Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4965 Formation

"You said that Mr. Zhang has strong appeal. I didn't expect so many people to come at once... But according to Mr. Zhang's previous statement, he doesn't seem to know you... He didn't invite you when he came. Secondly, when you arrived, Before the visit, we had no contact... Coincidentally, you all arrived together. As the owner of Bishui Manor, it is reasonable to suspect you of ulterior motives... Otherwise, I would have already reported the case anyway. What happened? Tell the policeman..." Leng Lingxue said unceremoniously.

"Since we have talked about this, if Taoist Zhang is not afraid of being shabby, let's talk about it here!" The great monk standing opposite Zhang Yu said loudly: "I am here to collect debts from Taoist Zhang! "

Then, the old Taoist who spoke before also said, "That's right! The poor Taoist who came here this time is also here to collect debts from Taoist Zhang!"

"The poor monk is also here to collect debts!" ​​"The poor monk is also here to collect debts!" ​​"The poor nun is also here to collect debts!" ​​"I am also here to collect debts!" ​​"I am also here to collect debts!"...Other people saw someone. Those who brought it up first also started shouting.

"Debt collection! How much does Mr. Zhang owe you? Do you have any IOUs or IOUs?" After the voices of these people settled down, Leng Lingxue said loudly without showing any signs of weakness.

"The debt did not occur directly to Daochang Zhang, but to Bishui Manor. At the beginning, we asked the master Rege to carve objects for us at Bishui Manor, and stated that Rego had to do the carving himself. The price of each object was One hundred kilograms of gold. We all paid for it, but Rege broke his promise and asked his disciples to process it for him, passing it off as good quality. Now that we have found out what the problem is, we naturally have to come and ask for the processing fee!" That great monk said it first.

Others responded immediately, "That's right!" "Rego cheated us of our gold by passing it off as inferior quality, and of course he wants it back now!" "Give us back our gold!" "Give us back our gold!"... …

Leng Lingxue was not in a hurry. When no one spoke, she said loudly: "You all said that you are looking for Lei Ge for carving, so what should Mr. Zhang do? Shouldn't you look for Lei Ge? "

The veteran who spoke before immediately said: "Rege is dead. According to the company law, he inherited the Bishui Manor and will naturally have to bear the corresponding debts! Lawyer, don't think that you are the only one who knows the law!"

"That's right, don't think that you are the only one who knows the law!" "We all understand it too." "Now that Lei Ge is dead, Zhang Daozhang has become the new boss of Bishui Manor, so naturally he will have to control Daozhang Zhang's demand for gold!" "Lei Ge is dead. , but the gold couldn’t possibly have followed it into the coffin, it must still be in Bishui Manor! Please also ask Daozhang Zhang to return the gold to us, and we will leave soon!"... Everyone present said again.

When Leng Lingxue heard this, she subconsciously turned her head and glanced at Zhang Yu, saying to herself that it seemed that there was really no such thing as a pie in the sky. No wonder the Maoshan sect will give you such a large manor. It turns out there are so many things going on in it.

But Leng Lingxue has seen the big world after all, and this kind of thing must be given to Zhang Yu no matter what. Leng Lingxue immediately said loudly: "Since we are talking about company law, it will be easier to handle. Do you have receipts and invoices?"

"This is all a gentleman's transaction. How come there are receipts and invoices!" "Yes, this is all a gentleman's transaction!" "Daozhang Zhang, you got such a huge Bishui Manor, you don't plan to default on it!" "Lei Ge stays. You’ve got so much gold, can you swallow it yourself?” “You’re not afraid of choking yourself!”… This time, someone from the outside started shouting, followed by more random shouts.

There is a reason why Zhang Yu asked Leng Lingxue to make jokes with these people here. The other party has a large number of people and a strong momentum. If you treat each other politely when they come up, it will inevitably increase the other party's arrogance. The other party will push forward and things will become difficult to discuss.

Of course, Zhang Yu doesn't have to admit it. As Leng Lingxue said, you don't have receipts and invoices, so you can't win this lawsuit. However, Zhang Yu's Wudang Taoist Temple will still have to live in the future. It has offended so many sects, so how many enemies will it have to make. He himself is not afraid, but no matter where his disciples go for training in the future, they will probably be hostile and even get in trouble as soon as they reveal the name Wudang Taoist Temple. Unless Wudang Taoist Temple only cares about the one-third of an acre of land in the east area of ​​​​the town, otherwise, it must not establish so many powerful enemies.

At this moment, Tu Qiong saw that the other party showed his trump card and explained his intention. Zhang Yu also understood that he could no longer let Leng Lingxue continue to fill the scene. It was his turn to speak.

Zhang Yu said loudly: "It turns out that this is what you are here for, and I understand. Your purpose is to ask for gold from me, but so many people came in at once, and it is difficult for me to entertain you. If all the sects If each faction wants to recover the gold from Pindao, they must only send two representatives in, and no other people can enter, so as not to cause a mess and not even be able to hear what they are saying. If you must bring your disciples into the manor, you can also It's not impossible. I'll go back today. I'll call everyone one by one to arrange the time. I'll be polite. What do you plan to do? Decide now. After all, our Bishui Manor is not a vegetable market, so how can we be so messed up!"

No matter what, we cannot lose in battle. This is our home court, how can we let the other party have the final say? Likewise, his words are still justified.

After hearing Zhang Yu's words, these people couldn't help but make calculations. Judging from Zhang Yu's performance, if you bring your disciples here alone to argue with Zhang Yu, you might not get any advantage, especially for some sects that are not very famous, or there are no sects, just in the world. Those who walk up the mountain dare not come alone.

Soon, someone in the crowd shouted: "Okay! Then one sect can send up to two representatives!"

The first person to shout came alone and did not have a sect. So, just two. Anyway, I can’t even get two people here.

Seeing someone shouting like this, someone immediately followed him and shouted, "Okay! Just two!" "Okay! Two from one sect, so there are a lot of people!" "What Zhang Daozhang said makes sense, go in at once There are so many, it’s really a bit confusing! Let’s add two!”…

Now that someone has said this, other people who are still thinking about it also think it makes sense. It may not be useful if there are many people going in, and the disciples accompanying him can't actually help at all. It will be a mess, and there will only be jeers. When the time comes, Zhang Yu should stop using this as an excuse to play tricks.

As a result, people from other sects also expressed their approval.

As a result, the disciples who were accompanying him began to go out one after another and returned to the car. Some cars that were easy to block the road had to be driven farther away. Zhang Yu's side has already reported the crime, and the patrol will probably arrive soon. Don't cause any more trouble by blocking traffic.

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