Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4934 The fragrance of roses

"That's right! You are harming others and yourself!" "You are making unscrupulous money!" "You deserve to be unlucky!" "Why didn't that dog scratch you to death!" "You deserve to be!"...

The people watching started shouting and cursing. Regardless of whether you are a dog lover or not, at least everyone knows that many stray dogs are diseased. If they are sold in dog meat restaurants, they will still be sold to people for food. If they eat people, they will develop some diseases. It can still be contagious, so what are the consequences?

Zhang Yu and the others in the car also understood that it was obviously impossible for an ordinary dog ​​to catch two men so seriously, and it must have been Agou.

Agou was showing mercy, otherwise, both guys would be dead by now.

Mu Huayi said angrily: "The dogs are so cute, but they actually hurt them. They are worse than animals!"

"The two of them have learned their lesson, and they probably won't dare to catch dogs anymore. We still have business to do, so ignore them and follow Agou quickly," Zhang Yu said.

After saying that, he closed the car window.

Pan Yun also said to the intercom: "Brother Ma, let's keep going."

The nanny car started immediately and chased in the direction of the red dot.

As for Agou, after giving a lesson to the two men who caught the dog, he continued to look for the scent.

During the day, it had already smelled the scent of roses, and its purpose tonight was to find this scent.

As a puppy sniffing everywhere on the street, naturally no one would pay attention to it.

Agou searched all the way and suddenly smelled the smell of roses.

As soon as he smelled the target's scent, Agou immediately perked up, but he did not press the alarm button immediately because he wanted to confirm whether it was the target. Moreover, Zhang Yu also told it that he would always follow it and not be too far away from it.

Agou followed the scent and within a moment, he saw a woman in a white dress standing on the roadside waving.


A taxi stopped in front of the woman. The woman opened the door and got in.

Seeing this, Agou didn't hesitate anymore. He quickly lay down on the ground and pressed his right paw on top of his left paw.

As soon as he pressed the alarm, the taxi started to move forward. When Agou saw the taxi leaving, there was no way he could be careless. He quickly got up and chased after him.

Zhang Yu and others sat in the nanny car and kept staring at the red target position. At this moment, there was a "didi" sound.

Hearing this voice, Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel happy and shouted: "Found it!"

"Chase!" Pan Yun was also overjoyed and shouted on the walkie-talkie: "Hurry up! Chase quickly! We have found the target!"

The speed of the nanny car immediately increased. However, they could also clearly see through the surveillance screen that Agou's speed was much faster than before.

Seeing this, Leng Lingxue said: "Agou's speed has become so fast. It seems that the target is moving. I don't know if the target has also discovered Agou and is running away."

"It's not impossible." Zhang Yu murmured, and then added: "But under normal circumstances, no one knows Agou's strength, and he looks like an inconspicuous stray dog. Otherwise, he wouldn't Someone may dare to catch it. Even if the target person encounters Agou, he probably won't run away immediately."

"Could it be that Agou wanted to catch the other party, so he was exposed first..." Mu Huayi said.

"If this is the case, the target's escape speed would be too fast..." Zhang Yu said, scratching his head.

The speed of the nanny car was fast enough now, but it still could not catch up with Agou. From this, it is not difficult to conclude that the target's speed is also not slow. At such a speed, it is estimated that even if he activates the magic vest, he may not be able to catch up directly.

They didn't know the specific situation, so they could only continue to catch up.

Agou is indeed tracking at full speed now. Of course, it can be faster, but it requires transformation. After all, the legs are short now, and it all depends on the frequency, but Agou also knows that once he transforms, it will be too shocking. There are still people on the street at night. If people see him, they must not think that there is a monster. In addition, even if there is no one on the street, the transformation can be easily noticed by people in the car, which can alert the enemy in case the other party escapes.

Fortunately, after chasing him for a while, he had already left the center of the town. There were no houses or shops on the roadside, and there was only a sorghum field on both sides of the road. The taxi stopped on the side of the road, and I didn't know what would happen next.

Agou tiptoed over and came to the side of the taxi. He was too small and couldn't see what was going on inside the car. He could only hear the inappropriate voices of men and women inside the car.

At this time, Agou was a little anxious, and he didn't know when Zhang Yu would be able to come over. Soon, Agou found the co-pilot's position and started to tremble. In less than thirty seconds, a man suddenly screamed, "Ah..."

Agou heard the sound and subconsciously stepped back. Then he heard a "click", the car door opened, and a woman in a white skirt came out of the car.

The woman in the white skirt got out of the car, slammed the car door with her backhand, and then saw Agou on the side. The woman glanced at Ah Gou, then moved and ran straight to the sorghum field next to her.

When Agou saw this, he knew that the woman was about to run away. If he didn't stop her at this moment, God knows if he could still stop her.

With a "swipe" of the ground, its figure surged, becoming as big as a liger, and it immediately pounced on the woman.

Agou's series of movements are extremely fast. When it normally sneaks up on a strong enemy, it will go straight to the opponent's head, trying to kill him with one move, never giving the opponent a chance to fight back.

But this time, Ah Gou was somewhat worried because Zhang Yu didn't let him kill the target. So this time, when Agou pounced, he just used his sharp claws to grab the woman's back, trying to subdue her with one move.


As expected, the woman was unprepared, and Agou's claw hit her vest. The woman's white skirt was immediately scratched, but no blood flowed out, only a bright red mist came out. In this bright red mist, there is a strong fragrance of roses, which is countless times more fragrant than entering a rose flower shop.


The woman screamed in pain and threw herself forward. She fell six or seven meters away, smashing all the sorghum in front of her. She turned around hurriedly and saw Agou rushing towards her again. Seeing the huge Agou, the woman was obviously startled and subconsciously swatted forward with her right hand.


A bright red mist gushes out from her palm, and there are countless rose petals floating in the mist, which looks very gorgeous and romantic.

Agou's sharp claws just hit the petal mist, and with another "poof", the petal mist was torn to pieces by Agou's claws. Before the woman could stand up, Agou's body fell down and his claws grabbed the woman's shoulders.

"Poof!" "Poof!"

A bright red mist immediately appeared on the woman's shoulders, and the mist also contained a rich fragrance of roses.

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