Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 548 Wen Qiong’s decision

"I've seen that girl before. She's really seductive. I asked how Qi Wuyao changed so quickly. It turned out that he was eating from the bowl while looking at the pot. He wasn't afraid. Both sides were smashed." Wen Qiong's voice turned cold. Come down.

"I just heard that Fu Senbo has contacted Futian Group to invest in the Masi Town area through connections. In this case, it will be very detrimental to you. Without the support of the Qi family, your chances of winning are even lower." Wen Yang said.

"I know. You called me just to tell me this, right?" Wen Qiong said.

"My idea is this. Since we are sure to lose this time, it is better to simply make more connections. Huajing Group is the focus of our Wen family's training. If we provide some convenient conditions, it is very likely to become an existence like the Qi family in the future. This is definitely a good thing for our Wen family. You can be sure that after Fu Senbo is promoted to CEO, you will definitely be transferred. It doesn't matter if you lose for a while. The most important thing is to maximize the benefits. As long as you can get the corresponding benefits, Coupled with a certain network of contacts, it is not too late to continue competing in other districts. The family will also respond to your performance this time and give you more support in the next competition." Wen Yang said sincerely.

"Are you asking me to admit defeat?" Wen Qiong asked directly.

"Victory and defeat are common things in military affairs. No one has ever lost. It doesn't matter if you lose once. What matters is summing up experience and lessons, cultivating strength, and getting up again when the time comes." Wen Yang said seriously.

"Are you saying this to me on behalf of the family, or is it your own idea?" Wen Qiong asked.

"Haha." Wen Yang laughed dryly and said: "The situation is now very clear. The family's resources are all helping my second uncle compete for the position of chief executive of the first administrative region, and there is really no time to distract you. Even if you lose, It’s understandable. I’m just expressing my own opinion, but it’s all for your own good.”

"Okay, let me think about it. Thank you." Wen Qiong said.

"You're welcome. I know you're busy right now, so I won't say more." After Wen Yang finished speaking, he said a few words before hanging up the phone.

Hearing the disconnection sound on the phone, Wen Qiong threw the phone aside bitterly.

Wen Yang's words were all bullshit. Zhu Huajing was an external force that the family focused on cultivating. It was clearly Wen Yang who focused on cultivating him.

Make money with me, and then help you build a career, and all the good things will be yours?

However, she felt unhappy, and Wen Qiong now had to face up to this problem.

Wen Qiong leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes, and began to think about what to do next. Who would give this most profitable piece of land to?

If you don't give it to the Qi family, I'm afraid the relationship with the Qi family will be completely severed. If Zhu Huajing is not given, Wen Yang will definitely step on him severely if he loses. If you want to avoid offending both sides, there is a way, that is, to keep things official and give the land to Fan Shiji, who bids the highest.

When it comes to economic development in towns and villages, the first priority is industry. In this regard, Wen Qiong knows more companies than Fu Senbo, so she has a chance of winning. So as long as the business is developed, a Qi family is like a leader. If the Qi family can come, it seems that the victory is guaranteed.

Now she found that she had underestimated the other party. Fu Senbora brought in foreign aid and held back the Qi family, which suddenly put her at a disadvantage.

There are many kinds of battles in the execution area, and the real main battlefield is political achievements. Without any glorious political achievements, it is very difficult to get to the top by just relying on some crooked means.

This is like a game of chess. Wen Qiong and Fu Senbo are both chess players. In the first move, Wen Qiong still had the advantage, but in the next move, the opponent made a wonderful move and took away her car.

Zhang Yu, Bao Jiayin, and Brother Da Biao had lunch with Xiao Mingshan, Xiao Jiejie, and Jiang's father and son.

At the dinner table, several people didn't talk much and seemed to have their own concerns. Zhang Yu was careless and just ate his food. Brother Biao sat down with the two big bosses for the first time, thinking about getting close to each other, but unfortunately they didn't say anything. He felt bored and stopped talking.

