Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 529 Staff (fifth update)

This room is not very big. There is an earthen bed and a large bucket. The bucket was filled with water, and firewood was burning underneath. The water is already a little warm and steaming.

There is also an oversized cabinet that spans the entire length of the wall.

Of course, what confused the two of them was not this, but Pan Sheng, who was lying on the bed playing with the white rabbit, and even kept saying: "White rabbit, white rabbit"

Sun Zhaoyi sat quietly on the kang, not knowing what he was thinking.

Hearing Pan Sheng speak, Zhang Yu said in surprise: "He, he can talk."

"Why can you suddenly speak?" Pan Chonghai was also puzzled.

Sun Zhaoyi said calmly: "You always lock him up like a prisoner. He has been autistic for a long time. How can he talk to you. Have you bought what I want?"

"Bought it," Zhang Yu said.

Sun Zhaoyi slowly got off the kang, grabbed a washbasin from the edge, and said: "Put all the medicine on the kang, I will use it later."

As she spoke, she walked to the large cabinet opposite and opened the drawers one by one.

It turned out to be a large medicine cabinet. Sun Zhaoyi seemed to know which medicine was in which cabinet without even looking. In a moment, she threw a dozen herbs into the basin, then came to the kang and grabbed a handful of each of the herbs Zhang Yu had laid out.

Only then did Zhang Yu realize that it seemed to be easy to grab a handful, weighing almost one or two.

After grabbing all the medicine, Sun Zhaoyi found two more pestles for pounding medicine, one big and one small, and put them on the kang. He said: "Pound all the medicine. Be careful not to use too much force. You follow It learns a little bit.”

After saying that, she picked up the paper bag containing the medicine on the kang and put the medicinal materials into the drawer of the medicine cabinet.

On the kang, a strange scene happened. The big white rabbit who was playing with Pan Sheng actually took the initiative to pick up the small pestle with its front paws, then squatted next to the basin and started to pound the medicine.

Pan Sheng imitated the white rabbit, picked up another pestle, and started pounding the medicine.

Zhang Yu and Pan Chonghai looked confused as to what kind of drama this was.

They say rabbits can make medicine, but I have never seen one before. Today I have seen it.

Pan Chonghai couldn't help but rub his eyes to make sure it was correct, and then said in surprise: "I have raised him for so many years, and he has never been so obedient."

Pan Sheng was strong, but he didn't dare to use too much force. He imitated the rabbit and smashed a pot of medicine into pieces in no time.

When the rabbit stopped, Pan Sheng also stopped. Sun Zhaoyi took the washbasin and poured all the concoction inside into the big bucket. Then he pointed at Pan Sheng and said, "Take off all your clothes and soak in the bucket."

"Okay." Pan Sheng agreed immediately and took off all his clothes and pants in a hurry.

When Pan Chonghai saw Sun Zhaoyi not turning around and just looking at him like this, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed for his son and said: "This, this is not good, is it?"

"I can't see it." Sun Zhaoyi seemed to understand what he meant and said directly.

Zhang Yu explained, "Uncle Grand Master is blind."

"Blind man." Pan Chonghai was sweating profusely. How could he tell that this man was blind? He had just taken medicine and other things and slipped away faster than normal people.

After Pan Sheng sat down in the big bucket, Sun Zhaoyi first said, "You are not allowed to come out until I ask you to come out." Then, she said, "Go sit on the kang."

She got on the kang first, and Zhang Yu and Pan Chonghai sat down beside the kang.

Sun Zhaoyi said calmly: "Master, how are things going at the Taoist temple? I heard from Wang Jie that we can live here for at most one month."

Because there was an outsider, Sun Zhaoyi did not address the sect leader directly, and by the way, he used the style of Grand Master Uncle.

When they arrived, Zhang Yu and Pan Chonghai also saw that the demolition was a complete mess.

Zhang Yu immediately said: "Uncle Grand Master, now that I have received the certificate and approval, I just need to buy land. Where to live is not a problem. I have opened a Wudangzhai. If it is too late, I will live there first."

Sun Zhaoyi said with emotion: "I didn't expect that I got it so quickly. By the way, how did you do it?"

"I worshiped Master Jia of Baimei Palace as my tutor..." Zhang Yu immediately briefly explained the past of his acquaintance with Master Jia.

After listening to Zhang Yu's story, Sun Zhaoyi nodded and said: "So that's it. In fact, this is also very good. If we build a Taoist temple, the place should not be too remote. After all, we can't just have a small temple, we must have incense, and we must have many good friends. . Otherwise, it will be a pool of stagnant water."

