Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 5038 Explanation

"The green liquid flowing out of this beetle can petrify people and turn them into wood. Of course there is no such insect in the world. This insect has obviously been soaked in the water of the universe. And the bug can be made of the water of the universe The person who owns the magic weapon..." Zhenjun Xiao Lin hesitated obviously at this point. He shook his head and said, "It can't be him... but who else could it be..."

"Third brother, according to what you said, things may be a little troublesome now. I'm afraid we can't stay in this place for long. We must find a way out as soon as possible." The big-nosed old man said.

"Zhu Jiuzhen is such a bastard!" Zhenjun Xiaolin cursed and turned his head to look in the direction of the cave entrance.

Zhang Yu knew that there was a formation arranged by True Lord Xiao Lin. As Zhang Yu had expected, the eighteen golden guards were indeed used by True Lord Xiao Lin to set up the formation. Because right now, there are no eighteen golden people in sight.

Zhenjun Xiaolin seemed to have weighed the situation, and finally said: "Let's go! With this formation, no matter who comes in, it will take an hour or two at the earliest to break the formation. This time is enough for us. "

After saying that, he waved his hand and without delay, walked past Guan Ying and went straight downstairs.

When everyone saw him leaving, they all followed him.

Along the way, they saw three wooden figures one after another. Every time they saw them, Zhenjun Xiaolin gritted his teeth with hatred.

Feng Hu couldn't help but said: "Master, could that beetle be brought by Zhu Jiuzhen? It can't grow here."

"It definitely can't be someone who grew up here. According to me, it was Zhu Jiuzhen who brought it." Zhenjun Xiaolin said bitterly: "When I catch him, I will definitely cut him into pieces! No, I will kill him one by one. He was cut into pieces with a thousand knives!"

"Master! When you meet this bastard, let me go first. I will definitely avenge Senior Brother!" Feng Hu also said bitterly.

They came down very quickly this time, not as cautious as when Tianhu led the team down before.

After a while, I saw the door of the stone chamber. As soon as they entered, Dihu and others who were sitting on the ground to rest quickly stood up, "Master." "Master."...

"How is the situation now?" Zhenjun Xiaolin said bluntly.

"The people who went to chase Zhu Jiuzhen have not come back yet. We have been waiting here. Hey... where are Junior Brother Lu, Junior Brother Bai and Junior Brother Weng who went up to report the news..." While Dihu was talking, he noticed the people following Zhenjun Xiaolin. A few are missing.

"Zhu Jiuzhen, that bastard, actually set up a trap in the stairs and used insect magic weapons to turn three junior brothers into wooden figures!" Feng Hu said through gritted teeth.

"What!" "It's Zhu Jiuzhen again!" "Master, please take us to hunt him down!"... When everyone heard this, they all said angrily.

"Let's go!" Zhenjun Xiaolin had already seen the open stone door. He waved his hand and was about to walk through.


Unexpectedly, a voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Hearing this voice, Zhenjun Xiaolin turned around and said, "Boy, what's the matter?"

That's right, the person who said this was Zhang Yu.

"Senior, based on my true understanding of Zhu Jiu, if that beetle is really his, he will never run away." Zhang Yu said slowly.

"What do you mean by this?" Zhenjun Xiao Lin stared at Zhang Yu.

Fortunately, this was not the first time that he felt the fierce gaze of Lord Xiao Lin, and Zhang Yu was not as nervous as before.

Zhang Yu said slowly and calmly: "If he put the beetle there, once it escapes, it will be like asking for trouble. There are many dangers along the way, and this stone gate must be full of dangers. Zhu Jiu is really so afraid. Death, even if you are proficient in the art of mechanism, your cultivation is still limited, how can you be so desperate?"

This time, Zhenjun Xiaolin nodded slightly and said: "What you said makes sense. This guy Lao Twelve has all the characteristics of a pig. He can eat, sleep and is afraid of death! Then tell me, what prompted him to have the courage to enter the secret passage? Woolen cloth?"

"The ruby ​​ring in his hand." Zhang Yu said with certainty.

"The ruby ​​ring..." Zhenjun Xiaolin pondered and said, "That thing is nothing special. At most, it is the key to unlock a certain mechanism..."

"If that's the case, does Zhu Jiu really care so much?" Zhang Yu said with a smile: "He put it on first after getting the ring from Longtou. This is obviously abnormal. Logically speaking, he should know that you will Ask him for it, so you should take it off first and give the ring to you for inspection. But he didn't do that, and when we inspected the ring, he looked calm, but also a little uneasy. This shows that the ring It’s extraordinary. We didn’t discover the secret. He was the only one who discovered it. Zhu Jiuzhen naturally knows that if we discover the treasure here, the things must belong to you and have nothing to do with him. It just so happens that Senior stayed here He was given a chance from above, and he thought that with his mechanism skills and the ruby ​​ring in his hand, he should be able to find the treasure first and even trap us all here."

Zhenjun Xiaolin took a deep breath and said: "What you said makes sense...but if he didn't leave the beetle behind, who would have released it..."

Zhang Yu walked past Zhenjun Xiaolin, sizing up the people here as he walked.

Zhenjun Xiaolin turned around and looked at Zhang Yu. Almost everyone present had their eyes on Zhang Yu.

Soon, Zhang Yu stretched out his hand and pointed. The person he pointed at was Liang Daji. He said calmly: "Liang Daji, should you give me an explanation?"

"I can't understand any explanation. What do you mean?" Liang Daji said immediately.

"We have met more than once. Maybe you don't remember me, but I remember you. You have always used seclusion as an excuse to open noodle shops everywhere, either ramen or noodles. You are not short of money. Anyway, you just have this hobby." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

Liang Daji was obviously stunned for a moment, and then said: "Is it possible that you haven't heard of it, what does it mean to hide in the city?"

"That's true, but you're hiding it a bit too obviously. Are you afraid that others won't be able to find you? It used to be called Liang Daji Noodles, and later it was called Liangji Noodles. They all look familiar to me. The kitchen and dining room are just like that. Afraid of a glass window, are you afraid that people can't see you inside? If I wanted to be hidden in the city, I would definitely build a big hotel and hide it in the back kitchen so that no one can see it." Zhang Yu said with another smile.

"Why am I living in seclusion? What should I do to you? I just like making noodles, so I'm messing with you!" Liang Daji said angrily this time.

"Then let's talk about the second thing. When we met Lei Zhengyang in the stone chamber earlier, your behavior seemed a little strange." Zhang Yu stared at Liang Daji and said carelessly.

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