Xiao Mingshan was wondering how it happened that Jixiang Group's offer was ten to twenty million more than theirs and snatched away the land. There should be no problem on his side. Could it be that there is a problem on Jiang Xianzhang's side?

Jiang Xianzhang was also thinking about this issue. He trusted Xiao Mingshan, and it was impossible for Xiao Mingshan to tell others the price. Could it be that the district office didn't want them to take the land and secretly helped Fan Shiji? It's not impossible for this kind of thing to happen. After all, there are often secret operations in hidden bids. This is not uncommon. It's just a coincidence that whichever piece of land they bid for, Jixiang Group will bid for that piece of land? When he goes back later, the bidding for the land in Guangming Town will be opened again. Jiang Xianzhang wants to see who wins the bid this time, and if it is Fan Shiji, what will his bid be.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was a bit heavy, which made Xiao Jiejie not dare to talk nonsense to Zhang Yu in front of her father, so she could only behave herself.

When it was almost time, several people left the hotel together and walked towards the district office.

Zhu Huajing, two of his men, and several other business friends also ate here. Now that they came out, they all greeted each other. Zhu Huajing didn't bother to show off to a junior like Zhang Yu. He was 100% sure of winning this bidding.

A group of people entered the auditorium and sat down, waiting for the bid opening.

At one o'clock sharp, Wen Qiong and his secretary came to the podium with the winning bid document.

It became quiet below, Wen Qiong briefly said a few opening remarks, and then began to announce the winning bid.

She first thought of industrial land, followed by commercial land. No matter who won the bid, people she knew would help applaud.

Gradually, Wen Qiong finally read about the winning bid for residential land, "The winning bidder in Area A of Guangming Town is..."

Her voice was the same as before, very long. There were many bids for this land, and these people immediately pricked up their ears.

"Wudangzhai layman—Zhang Yu!" Wen Qiong finally read out the name.

Zhang Yu!

Many people present were surprised when they heard this name.

Everyone was wondering, "What does Wudangzhai layman do?" "Who is Zhang Yu? I have never heard of it before." "How much money was paid to win this land?" "This land is very big. Not bad, what price did this guy offer?”…

Although these people were puzzled, they were all quality people. They all muttered in their hearts and no one made a sound.

They wanted to know what price Zhang Yu was bidding on, but unfortunately, Wen Qiong didn't read it at all.

The hidden bid this time is not for the highest bidder, it also depends on your plan, so there is more possibility of secret operation. Wen Qiong didn't read the bids of all the previous winning bidders, so it was normal that he didn't read Zhang Yu's.

"Pah, pah, pah..." "Pah, pah, pah..."...

In the auditorium, there was sparse applause. That is, Xiao Mingshan, Xiao Jiejie, Bao Jiayin, and Brother Da Biao applauded.

Others naturally didn't understand Zhang Yu's winning bid, but Xiao Mingshan was still somewhat prepared. Bao Jiayin is now like a monk with two feet. She doesn't seem to believe her ears. Others don't know Zhang Yu's price, but she knows it. She won this piece of land at the lowest price? What is the relationship between this guy and the district office? Is it opened by Zhang Yu’s family? The lowest price is given!

Jiang Xianzhang and Jiang Yuting never expected that Zhang Yu would acquire this land. Why give it to him? Is it because the price is high, or does it have a background?

The three of them, Zhu Huajing, were sitting behind Zhang Yu. When Zhu Huajing heard Zhang Yu's name, he was immediately dumbfounded. He felt that he had heard something wrong. How could it be this boy and not him?

At this time, Zhang Yu slowly turned back, looked at Zhu Huajing, and said with a smile: "Boss Zhu, now that the outcome has been decided, don't forget your promise. In addition to the two Maserati, there is also an apology..."

"You!" Zhu Huajing almost got angry at Zhang Yu's words.

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