Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 533 Find me a mother

Bao Jiayin now regards Zhang Yu as a good friend, a friendship that was simply a trap.

Even though Zhang Yu saw it, she didn't feel embarrassed anymore. It was such a big deal, just a quick glance. We are all men, what's the big deal, I just didn't go into the men's bathhouse.

"Okay, I'll call you when the time comes. Give me your number and I'll leave now." Zhang Yu said.

Bao Jiayin took out a piece of paper with a number on it. Zhang Yu put it in his pocket and said goodbye.

He went downstairs to meet Brother Biao and returned to Wudangzhai to have lunch with the girl. In the afternoon he ran away again and went to Wudang Taoist Temple to find Pan Chonghai.

As soon as he entered the backyard, Zhang Yu was stunned. In front of the big cauldron in the yard, there was a handsome young man walking on horseback. The young man was wearing a Taoist robe that was not old, and had a bun on his head. He really looked like a Taoist priest.

"Who are you?" Zhang Yu asked curiously.

If it weren't for the familiar scenery in the courtyard, Zhang Yu would have suspected that he was in the wrong place.

"I'm Pan Sheng." Pan Sheng said.

"Ah?" Zhang Yu scratched his head and said, "You're quite energetic. It's much better than when your hair was disheveled. Keep it up in the future."

"Master cleaned it up for me, and I will keep it." Pan Sheng said honestly.

Zhang Yu walked forward again, and as soon as he entered the front room, he almost didn't let the smoke come out, it was like a fire inside.

"What's going on?" Zhang Yu asked in shock.

"It's my first time to make a fire and cook. I didn't understand it." Following the voice, Pan Chonghai ran out of the thick smoke.

Zhang Yu immediately collapsed when he saw it. Old Pan's face was now as big as the bottom of a pot. Zhang Yu said in surprise: "Grandpa Pan, are you still making a fire to cook?"

"This is not what Pan Sheng's master said, let his apprentices cook. I thought that Pan Sheng was not as good as me. I had cooked venison after all, so I did it." Pan Chonghai had tears in his eyes due to the smoke.

"You two are really good at it. I thought we were in the wrong place. I shouldn't say it, but your son is very energetic." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"This is the first time I've seen him look like this. He looks like me when I was young." Pan Chonghai said with a grin.

The old guy worked willingly because he saw the earth-shaking changes in his son. Therefore, he will do whatever Sun Zhaoyi asks him to do.

"I came here this time to consult with you about something." Zhang Yu immediately explained his plan to invest in the purchase of Zhenhai Xinxin Football Club.

When it came to business, the old guy's expression immediately changed. He pondered for a long time and said, "It's actually a bit early to buy it now, but there are only three football clubs in Zhenhai. You definitely can't afford the other two. Zhenhai Xinxin It's okay. If you want to build the reputation of Wudang Taoist Temple, this is a shortcut. I agree with you to buy it, operate it at a small cost, and try not to downgrade. If the funds are not enough, I will find a way to provide you with funds to maintain the title. The aspect is the most important. Once it is named after a Taoist temple, even if it is not famous, it will become the focus of the news. It can be called Wudang Football or Metaphysical Football, and it will not be a problem to become popular for a while. The only disadvantage is "You don't have a Taoist temple yet. After you get the land, you have to complete it as soon as possible. No big deal, start small, and then build it bigger little by little."

Zhang Yu nodded and said with a smile: "You even know football."

"When you're bored, watch it for a while. In fact, that's what it's like. Domestic players are about the same level and they all rely on foreign aid. If you run the business well and hype it up, you might even be able to make money." Pan Chonghai also laughed. .

With his suggestion, Zhang Yu no longer had any worries. There was no need to discuss this matter immediately. He could just say hello to Wen Qiong first.

As soon as Wen Qiong heard that Pan Chonghai agreed to this matter, he had no objection. After all, old man Pan had a unique vision. It was uncertain whether the team could make a name for itself, but at least it would not lose money.

In the blink of an eye, Saturday came and the capping ceremony began. The so-called ceremony is nothing more than setting off firecrackers, and then the boss takes all the contractors to dinner.

Brother Biao's reason for asking for leave is very simple. No one else brings their family members with them. If I do, it will make others laugh. I'll just go with my brother. You can stay at your sister's house for the night and I'll be back tomorrow morning.

Fang Yatou was too embarrassed to go with Zhang Yu, so she went directly to the Gold Coast and pretended to meet Zhang Yu by chance. The boss was quite generous. In addition to arranging meals, he also gave everyone a room and a tour guide. Zhang Yu was useless.

The dining room is a large private room with four tables set up inside. As soon as we arrive, the boss must say some opening words, such as thank you and keep up the good work.

Finally, he raised his glass and said loudly: "For our better tomorrow, let's drink this cup together!"

The wine is red, and it looks like medicinal wine at first glance, and its name is Longyang Divine Wine. Everyone poured a cup, even the little girl had a cup. After drinking it in one breath, a stream of heat went straight into the Dantian.

The taste is very good. For ordinary medicinal wine, as soon as it enters Zhang Yu's mouth, he can immediately determine what kind of medicine it contains. However, after Zhang Yu drank this wine, he only tasted three or five flavors. Most of the medicinal materials were actually... Didn't even drink it.

The boss put down the wine glass and said loudly: "This wine is quite good. It has just been released. I have drunk it twice and the effect is very good. Everyone will know it by the evening!"

After saying that, he burst out laughing.

It was a man's laugh, and the others laughed too.

At the wine table, there was both a man and a tour guide, talking nonsense and talking about anything.

At this time, Zhang Yu's cell phone suddenly rang. He took it out and saw that it was an unfamiliar number. He put it to his ear and answered, "Hello, hello."

"Hey Xiao Zhang, I'm your Aunt Niu." Niu Yanling's voice rang on the phone.

"Auntie, what do you want from me?" Zhang Yu said politely.

"Why are you so noisy over there? Did Jiayin tell you about coming to my house for dinner today?" Niu Yanling said again.

Zhang Yu stood up, walked towards the bathroom nearby, and said, "She told me. I told her that she had something to do today and she really couldn't go. I'm really sorry."

"Why are you young people so busy all day long? By the way, what's the phone number in your hometown? I have something to do and want to talk to your mother." Niu Yanling said.

Zhang Yuxin said that everything was indeed under Bao Jiayin's control. He immediately took out the phone number Bao Jiayin gave him and said, "Auntie, what do you want to see my mother for?"

"Don't worry about it, let's talk, old sisters," Niu Yanling said.

"Okay, please remember it." Zhang Yu then said the number given by Bao Jiayin.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yu walked into the bathroom for some convenience. While he was peeing, he suddenly heard a man outside say: "Didn't the Maserati become the same thing that time? What happened this time?"

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