference is in the foreign players. With good foreign players and good energy, basically everything will be fine. As you just saw, you can't even run. If there are two If you have a backbone and lead everyone to charge forward, you can still win." Zhao Yadong said.

Zhang Yu nodded slightly, thinking about what to do? This is the business card of Wudang Taoist Temple. If you play well, you will gain glory. If you lose every day, it will be embarrassing.

Zhao Yadong's words reminded Zhang Yu, and Zhang Yu said: "I can't even run. If I run fast, can I win?"

"How do you say this? Running is a part of football. On the surface it is 11 against 11, but running more and running faster is naturally an advantage. If you can run the distance of one more person, it is equivalent to 12 It’s 11. I don’t know whether you watch foreign leagues or not. There is a team called Rexiang, known as the North London Track and Field Team. They just can run. Although the big-name stars are not as good as other giants, they can often kill them. Rich. They win by running." Zhao Yadong said seriously: "As for our domestic teams, the Taishan Pacers have always been a big domestic club. Although the players are good, their results are so-so. The reason is that they always walk. Basically I can’t run.”

"Oh" Zhang Yu nodded again, and an idea came to his mind. If he could make these team members run faster, could he win? At least he wouldn't be embarrassed.

I do have a Shenxing vest, which is the key, and it seems that I can't wear this thing on the football field.

The second half started. Zhang Yu was watching and thinking. Suddenly, a player was injured. The team doctor went up to check. Only then did Zhang Yu discover that the guy still had a plate on his leg.

Zhang Yu immediately asked: "What is that board for?"

"Those are shin guards, used to protect players." Zhao Yadong said.

"Yes," Zhang Yu said, patting his thigh.

Zhao Yadong didn't understand what Zhang Yu meant, and asked curiously: "Mr. Zhang, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing. I'm thinking about what to say at the press conference. Actually, it doesn't matter whether I say it or not. You are the club manager. You can just announce it and bring the team to Guangming Town for training tomorrow. Okay. Alright, I'm going back first." After Zhang Yu finished speaking, he stood up and walked towards the back.

"Okay." Zhao Yadong just nodded. In his opinion, the team lost like this, and as a boss, he was really embarrassed to attend the press conference. Look at what this means, it shouldn't be a surprise if you lose five in the first half and get three or four more in the second half.

However, little did he know that Zhang Yu really had a good idea in his mind right now.

Isn't it just running? Let's see how I can make you run. Not to mention running the distance of one more person, there is no problem if there are three more people.

However, he did not leave immediately. After going down, he called the team leader and asked someone to bring him a pair of shin guards. Zhang Yu returned home with this pair of shin guards.

As soon as he entered the house, he took out the magic vest. As a magic weapon, the Shenxing vest has a trace of magic power and is also blessed with a formation.

Zhang Yu knew that as long as he could study the formations on the Divine Walking Vest and input mana into it, he could produce a new Divine Walking Vest.

You can wear shin pads during football matches. This shin pad can be used as a walking vest. Even if it is less effective, if you can't walk a thousand times a day or eight hundred times a night, it will definitely be much better than usual. A 90-minute race would normally run 18,000 meters. With this, running 20,000 to 30,000 meters should not be a problem.

Before I learned the Eight Qi Men Techniques, it was simply impossible to decipher the formations blessed on the magic weapons. But now, Zhang Yu has a new understanding of the battle method, and nothing is impossible anymore.

The Divine Movement Vest allows him to move as fast as flying. It is obvious that it is blessed with the Wind Movement Formation. With the help of wind, people's speed can be increased without being very tired.

The Sifeng constellations are: Ji Bi Yi Zhen, which is the Ji Water Leopard, Bi Water Bull, Winged Fire Snake, and Zhen Water Earthworm among the twenty-eight constellations. When the moon is in these four directions, it is also called the moon basket, the moon wall, the moon wing, and the moon. At this moment, the wind will rise.

Zhang Yu soon discovered that the formation on the Shenxing vest was laid out with Jibi Yi Zhen and the four stars, with the moon as the eye of the formation, inputting mana, and then using the Shenxing talisman to drive it.

This four-constellation formation is extremely wonderful. If there were no reference objects, Zhang Yu could actually create it by himself.

But with the Shenxing Vest as a comparison, Zhang Yu took a carving knife and lightly sketched it on the shin guard. Not to mention, it didn't take long to make a simple Shenxing Vest.

This magical vest is far inferior to the one I own. My one is made up of several bamboo boards, while this one is made of one leg guard. But in Zhang Yu's opinion, this is enough. It would be too shocking to actually use the Shenxing vest to play.

He poured his mana into it and drew a magical talisman on it with blood. It was too eye-catching, so he found something to wrap it up on the outside.

Zhang Yu thought in his mind that if players were to wear this on the field, he didn't know how effective it would be. He would have to try it in the next game. Now, he is a little eager to try and is looking forward to the next game.

The next day, the former Zhenhai Xinxin football team, now the Wudang Taoist football team, moved to the training base in Guangming Town.

As soon as they arrived, the players frowned. What kind of remote country is this? How did they end up here? Although the team's performance is not very good, as players, everyone's sense of superiority is still quite good. Even if they lose, life in the city is quite rich. To come to a place like this, the surrounding areas are empty. Now, I can’t even find any nightlife.

I just arranged the dormitory that day and got familiar with the environment. In addition, I just finished the game yesterday and there was no training today. After lunch, captain Ren Gan called the team members together and held a meeting in the corner of the training ground.

"Brothers, how come this club has been sold to Taoist Temple? The boss was terrible before and always owed wages. Now there is no need to mess around. This, what kind of place is this? I will train here in the future. Playing games is like being isolated from the rest of the world! We are also a National League One team after all, so it’s too embarrassing to be treated like an amateur team." Ren Gan said with a serious face.

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