Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 5001 Stone Kirin

Zhang Yu and others were standing in front of the stone gate waiting. To be honest, Zhang Yu really wanted to go over and have a look at this time. After all, people are curious, but he also understands that it is better to be honest now.

Although adventure and treasure hunting are exciting and can bring unexpected rewards, life is more important than life. Now that he was kidnapped, Zhang Yu thought that he should think more about how to get out of here alive.

He is the kind of person who can escape as a monk but cannot escape from the temple, so the best solution is for Zhenjun Xiaolin to die here. But people don't say that they can die immediately. It seems that they can only wait for the opportunity.

After about twenty minutes, the excited voice of the man in white came from the pit, "Master, the second uncle, the third brother, the sixth brother and Liang Daji have all come out! The formation... the formation should be broken... …”

"Please ask your second uncle to speak from above!" Upon hearing this, Zhenjun Xiaolin immediately said excitedly.

The man in white robe immediately greeted him, and a moment later, the iconic voice of the big-nosed old man came from the front, "Third brother, the formation has been broken! It's just a Bagua formation!"

"Second brother is indeed worthy of being second brother. I will go there now." Zhenjun Xiaolin said happily.

He said this, but Zhenjun Xiaolin did not go over immediately. Instead, he glanced at Zhang Yu and Zhu Jiuzhen and said, "You two go over first!"

Zhang Yu was already curious about the situation on the other side. Seeing what Zhenjun Xiaolin said, he jumped directly into the pit. He hugged Agou and got into the narrow hole. He was not worried about exposing his back to Zhu Jiuzhen.

He was confident that Zhu Jiuzhen would not dare to plot against him in this situation, because if Zhu Jiuzhen took action, he would definitely die in front of him.

Zhang Yu turned around first, and on the opposite side was another pit about 1.8 meters tall. A man in white robes was still in the pit, while four people, including Big Nose Old Dao and Liang Daji, were standing on top of the pit. Zhang Yu subconsciously looked back and glanced upward, and then he could see that there was indeed a big stone door. However, this side of the stone door is somewhat different from the side coming in. The surface on the side coming in is as smooth as a mirror, while the side inside is rougher, similar to the surrounding stone walls.

Zhang Yu didn't waste any time and jumped up from the pit easily. Standing under the pit and looking up, it's a bit like sitting in a well and looking at the sky, unable to see the whole surrounding area. Now that I'm up there, I can see everything clearly.

This is a more spacious stone chamber. In the stone chamber, there are two stone unicorns on the front, back, left and right. When you come in, on both sides of the stone door, there is a stone unicorn on the left and right. There are also two stone unicorns directly in front. In the middle of these two stone unicorns, there is a very obvious stairway. The stairway is made of white marble and has guardrails, which looks very impressive.

On both sides of the stone chamber, stone unicorns are also neatly arranged, with two on each side. However, there is nothing special about these two pairs of stone unicorns.

Apart from these, there is nothing else in the stone chamber. Zhang Yu looked around and noticed that the big-nosed old man was holding a Bagua mirror. At this time, Zhu Jiuzhen also came up from the pit, followed by Zhenjun Xiao Lin.

The other people did not come with Zhenjun Xiao Lin. They seemed to be waiting for orders from here.

"Second brother, did you find anything?" After Zhenjun Xiaolin jumped out of the pit, he asked directly.

"This is a Bagua Formation that combines the Trap Formation, the Illusion Formation, and the Killing Formation into one. The eye of the formation is this Bagua Mirror..." The big-nosed old man said, throwing the Bagua Mirror in his hand to Zhenjun Xiaolin, and then said: "This object looks very old. It should be from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period..."

When the old Taoist said this, he seemed to be understatement, but Zhang Yu knew that the formation here was definitely not simple. Without enough cultivation, it was impossible to break it.

Zhenjun Xiaolin took the Bagua Mirror and looked at it, nodded and said: "Look at this Bagua Mirror, it is also a pretty good magic weapon. If you put it this way, it is very likely that this is a tomb from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The formations here must be It was also arranged by the master of alchemy at that time..."

Then, he looked around again and said, "Is there anything weird about the stone unicorn here? Is it used to form formations?"

"After I broke the formation, I came here to wait for you without even looking around. I really didn't pay attention to whether these eight stone unicorns were used to form the formation." The big-nosed old man said.

"What do you mean by this? Is it used to set up a formation? Couldn't you tell when you break the formation?" Zhenjun Xiaolin said in confusion.

"Don't tell me, I really didn't realize that there is any special connection between the formation and these eight stone unicorns. When I broke the formation eye, this place became like this." The big-nosed old man said carelessly. said.

"Okay, let's take a look first to see if there is anything weird on these eight stone unicorns." Zhenjun Xiaolin said.

Now, walk towards the two nearest stone unicorns.

These two unicorns are on the left and right sides of the entrance. He went over to check, and naturally everyone else followed him. Zhang Yu also wanted to see what was special about it.

Arriving next to a stone unicorn, Zhenjun Xiaolin looked at it for a few times, then raised his finger and said, "Old Twelve, look at what's so special about this thing."

"Okay." Zhu Jiuzhen agreed, and immediately came to the side of the stone unicorn. He first stroked the unicorn with his hand, and then tapped it gently.

While Zhenjun Xiaolin was hammering, Zhang Yu was also observing the stone unicorn at close range. It must be said that the carving skills of ancient people were also very powerful. The stone unicorn in front of me is beautifully carved. In addition to the majesty of the unicorn, it also has a mysterious color.

Because he has mastered the Eight Blades of Heaven, his vision of carving is definitely different from other people's. He could conclude that the carving technique of this Qilin alone was probably slightly inferior to the one outlined by Tianfang Ba Dao. Other than that, it was estimated that no one's carving skills could reach such a level.

At this time, Zhu Jiuzhen stopped and said: "Second brother, third brother, there is no spiritual energy or mechanism on this unicorn, but it is old enough. In my opinion, it must be from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period at the very least. ."

"Let me take a look." Zhenjun Xiaolin said, then took two steps forward and came to Qilin.

He raised his hand and put it on the top of Qilin's head, touched it a few times, and said: "It seems to be about the same... But the stone is really weird, it can be so hard... For a moment, I really looked at it. If it doesn't come out, what kind of stone is it..."

Zhang Yu was on the side and did not see what True Lord Xiao Lin did, but he praised the hardness of the stone without even being able to tell the material of the stone. But think about it, he is in a big industry in this field, and his cultivation is profound. Even if he uses secret power on the stone, it is not something that Zhang Yu can discover.

"This is a combination of trap formation, phantom formation, and killing formation. Someone dug through this place before and came in. The formation was not broken, and no corpses were seen. In your opinion, what is the reason for this?" Zhenjun Xiaolin was careless again. said.

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