Seeing what True Lord Bairi said, everyone on True Lord Xiaolin's side became more or less nervous. They didn't understand why Lord Bairi dared to say this, because they were still very safe next to this stone statue.

At this time, Lord Bairi began to gently pluck the strings again, and those giant wooden mice began to walk forward slowly.

Bairi Zhenjun played the tune, the melody was gentle, and the speed of the wooden mouse was also slow. They shrink the circle little by little, and the people surrounded by them are like turtles in an urn.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yu and the others instantly realized the purpose of Zhenjun Bairi.

If these wooden figures come swarming, they can naturally use the previous method to sacrifice one person and draw the sword rain from the statue to eliminate the opponent. But the other parties are now scattered, and if we use the previous method, at best, we will just replace them one by one. Wooden rats are nothing in the eyes of Bai Rizhenjun, they are just tools, and he has plenty of them. Such a confrontation with fate is what Bai Ri Zhenjun wants to see the most.

As the circle around the wooden mouse gets smaller and smaller, even if Zhenjun Xiaolin activates the mechanism, it is hard to say whether the sword rain that appears will accidentally injure one of his own people.

It has to be said that the mouse is still very thoughtful, and he came up with a solution so quickly.

"Zhenjun, what do you think we should do? Otherwise, let's fight out..." the silver-robed old man whispered.

There is indeed a way to fight out. Even though these wooden guys are difficult to shake, with the strength of these people, it is not difficult to fight out. After all, wood has no IQ and lacks the ability to adapt to changes in circumstances.

Zhenjun Xiaolin immediately shook his head and said: "You have all seen the speed of these wooden men before, and they are not necessarily slower than us. They are coming slowly now, but they are just a rat trap. If we rush out from here, they will immediately attack us at full speed. Come up here. Plus that old guy, we have no chance of winning."

"But being surrounded here, we have no chance of winning." Lei Zhengyang gritted his teeth and said: "My flame knife can't even break this wooden man! Damn it, if you continue to guard here, isn't it a dead end? ? I don’t know how these ghost things are made!”

"It shouldn't be like this! There must be a flaw in these wooden men, but we haven't found it yet. Otherwise, Bai Rizhenjun, relying on these wooden men, can directly kill us all without having to attack first. I There must be something to be afraid of when thinking about him, but we haven't thought of it yet." Zhang Yu said with a frown.

"Afraid! What are they afraid of?" Lei Zhengyang also frowned.

However, the leading foreigner seemed to have thought of something and said: "Your Majesty Zhenjun Xiaolin... that... what is your most powerful technique..."

"Of course it's my Tiger Roar!" Zhenjun Xiaolin said.

"Why don't you try it and see if it works well with Tiger Roar..." said the leading foreigner.

"Tiger Roar..." Zhenjun Xiaolin hesitated for a moment, then raised his energy and roared, "Ouch..."

Zhenjun Xiaolin had been injured before, so this tiger's roar was really not as good as the first one. However, as soon as his voice settled, something unexpected happened. The wooden mouse that was moving forward suddenly paused, as if it had lost contact with something.

Seeing this scene, many people reacted directly. Lei Zhengyang shouted: "Sound! These things are afraid of the interference of sound! Zhenjun, please speak again, and I will try to see if I can break the wooden mouse with the flame knife."

Zhenjun Xiaolin's Tiger Roar is not something to be used casually. However, there is no other way now. Following the gas, he shouted again, "Ouch..."

At the stall where True Lord Xiao Lin was roaring, Lei Zhengyang had already drawn out his flaming knife and swept it out.

"Poof!" "Poof!"

The flaming blade flickered, and thanks to the considerable distance between the wooden mice, the blade only caught two wooden mice.

However, the two wood rats that were swept away were immediately chopped to pieces by the flame knife, and flames emerged from the wood chips.

"That's true!" "It turns out that these pieces of wood are afraid of interrupting their voices!" "It's better now!"... The disciples of Zhenjun Xiao Lin shouted excitedly.

"What's there to be excited about? Do you think Lao San's Tiger Roaring Skill can be used casually?" Bai Ri Zhenjun's proud voice sounded again, "Why did I hurt him before? It was indeed because of the sound of my piano. Be wary of his tiger roar. But he is already injured, and he just wasted two more tiger roars. According to his cultivation level, he can roar at most with all his strength. Take this opportunity, and deal with as many as you can..."

When he said this, his hands did not pause and he continued to play. Only this time, the melody suddenly accelerated, and the speed of these giant wooden mice also increased.

"Get ready!" Zhenjun Xiaolin shouted loudly.

Zhang Yu immediately showed a black fire gourd, and the silver-robed old man spread his heads. This time, an image of Qingluan rose above his head, and Qingluan's body was actually filled with flames. Lei Zhengyang did not use the flame knife this time, but took off a red fire gourd from his waist.

The leading foreigner sacrificed a seraph, the guy in black robe with a harpoon sacrificed a cloud of black smoke, and the disciples of Zhenjun Xiao Lin also showed their magical weapons.


Seeing the wooden mouse approaching, everyone was ready, and then Zhenjun Xiaolin shouted again.

This voice was like a tiger emerging from the forest, and the wooden mice that rushed over stopped one after another.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Dang!" "Dang!" "Crack!" "Crack!"...

In an instant, flaming Qingluan, black fire dragon, red fire dragon, Holy Light Angel, black smoke, and various magic weapons rushed towards the wooden mice rushing towards them.

The surrounding area immediately turned into a sea of ​​​​fire, and these wooden rat coefficients were ignited, and the flames burst out. In the blink of an eye, they were almost completely destroyed.

"Fight him!" Zhenjun Xiaolin shouted again.

After saying this, he couldn't help but cover his chest subconsciously, almost spitting out a mouthful of blood.

As True Lord Bairi said, two tiger roars were really wasted before. If this could have been determined earlier, True Lord Xiao Lin would not have roared three times in a row, aggravating his internal injuries.

The black fire dragon, red fire dragon, Holy Light Angel, Black Smoke, and Flame Qingluan rushed towards True Lord Bairi under the urging of Zhang Yu and Lei Zhengyang. At this moment, whether it was a fire dragon or an angel, half of its momentum had dissipated, but it was still terrifying.

They did not attack the remaining wooden men this time, because now there was only the sound of the piano, and no tiger roar.

"Come all!"

Bai Rizhenjun, who was sitting in a wheelchair, didn't seem to pay attention to the joint attack of the five people at all, and just shouted in disdain.

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