Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 512 Successive Coincidences

On the left side of Hou Sheng's neck, the flesh and blood were blurred, and a large piece of flesh was bitten off. But looking at the blood flowing out, there wasn't much.

Zhang Yu hurriedly grabbed Hou Sheng's pulse gate, his pulse was very weak, it was obvious that he had lost too much blood. In addition, my wrists are cold, so I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for long. Zhang Yu quickly took out a silver needle from his pocket and pricked the wound three times to ensure that the blood would not continue to flow.

Then, he observed the surrounding situation. It was just a vegetable field, and it didn't look like there were wild animals. He then looked at Housheng's wounds. They didn't look like bites from wild animals, but more like bites from humans.

After a while, the sound of footsteps was heard. Zhang Yu turned around and saw that Wen Qiong, Xiaoxia, and the old man were coming over.

"What happened?" "What happened?" Wen Qiong asked together with the old man.

"Someone was bitten, and I stopped his bleeding." Zhang Yu said.

When the three of them came closer, the old man immediately recognized Hou Sheng and shouted, "It's Xiao Mingzi."

As he said that, the old man squatted down next to the young man and shouted eagerly: "Pan Ming, Pan Ming."

"Uncle, he has passed out now, and his life should not be in danger. I don't think it's better to send him down the mountain." Zhang Yu said.

"Okay. Send him back first." The old man agreed repeatedly, frowning and saying, "What on earth is going on?"

Zhang Yu was the only young and strong man here. He naturally carried Pan Ming on his back, and the four of them went down the mountain together. Zhang Yu said, "Uncle, I think this matter needs to be reported to the police immediately."

"Report a crime?" The old man was startled and said, "Report a crime for what?"

"His injuries don't look like they were bitten by a wolf or a wild dog, they look like they were bitten by a human being. So, I think there seems to be something wrong here, so let the patrol come and search, so that we can find the murderer as soon as possible." Zhang Yu said.

"No way," the old man said with a frown, "I don't think there's any need to report the crime. There are only a few patrolmen in Panjiaji, so what's the use of calling them here. I'll gather the villagers later and go up the mountain to have a look."

Seeing what the old man said, this was his territory and the injured person had nothing to do with him, so Zhang Yu had no choice but to give up.

Pan Ming is a villager in Panjia Village and is the grandson of the old man. There was a small clinic in the village, and the doctor's surname was also Pan. He bandaged Pan Ming. Zhang Yu wanted to ask what was going on, but Pan Ming never woke up, so he had to talk later.

It was getting late now, so Zhang Yu, Wen Qiong and Xiaoxia went to the old man's home to check in.

The house in the old man's house is really not small, with a high-rise courtyard and two small buildings in it.

The old man didn't say anything and entered the small building in front alone. Zhang Yu and three others entered the small building on the side.

There are three servants in the family, a middle-aged woman is the old man's niece, and a man and a woman are the old man's grandchildren, who are responsible for taking care of the old man here.

Wen Qiong recognized them, said hello, and was led to the guest room on the second floor to rest.

As soon as he entered the guest room, Wen Qiong asked eagerly: "Zhang Yu, how is the situation? Are there any other findings?"

Zhang Yu shook his head slightly and said: "These are the findings so far. I haven't found any clues about Pan Yun. I plan to go up the mountain to have a look tomorrow."

In fact, there are many problems discovered today, but most of them are about Panjiashan's feng shui and the nine nails on Pan Changjun's grave. But these seem to have nothing to do with the loss of Pan Yunzhong's soul.

After all, the change in Feng Shui here did not happen in a day or two, and the nine grave nails were not inserted recently either. What happened to Pan Yun the day before yesterday, as Wen Qiong said, was that he went up the mountain alone in the morning and fell into coma after he came back and set off.

Wen Qiong looked at Xiaoxia again and said, "What about you?"

Xiaoxia said: "I don't understand those things, but I can see one thing."

"What's the matter?" Wen Qiong asked again.

"That person named Pan Ming must have been bitten by someone." Xiaoxia said with certainty.

"But is there any connection between this matter and Xiaoyun's matter?" Wen Qiong looked at Zhang Yu.

"I don't know, but I said before that there are only two possibilities for Pan Yun's loss. One is that he was manipulated by an expert, and the other is that he was seriously frightened. The expert did not see it for the time being, but there was a hidden person in the Those who bite people in the mountains are inevitably not suspicious." Zhang Yu said seriously.

While the three of them were talking, footsteps sounded outside. Zhang Yu heard it, and Xiaoxia also heard it.

Xiaoxia whispered: "Someone is coming."

In the blink of an eye, there was a knock on the door, followed by a young man who said: "Aunt, the food is ready, you can come down and eat."

"Okay, let's go down right now." Wen Qiong said.

The decoration and layout of the first floor are similar to those in the city.

When I went downstairs and entered the restaurant, there were only two young men and girls, but no middle-aged woman.

Zhang Yu said casually: "Where is that aunt?"

"Sixth Aunt went to deliver food to Grandpa." The girl replied.

"Grandpa, why don't you come over to eat?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"Grandpa always eats alone and never comes over to eat." The girl added.

"It can be seen that the old man is quite strong. He goes for a walk up the mountain alone when nothing happens." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Grandpa rarely went out in the past. He only went out three times a year, on great-grandfather's memorial day, grandpa's memorial day, and uncle's memorial day. Other than that, he never went out. In these two days, he would go out early in the morning. , will come back in the evening. We want to go with him, but Grandpa doesn’t need to." The girl said with a flat mouth.

"Isn't that right? Grandpa usually doesn't even leave the door of the small building, let alone leave the yard. Just these two days, he always goes out for a walk." The young man also said.

After hearing this, Zhang Yu felt something in his heart. It seemed that this was something strange.

A person who doesn't go out all year round suddenly goes out. What's more, the day coincides with the time when Pan Yun lost his central soul.

Zhang Yu then asked, "Are there any wolves or anything like that on your mountain?"

"What age is it? How could there be wolves?" This time it was the young man who said.

"Just now we were on the mountain, and suddenly we heard screams. When we went over, we saw that a man named Pan Ming had been bitten. Has anything like this happened in the village before?" Zhang Yu asked insinuatingly.

"Ah? How could Pan Ming be bitten by a wolf?" The girl was surprised.

The young man scratched his head and said, "There is such a thing. I have never heard of anyone being bitten on the mountain before."

"Do people in the village often go to that mountain?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"The ancestral graves are there, and people often go up the mountain. There are also several families who have vegetable fields on the mountain, and they go up the mountain from time to time." The young man replied.

With this answer, Zhang Yu was vaguely sure that the person who bit someone should have come out recently, otherwise, it is impossible that he had not heard about it. It seems to be a coincidence. What happened to Pan Yun and the biting man, plus the old man has been running up the mountain these past two days, what is the connection between them?

Soon, the middle-aged woman also came back, and then several people started eating together.

To be honest, Zhang Yu was quite hungry. Because he was thoughtful, he didn't eat quickly or much, so he only ate three bowls of rice.

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