Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 546 Confrontation

The first bidding results were announced one by one. Jiang Xianzhang and Xiao Mingshan's expressions gradually darkened, and they did not curse, which should have been a sign of great demeanor.

The two of them jointly bid and developed this time, which can be said to have done a lot of work. In terms of evaluating and setting prices, every detail has been studied for a long time, and it can be said that excellence has been achieved.

Hidden bidding does not mean blind bidding. Firstly, it is based on value, and secondly, the marked price can securely obtain the land. At the same time, I also analyzed the opponent. If the opponent made a blind quotation, there would be nothing he could do if he lost, but I didn't expect there to be such a person.

However, the results announced are really hard to accept. Fan Shiji defeated them with an advantage of 20 to 30 million.

In this case of large-scale bidding, the base price of one acre of land is almost this amount. Each piece of land is about 100 acres, which is equivalent to a project worth several billion. Twenty or thirty million is simply a fraction.

If the difference is hundreds of millions, forget it. If someone is robbed of such a small amount of money, no one else can bear it.

"This is the end of the first bidding. The second bidding is about to begin. I would like to invite the executive officer, Ms. Wen Qiong, to speak on stage!"

After the office director spoke loudly on the rostrum in front, a middle-aged woman followed from the backstage and it was Wen Qiong.

Even if the bidding documents have been prepared, there are always some formalities to go through, such as making sure the bidding is fair and just. After finishing speaking, the bid documents can be sent up one after another.

It's just that the second round of bidding will not be announced until three hours later. In other words, those who do not participate in the third round of bidding can leave now, wait for lunch, and come back at one o'clock in the afternoon.

Wen Qiong stepped down and took away all the bid documents, followed by Fu Senbo. Now it was the third bidding.

Like Wen Qiong, Fu Senbo had to be polite when he came up, and then said: "When I take the stage this time, in addition to announcing the formality of the third bidding, there is one more thing I want to apologize to you for."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but be stunned. What does this mean? Why did you suddenly apologize?

Everyone looked at Fu Senbo on the stage in confusion, and then heard Fu Senbo say: "The reason for the apology is this. It turns out that the land in Area G of Masi Town and the adjacent Areas A and B of Xujia Town The districts are all Class 1 or Class 2 industrial land, with a total area of ​​1,000 acres. They have been put up for bidding. But now, what I want to say is that these pieces of land are no longer open for bidding, because the Futian Group of the island country bought this land. A large piece of land will be used to build a green bird automobile production base. It is expected to be completed within three months and put into production immediately. This production base will become the third largest automobile production base in Zhenhai. As long as the company can do a good job in bidding for this land, I will I can only express my sincere apology. However, there are still a lot of industrial lands in the Masi Town area. You can choose to bid for land elsewhere. I know that doing so will bring a lot of inconvenience to everyone. So the time for bidding is , you can extend it by one hour, and you don’t have to write in such detail, you just need to indicate the price. Likewise, the bidding will be opened at one o’clock in the afternoon!”

After speaking these words, Fu Senbo bowed deeply on the stage.

After hearing this, many of the people below were shocked.

Good guy, we want to build the third largest automobile production base in Zhenhai in the Masi Town area. What kind of concept does this equate to? It is basically enough to turn the Masi Town area into a large industrial park.

Supported by such a large production base, it is bound to stimulate surrounding industries. Whether it is real estate or catering and entertainment, they will receive strong support.

Time was tight, only one hour, but the businessmen present seemed to have sensed a huge business opportunity, so they immediately left the meeting and began to study the land in the Masi Town area.

The businessman who had already prepared the tender document was now vaguely aware that the offer might be a bit low, and was even considering whether to raise the offer. Some simply hold meetings in the corner to discuss quotations.

Businessmen pursue profits and usually do not have many positions and principles. The bosses who had lost the previous bidding and did not get the land are now re-examining the land in Masi Town.

Jiang Xianzhang and Xiao Mingshan glanced at each other and exchanged glances with each other, wondering whether they also wanted to get land in Masi Town.

Investment in commercial district construction carries high risks. If you buy land and build in the city, you can make money no matter what you do. But if you want to do this in towns and villages, it's hard to say. You're betting on the future.

The two had previously done a commercial construction assessment in the Masi Town area and thought it was unreliable. Although the two deputy executive officers each showed their talents and carried out economic construction in two places, the officials of the Office often engaged in face-saving projects for the sake of political performance.

Large-scale investment in such remote areas with no environmental foundation can easily lead to a dead city. Moreover, these two believe that after this bidding is over, there will be some land on both sides that cannot be sold, so there is no need to worry.

Therefore, the only land that they were interested in before was the land that Zhang Yu bid for. The foundation could be better, but other places were not sure.

Jiang Xianzhang looked at his son at this moment and said, "Yuting, what do you think of the prospects of Masi Town?"

Jiang Yuting knew that this was an assessment his father had given him, and he had to answer well, and it was best to be able to agree with his father's thoughts. He could see that his father was not sure and did not want to take action easily. According to Fan Shiji, he did not want the Jiang family and Xiao family to get the land, so Jiang Yuting said: "Father, although Fu Senbo has the support of the island country's enterprises, he wants to We are developing an industrial park in Masi Town, but it is too hasty for us to acquire land and build a commercial district now. The battle between Fu Senbo and Wen Qiong is expected to be decided within a year, and any investment now will It belongs to the denominator construction. Once the winner is determined, no one can be sure about the support of the District Office. So my idea is to wait and see what happens."

Jiang Xianzhang nodded slightly, thinking that what his son said was similar to his own thoughts.

Xiao Mingshan looked at his daughter and said, "Jiejie, what do you think? Now that you are a director of the company, you can express your own opinions on some matters."

"I think so." How could Xiao Jiejie understand this? If she did, she wouldn't be Xiao Jiejie.

Not long ago, Jiang Yuting proposed that she become a director of Jindu Real Estate and gain more experience. This made Xiao Mingshan feel that it made sense, so he agreed. Xiao Jiejie also hopes to get some results, but she doesn't know much. She usually listens to other people's opinions. Today, her father asked her, which made her a little embarrassed.

According to Jiang Yuting, it seemed easiest to say it again, but she was not willing to say that yet. She glanced at Zhang Yu on the side, thought about it for a while, and said: "Zhang Yu is very optimistic about Guangming Town, so I think there is a future there. What a crappy place there is in Masi Town. Anyway, it would be me." I definitely won’t buy a house there, nor will I go shopping there. Even if I’m traveling, there don’t seem to be many attractions there.”

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