The grandeur of this tomb is not at all inferior to Pan Changjun's tomb, or even worse. Zhang Yu took a look and saw that the name on the monument was "Pan Changye".

"This is my son's grave." Pan Chonghai said on the side.

Zhang Yu looked at it for a few times and said, "This is a single grave. Why not build a double grave in such a big place?"

"Who would have thought at that time that Changye's wife would pass away so early, so we did not consider a double grave but a single grave," Pan Chonghai said.

Zhang Yu nodded. In fact, this was just a quibble. All he had to do was reserve a seat in advance. But he didn't say much, he just said: "Then let's go to Pan Sheng's mother's place to see her."

"Okay." Pan Chonghai nodded and led Zhang Yu towards the side.

After walking for more than a hundred meters, we came to a grave.

"This is it." Pan Chonghai said.

Zhang Yu looked carefully and saw that the name on the stele was "Wang Xijuan". Other graves have a tomb-like appearance, but there is no such feeling on this grave.

He smiled slightly and said, "Grandpa Pan, if I see correctly, there should be no corpses under this grave."

"What? Impossible!" Pan Chonghai said in disbelief.

"Why is it impossible?" Zhang Yu smiled lightly.

"When Xijuan passed away, we buried her in person. How could there be no body?" Pan Chonghai said seriously.

"It seems you don't believe it anymore." Zhang Yu smiled.

"Of course I don't believe it!" Pan Chonghai said seriously.

"Do you think any of the things I told you before were false?" Zhang Yu asked.

"This" Pan Chonghai showed hesitation.

"Haha, if I say there's nothing underneath, there's nothing there. If you don't believe it, we can dig up the grave and see if there's anything in the coffin." Zhang Yu said.

"But." Pan Chonghai hesitated again.

"But what? Are you afraid that evil spirits will deal with me?" Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Once I call the tribe to dig the grave, I'm afraid there will be trouble if there is none." Pan Chonghai said this, obviously believing 70% of Zhang Yu's words.

"There's no need for them." Zhang Yu said, glanced at Pan Sheng, patted Pan Sheng's shoulder, and said: "You have nothing to do anyway, help me dig this up. Come with me."

After saying that, he took Pan Sheng's wrist and came to the back of the grave. He quickly found the entrance, pointed to the place under his feet and said, "This is it, dig from here."

"Uh, uh" Pan Sheng responded a few times and actually squatted down.

Pan Chonghai was shocked and shouted: "This is marble, how can we dig it out?"

Then as soon as he finished speaking, there was a "clang" sound, Pan Sheng's fists came down together, and the marble slab was shattered.

"This" Pan Chonghai's eyes almost popped out. After spending so many years with his grandson, he never dreamed that his grandson could have such great strength.

Then we saw that Pan Sheng was like a big mouse, digging out the soil with both hands.

Zhang Yu glanced at him and said: "Your grandson is very strong. Otherwise, how could such a thick tendon rope be broken? Your guardrail is not thin, so he must have broken it open."

Pan Chonghai nodded weakly and said, "I didn't expect that he would be so strong. What on earth is going on?"

"Eating a deer in three days, if it had been anyone else, he would have died a long time ago. Since he is fine, it means that these good things are not in vain." Zhang Yu said carelessly.

"That's true. But, can you find a way to cure him of his blood-drinking disease?" Pan Chonghai said in a pleading tone.

After seeing Zhang Yu's ability, in his opinion, if he wanted to cure his grandson's disease, he could only count on Zhang Yu.

"This." Zhang Yu shook his head slightly and said, "I'm not completely sure."

"That's for sure. He can't be kept at home drinking blood like this. If you have any conditions, just go ahead and I will do my best to satisfy you!" Pan Chonghai said seriously.

"Don't talk about this in a hurry. Let's take a look at the situation below first." Zhang Yu said.

Not to mention, Pan Sheng's drinking of deer blood for so many years is really not in vain, and his strength is huge. The two arms are swung like an excavator. With this level, it will definitely be no problem to go to Lanxiang.

He was alone, and in just half an hour, he dug along the road and exposed the stone sealing the entrance to the tomb.

Pan Chonghai shined his flashlight and the two of them could see clearly. Zhang Yu said, "Is it the same as before?"

The sealed door was neatly built with green bricks, but looking at it now, it seems that it was just pushed up casually.

"This is indeed different from when it was buried." Pan Chonghai said nervously.

"Let's go down." Zhang Yu took the lead and went down the horse path.

He directed Pan Sheng, and the two of them started working together. In a short time, they demolished the broken green brick wall.

Pan Chonghai shined a flashlight inside, where there was a coffin. Zhang Yu and Pan Sheng dragged the coffin out. This time they didn't need to move it to the top, they just laid it out in the tomb.

Zhang Yu looked at the coffin board and said, "It should have been nailed back then."

"Nailed." Pan Chonghai nodded.

"That's right, the nails have been removed. Look carefully."

After Zhang Yu finished speaking, he and Pan Sheng took action together and immediately removed the coffin board.

Under the cover of night, Pan Chonghai shined a flashlight inside and couldn't help but tremble.

Inside the coffin, there was no body, but an empty coffin.

"How, how could this be like this?" Although Pan Chonghai believed that Zhang Yu's words might be true, it was difficult to accept it when he saw this scene with his own eyes.

This kind of thing is simply unimaginable. I saw Sheng Lian and the burial with my own eyes, but now, the body inside is gone.

"I told you, Pan Sheng came from a mother's body, and his mother must be a monster like him. Since she is a monster, how could she die of illness so casually?" Zhang Yu asked calmly.

"K-Doctor Keke has confirmed the diagnosis. And if it's a monster, how could he not see it?" Pan Chonghai naturally didn't believe it.

"There may be only one explanation." Zhang Yu said.

"What?" Pan Chonghai asked eagerly.

"That is, his mother was raised by others. Because she has reason, she will not suck blood casually. Just like the Taoist just now, he wanted to subdue Pan Sheng. If Pan Sheng is subdued by him, he will become like his mother The same, or, turning into a blood-sucking demon. It's hard to say." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Why is this happening?" After hearing Zhang Yu's words, Pan Chonghai's body began to tremble non-stop, as if he couldn't accept it at all.

"Why is this happening?" Zhang Yu pondered, and then said: "I think it's time to talk about the topic. Maybe I got the answer. I may be able to answer your question."

"The main topic? What main topic?" Pan Chonghai asked in confusion.

"It's very simple. Who is Pan Sheng's biological father?" Zhang Yu asked seriously.

"I, I don't know," Pan Chonghai said tremblingly.

"Do you still want to hide it now? You dare not say that Pan Sheng's father is your son, which shows how guilty you are! If my guess is correct, that person should be you!" Zhang Yu said confidently.

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