Zhang Yu also understood this from Jia Zhenren. After learning the spells of the ancestor, he must repay the ancestor. Just fooling around will definitely not work. But Zhang Yu was also a little embarrassed and said: "Uncle Taishi, I understand what you are talking about now. It's just that it's not easy to make something from scratch, from small to large."

"It's absolutely true. Just like the White Eyebrow Palace, it has been able to achieve its current status for thousands of years. It is not easy to achieve enlightenment in one day, nor does it only require ability. It requires great fortune and great opportunities. You The first step has been achieved, and now we need to start planning the second step." Sun Zhaoyi said.

"The second step, what should I do?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Gradually build the reputation of Wudang Taoist Temple." Sun Zhaoyi said directly: "I originally planned to take this step after you get the seal seal, but you are now a disciple of Baimei Palace, so there is no need to be rigid."

"I will try my best..." Zhang Yu didn't have much confidence. He won the Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui Exchange Conference. He originally thought he could make Wudangzhai famous, but the result was great. Only one customer came to the door, and he was a liar.

As it turns out, that's not a matter of words. Look at how majestic the White Eyebrow Palace is. It is a tourist attraction. What kind of work do you have to do to be able to live like this?

Inadvertently, Zhang Yu saw Pan Chonghai sitting opposite.

Wen Qiong told Zhang Yu that Pan Chonghai was a very powerful businessman, and he didn't know if he had any experience in this regard. Zhang Yu said: "Grandpa Pan, your grandson has become a monk and practiced Buddhism here, so I don't treat you as an outsider. Do you have any reasonable suggestions on this matter?"

"I just heard what you two said, and I have a rough idea. You want to promote Wudang Taoist Temple and are making plans." Pan Chonghai said with a smile.

"That's right." Zhang Yu nodded.

Pan Chonghai said to himself, there are only two people in your Taoist temple, how can you still carry it forward? Including my son, there are only three in total.

However, after all, his son is in the hands of others, and he has seen Zhang Yu's ability and Sun Zhaoyi's ability. A person who can make his son talk within an hour will be given in vain.

Pan Chonghai thought for a moment and said: "If you want to gain popularity in the short term, there is only one way, and that is to advertise and engage in media bombing."

"Can Taoist temples do advertising?" This was the first time Zhang Yu heard that TV commercials were all about this shampoo, that down jacket, etc. How could a Taoist temple advertise?

"This advertisement does not necessarily have to be an advertisement for selling products. In fact, there are many invisible advertisements. Just like some movies and TV series, "Shaolin Temple" and "Shaolin Football" make people have a broader understanding of Shaolin Temple; " Wudang", "Tai Chi Zhang Sanfeng" and "Zombie Taoist Master" have given people a better understanding of Wudang and Maoshan sects. In fact, this is also a kind of propaganda." Pan Chonghai said seriously.

Sun Zhaoyi said: "Very insightful."

Zhang Yu looked at Pan Chonghai in confusion and said, "Do you still have time to watch so much TV?"

"I'm a lonely old man who just stays at home every day. I don't watch TV, so I can do whatever I want to do to pass the time." Pan Chonghai said.

"That's right." Zhang Yu smiled.

"If you want good publicity, you invest in a Wudang football team. Many people do this now. The publicity effect is very good, but the cost is a bit high. If you want to make a movie, you don't even have a Taoist temple now, so you have to wait." Pan Chonghai He said slowly.

"Grandpa Pan, I don't think you are confused at all. Otherwise, you would have come out again." Zhang Yu said.

"You have helped me so much, especially with Pan Sheng. I have never been able to repay you. I will give you some advice behind your back, so there will be no problem. But if it comes to re-entering the world, I have no plans for the time being. You also said that someone Deliberately plotting against our Pan family. Once I come out again, that person will definitely know about it and bring you trouble." Pan Chonghai said seriously.

Zhang Yu didn't expect that this old man was very thoughtful. Regarding business matters, or running a Taoist temple, what can a stupid boy like me know? For legal matters, Bao Jiayin is now there to help; for social matters, Da Biao is there to help; for patrol room matters, Pan Yun is there to help. If that doesn't work, there is her mother.

But if Zhang Yu is asked to do business or something, there really is no one around him who can help. Having such a consultant behind the scenes can obviously solve many problems. Zhang Yu immediately said: "Then I'll leave it to you."


Without further ado, tomorrow night will be the tenth update. I wish my brothers and sisters a Happy Chinese New Year! ! !

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