Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 5029 The old method

Zhenjun Xiaolin looked at the dragon head, and then checked the surrounding situation. Although there are iron trees around, the iron trees are at least seven or eight meters away from the dragon head. None of the previous figures could be seen, and even the movement could no longer be heard.

With Zhenjun Xiaolin's ability, if there is someone nearby, let alone observing at close range, even if there is a certain distance, even if he takes a breath or something, he cannot escape his ears.

"They are running fast enough. It seems that I have guessed that if we meet again, I will kill them all." Zhenjun Xiaolin muttered in his heart.

Tianhu and Dihu now came to Zhenjun Xiaolin. Tianhu said: "Master, this is actually a dragon head, but it seems that the ruby ​​​​on the dragon head is somewhat strange."

"I think so too, and the dragon's head is so big, it's like a hillside. We haven't found anything else here, so I thought there was something fishy here." Dihu continued.

Zhenjun Xiaolin nodded slightly and said: "Problem 8 is here. The people who were supposed to be Lei Zhengyang were here before. They ran away when they saw us. I guess they didn't find anything here..."

While talking, Big Nose Lao Dao, Zhang Yu, Zhu Jiuzhen, Liang Daji and others also came over. When they came over, their eyes were always looking at this huge dragon head.

After the meeting, Zhenjun Xiaolin said directly: "Second brother, Lei Zhengyang's people were here just now, but they were scared away when they saw us. What's wrong with this faucet has not been found yet. Do you think we should do it now?" what to do?"

"Lei Zhengyang is obviously worried that we will kill him..." the big-nosed old man said, looking up and down at the front of the dragon's head, and then said: "This dragon's head is big enough, but the ruby ​​​​on the forehead is really... It’s too small and seems out of proportion...I wonder if there is something wrong here..."

"I think so too... Old Twelve, go over and have a look..." Zhenjun Xiao Lin immediately looked at Zhu Jiuzhen.

When Zhu Jiuzhen heard this, he secretly said in his heart, I am not responsible for any good things. I am the first person to think of such things.

Although he was reluctant in his heart, he immediately said: "Okay, I'll go over and take a look."

Zhu Jiuzhen took a few steps forward and looked at the dragon's head from a close distance. The dragon's head is connected to the ground. Although the dragon's mouth is locked in one place, the exposed teeth can still be seen. The teeth fit together perfectly, with no gaps visible.

The height of the dragon's mouth alone is at least four meters, and in terms of width, at least four people can stand on it.

Zhujiu really jumped up to the dragon's mouth, above which were the dragon's nose and dragon's eyes. Between a pair of closed dragon's eyes, there was a particularly small ruby ​​inlaid in it. Zhujiu really slapped the dragon's nose a few times. It was all made of copper and was very solid. It was impossible to tell that it was empty. He then jumped onto the dragon's nose and stretched his hand forward. With his fat body, he could not reach the gem on it.

The guy took a sharp breath, and then something unexpected happened. The original fat figure started to become taller and stronger, and he looked like Zhang Yu when he first met Zhu Jiuzhen.

Everyone present, except for Zhang Yu, Big-nosed Lao Dao, Liang Daji, and Zhenjun Xiao Lin, were all dumbfounded. It is simply unimaginable that a human figure can undergo such changes.

Zhu Jiuzhen, who had grown taller, could easily touch the ruby ​​​​on it this time.

After he put his hand on it, he didn't feel anything unusual, but the ruby ​​seemed to be embedded there and couldn't be moved at all. Zhu Jiuzhen knocked around the ruby ​​for a while, but still found no abnormality. He simply jumped on top of the faucet and checked the situation on the faucet.

The top of the faucet is almost eight or nine meters above the ground. Otherwise, when viewed from a distance, it looks like a small slope. Zhu Jiuzhen walked around on it, inspecting almost every inch of it, and finally walked down from behind the dragon's neck.

He returned to the faucet and said, "Second brother, third brother, this faucet is all made of brass, and no mechanism has been found."

"I just saw you touching the ruby. Is there anything wrong with the ruby?" Zhenjun Xiaolin asked.

"There was no breath on the ruby, but it was as if it was embedded inside. I pressed it several times, but there was no response. The whole faucet looked very ordinary, but I felt that the way out might be here. "Zhu Jiuzhen said.

"Give me a reason." This time it was the old man with a big nose who said.

"How should I put it..." Zhu Jiuzhen pointed to the dragon's mouth and said: "The dragon teeth in this dragon's mouth are not one piece. Each dragon tooth is buckled together and fits perfectly. If we say, we can make a dragon's mouth Once the tooth is removed, it must be clear at a glance."

"Do you think you can get the dragon's tooth off?" Zhenjun Xiaolin asked.

"I definitely don't have this ability, but I think that both the second and third brothers have this ability. As long as the high temperature melts a dragon's tooth, it can be clearly seen. If it is solid inside, there is nothing you can do. If it is hollow, it means The path is here." Zhu Jiuzhen said.

"Forcibly melt the dragon's tooth..." Zhenjun Xiaolin groaned and said: "This is a method, but it is a bit too bad. This dragon's tooth is so big, how can it be so easy to melt it, unless There is really no other way. Daji..."

Having said this, Zhenjun Xiaolin looked at Liang Daji and said, "I'll leave it to you this time. Try digging it in from under the dragon's mouth!"

"Yes, third uncle." Liang Daji quickly agreed.

Zhang Yu saw it in his eyes and couldn't help but sigh again. The coordination of these twelve zodiac signs is really good. Even though there are only three here, they all perform their duties and can solve almost any problem.

Liang Daji didn't waste any time, and quickly walked to the dragon's mouth. He bent down and started digging the soil.

Iron trees can be planted in the soil here, and the iron trees can be uprooted by Zhenjun Xiaolin. This shows that the soil is not particularly hard.

Liang Daji started digging out the soil. There are also people under Zhenjun Xiaolin who come to help with shovels and act as small laborers. After a while, Liang Daji dug a pit more than two meters deep. He dug forward, and after digging for a moment, he heard a "dang" sound, and his claws seemed to have touched something hard.

"Uncle Third, the front piece seems to be made of copper, and it seems to be connected underground..." Liang Daji immediately reported the situation.

"Keep digging down and see how deep it can be!" Zhenjun Xiaolin said.

"Okay!" Liang Daji agreed and started digging downwards.

He dug very well, just digging along the copper wall in front. As he dug, golden light suddenly bloomed below.

When Zhenjun Xiaolin and others standing above saw the golden light coming from below, they couldn't help but be shocked. Zhenjun Xiaolin quickly asked: "What's wrong?"

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