Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 492 Zhang Yu’s evil magic (9th update, please vote)

Under this kind of torture, Zhang Yu could see that what the woman said did not seem to be false.

He asked again: "Then who is your real boss?"

"I'm afraid only Tu Shanqian knows this, but no one else will."

"Do you usually go on gambling boats?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"Usually you can spend more than half the month on the gambling boat and the other half of the month you can live your own life."

"You still have your own life?" Zhang Yu smiled faintly and said: "You gave me another two hundred million this time. How are you going to explain it when you go back?"

"I can only find a way to get away with the crime and make meritorious service."

"What would happen if you were handed over to the police?"

"I'm afraid I won't survive one night. Besides, if I get to the police station, I will definitely bear all the charges."

"You are honest." Zhang Yu said, came to the young woman's side, and pulled out the silver needles from the young woman's body one by one.

In the blink of an eye, the strange itch on the young woman's body disappeared. At this moment, she finally breathed a sigh of relief and began to pant. She had never experienced this kind of torture in her life. What is life worse than death? Just now she wished she could die. If you are stuck all the time, you will be living in hell.

Zhang Yu returned to the bed and sat down, pointed at her clothes and said, "Put them on, don't catch a cold."

"Thank you, thank you." The young woman reluctantly got up and slowly put on her clothes and pants. She finally regained some strength.

"What's your name?" Zhang Yu asked.

"My, my name is Luo Chen." The young woman said carefully.

"Where's your birth date?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"I" Luo Chen couldn't help but tremble after hearing this. Zhang Yu had too many heresies, how could she dare to tell him.

"Don't tell me. If you don't tell me, I will pull out the needle and insert it again. I'll tell you in advance, don't lie to me, I can see it." Zhang Yu said coldly.

"It's XX year and XX month." When Luo Chen heard that he was going to get an acupuncture, he didn't dare to hide it, so he quickly told Zhang Yu his birth date.

After Zhang Yu heard this, he nodded slightly and said, "Come here."

"Okay" Luo Chen didn't know what Zhang Yu meant, but he still obeyed and came to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu touched her face. Luo Chen was so frightened that he trembled and didn't understand what Zhang Yu meant.

"Actually, it's not easy for you either. You're honest and didn't lie to me. Go aside first and sit down for a while." Zhang Yu let go of her face.

"Thank you." Luo Chen stood aside honestly, not daring to make any mistakes. The person in front of me is really awesome.

Zhang Yu took out a blank talisman paper from his pocket and quickly folded it into a small paper figurine.

He then bit his finger with his teeth and wrote Luo Chen's name on the front and Luo Chen's birthday on the back.

Luo Chen was far away and couldn't understand what was going on, but he felt inexplicably nervous and felt that it was not a good thing.

Sure enough, after Zhang Yu finished writing, he took out a silver needle and gently pierced the paper man's abdomen.

"Ah" Luo Chen cried out in pain, covering his stomach with both hands, and sweat quickly appeared on his forehead. The pain in my lower abdomen was excruciating, almost like a sore throat.

When Zhang Yu pulled out the needle, the pain in Luo Chen's lower abdomen gradually disappeared. When she looked at Zhang Yu at this moment, it was almost like seeing a ghost. She never imagined that such evil things existed in the world.

"This is the first time I have used this trick on someone in my life. Unexpectedly, it actually worked." Zhang Yu smiled lightly.

Luo Chen didn't dare to say anything, his face was blue with fear.

"I won't kill you, nor will I send you to prison. When you go back, do something for me." Zhang Yu said calmly.

"What's the matter?" Luo Chen asked.

"You haven't spent most of the month on the ship, so you should be able to find out who hired you and me," Zhang Yu said.

"I, I can try my best." Luo Chen said.

"It's not just about trying your best." Zhang Yu pointed at her belly and said, "How did you feel just now?"

"I will definitely find the person who wants to harm you!" Luo Chen said with a guarantee.

"That's pretty much it. By the way, who among you is the leader?" Zhang Yu asked.

"The one pretending to be my husband." Luo Chen said carefully.

If there was a trace of luck before, now she has no chance at all and is completely convinced.

The man in front of me is really terrifying. There is such a thing as a paper man in this world. Now it can be said that his life is completely in Zhang Yu's hands. As soon as this needle is inserted, he will die.

"I won't just bully women, nor will I just let you go on adventures alone. I will find you a companion. Now go out and lie with them first, and don't expose yourself." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Okay, okay" Luo Chen agreed hastily, finally having nothing to do with himself.

The two people left the bedroom and came to the living room. Zhang Yu asked her to find a place to lie down, then pressed her head, and Luo Chen fell asleep.

Zhang Yu found the man who was sleeping. He picked him up and dragged him into the bedroom.

Like Luo Chen, the man followed the same method after being woken up by Zhang Yu. The previous itching was so unbearable that no one could stand it, so the man soon started to feel it too. His statement was similar to Luo Chen's. The division of labor on the gambling ship was very clear. Those who took orders were responsible for taking orders, and those with thousands of people were responsible for thousands of people. In the past, orders were given by slaughtering thousands. He also doesn't know who the boss behind the scenes is.

Then, he honestly said his name and birth date. His name was Wu Rui. After Zhang Yu checked, he also tied a paper figure on Wu Rui and asked him to find his employer when he went back. If he couldn't find it, he would bear the consequences.

Having tasted the pain of pricking the paper man, Wu Rui was honest and did not dare to say a word. Even when he looked at Zhang Yu, he was like Luo Chen, almost as if he had seen a ghost.

Now Wu Rui regrets that he came to carry out this mission. Qian is not good at all. A monster like Qian was really tricked to death. The bastard took the order without investigating clearly. Co-authoring really doesn’t require you to do any work.

Zhang Yu didn't mention to him that Luo Chen was also stabbed by a paper man, and asked him to go back and remain unconscious. Zhang Yu didn't look for anyone else. Firstly, he couldn't find out anything of value. Secondly, his fingers couldn't stand being bitten like this. Thirdly, because there were so many people going undercover, it was easy to be exposed.

Zhang Yu finally wrote a piece of paper and put it on the coffee table. The content was: This is not the first time. Don't force me again, otherwise we will both be destroyed. That would be bad.

When Brother Da Biao arrived with his people, Zhang Yu took the money and left directly.

After all, it was 200 million in cash. No matter how powerful Zhang Yu was, he could not take away so much money.


Special thanks to: Love to suffer, idleness, evil little cat, the new guide, Xiangfa Xiangxin, 1234 may not know, book friend 151212, Xiaofeng, ink marks are not stained with tears, a note, Dongdong brother's big reward, and today's 40 Multiple monthly passes and more than 500 recommendation votes.

Warm congratulations: The poor man watched the original version and unknowingly became the chief rudder of the Tiandihui.

In the past two days, my brothers and sisters all said that there was too much foreshadowing, and it seemed a bit watered down. To be honest, there are some flaws, Lao Tie admits, but some foreshadowing cannot be spared in order to enhance the plot and characters. Otherwise, it would be boring to watch. Maybe it's because Lao Tie's writing power is not strong enough, so he can't express it vividly.

Just like when I first watched "Yi Tian", there was a big fuss in Guangmingding, all kinds of sidekicks and soy sauce came out to brag and point out the country, and in the end Brother Wuji slapped each one in the face. So much so that when I re-watched "Yi Tian" later, I always skipped it.

As the saying goes, if you don't portray the strength of the opponent, how can you show the strength of the protagonist. Thank you all for your tolerance and support. I will try my best to keep improving in the future.

Finally, I would say shamelessly: If you have votes, please vote two more.

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