Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 5044 Giant Long Sword

"Master, could it be that the people setting up the formation are hiding in the dark and staring at us?" Feng Hu said cautiously from behind.

"Fart!" Zhenjun Xiaolin scolded angrily: "Judging from the ancient ruins here, they are at least from the Shang and Zhou dynasties! If the person who set up the formation is still here, then he is not a human, but a god. Then let's You’re still looking for a piece of shit, just wait until he kills it all!”

"Then...then what is going on in this current situation?" Feng Hu stammered.

"What's going on? Let's take a look first! This kind of sneaky conspiracy is nothing! You guys are here first, and immediately form a big Bagua formation for me and march together!" Zhenjun Xiaolin said loudly.

"Yes!" "Yes!" "Yes!"... After hearing the words, everyone agreed and started to form formation.

Zhang Yu secretly said in his heart that Zhenjun Xiaolin was indeed experienced in battles and was calm and experienced. Faced with such a difficult situation, he didn't panic and was able to come up with such a solution so quickly.

The Bagua formation is also easy to set up. There are four people in white robes and four people in black robes forming the inner circle of Bagua, and the wind tiger and the thunder tiger act as the yin and yang fish. The other people all cooperated to stand in the outer circle, facing where they were.

In this way, their backs are all under the sight of their own people. If there is another sneak attack from the outside, they will definitely be able to see it.

After the formation was set up, there were not many people left, and at this moment, Liang Daji had no one to carry him. This guy was also wise, so he got up from the ground and walked to Zhenjun Xiao Lin's side.

Zhenjun Xiaolin didn't say much, and then waved his hand, signaling to continue setting off.

Zhang Yu asked Agou to lead the way, and they walked in the previous direction.

As they walked, Zhang Yu, Zhenjun Xiao Lin and other people walking in front saw that there were no longer empty golden pillars in front of them, but other objects appeared in front of them.

This object looks like a cross. If you look closely, it should be a giant long sword.

"It seems that this is the problem!" Zhenjun Xiaolin couldn't help but smile.

Agou continued to lead the way, and after walking forward for a while, he could see more clearly. That's right, the thing in front is indeed a giant long sword. The long sword seems to be carved from stone and looks to be at least six or seven meters high.

In front of the long sword, there is a stone tablet. Due to the distance, it is impossible to see whether there are any inscriptions on the stone tablet.

Everyone was looking forward to it now, but their pace did not speed up, but instead became more cautious.

They were moving step by step, even Agou was quite slow. No matter how slow he walked, he was getting closer and closer to the giant sword. Finally, they were only a few steps away from the stone tablet in front of the giant sword.

The stone tablet was about 1.6 meters high, with ancient characters engraved on it, but Zhenjun Xiaolin recognized it at a glance and said: "There is no distinction between education and distinction!"

Above these four words, there is actually a ruby ​​ring inlaid. Judging from the appearance of the ring, it was almost exactly the same as the ring Zhu Jiuzhen was wearing.

Zhenjun Xiaolin took a few steps forward and came directly in front of Agou. He pointed at the ring on the stone tablet and said, "Could this ring be the one Zhu Jiuzhen wore?"

"It looks very similar, almost exactly the same. Of course, it could also be a coincidence. It would be great if we could find Zhu Jiuzhen first." Zhang Yu said from behind.

Zhenjun Xiaolin looked at the stone tablet a few more times, then looked at the giant sword, and said: "See if your dog can still smell the real smell of Zhujiu. If it can, go find this guy first!"

"Agou, can it be done?" Zhang Yu lowered his head and said.

"Woof woof!" Agou barked twice and walked forward again.

It went around the left side of the stone monument. Looking at the direction it was traveling, it seemed that it was going to go around the giant sword.

Although Zhang Yu followed Ah Gou's footsteps, his eyes kept looking at the giant sword.

He always felt that this giant long sword had an infinite magical power that attracted him, especially the four words on the stone tablet - there is no discrimination without distinction.

Because these four words are the ancestral precepts of Wudang Taoist Temple. The purpose of Wudang Taoist Temple is to teach without distinction.

"Where on earth is this place..." Zhang Yu asked in his heart: "The statue of the Patriarch... that female Patriarch once appeared in Haimen Mountain. Under the statue, there is a "Tian Yi Mi Tu" hidden under it. ...This time, the carving of the ancestor appears again...could it be said that this place is also related to "Tianyi Mi Tu"..."

Led by Agou, they bypassed the giant sword. As soon as they turned around, they could see that behind the giant sword, there was a shelf carved from stone.

On the shelf, there are various things placed, including swords, beads, tripods, Bagua mirrors, incense burners,...

There are so many things that are dizzying.

But what was even more fascinating was that, in front of the shelf, lay a tall corpse. The corpse was wearing a black cassock. Just looking at the appearance, there was no doubt that it was Zhu Jiuzhen.

"Master, isn't this Zhu Jiuzhen?" a black-robed Taoist priest shouted.

Dihu also shouted: "Master, it's Zhu Jiuzhen, that bastard! Why did he die here? Who killed him!"

True Lord Xiao Lin raised his hand, motioning for everyone to stop, and said slowly: "Don't act rashly, I'll go over and take a look."

After saying that, he stepped towards the body.

The big-nosed old man didn't care about that and walked over. Agou also walked forward curiously. Zhang Yu watched Agou go by. He was also full of doubts and simply walked over.

The other people were obedient and no one dared to act rashly. Zhang Yu and the others quickly walked to the corpse. It was absolutely true that the corpse was Zhu Jiuzhen. There were four obvious wounds on Zhu Jiuzhen's body. The blood on the wounds had condensed, and it looked like he had been dead for a while.

Their eyes immediately focused on Zhu Jiuzhen's hand. On Zhu Jiuzhen's left hand, he was not wearing the ruby ​​ring, but was holding a red bead. No one knows what this bead is. It obviously cannot be his own. It should be taken from here.

Zhu Jiuzhen spread his right hand, also without a ring, and his Zen staff fell beside it.

True Lord Xiao Lin was also a very brave man. He knelt down, untied Zhu Jiu's cassock, and opened the clothes inside, so that he could see Zhu Jiu's body more clearly.

Sure enough, there were four wounds. Judging from the length of the wounds, they were all about two fingers wide, just like the two men in black who died earlier. But, look at what this means, it's not a fatal blow, it takes several blows.

"Lao San, from the looks of him, he must have been killed by the formation. There is no ring on his hand, so he must have put it into the stone tablet. But, since he had a ring, why was he killed too?" Big Nose The old Taoist said with some confusion.

"I'm not sure, but look at the red bead he was holding in his hand. It should be an object here. Could it be that he was killed because he took something and triggered some mechanism." Zhenjun Xiaolin guessed. .

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