Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4905 Eating Steamed Buns

"It's not forced by the situation... but... you... seem to be a bit too sudden..." Xiao Jiejie stared and said.

"It's so sudden...I can't even imagine..." Zhang Yu said a little helplessly.

"Then what you are saying to me now is like cooking rice..." Xiao Jiejie said carelessly.

"Don't dare...don't dare...don't I have to be cautious...follow your leadership..." Zhang Yu said flatteringly.

"Tch..." Xiao Jiejie glanced directly at Zhang Yu and said, "I don't even believe what you said..."

"I am telling the truth...I am...what happened out of desperation...I beg the leader for your understanding..." Zhang Yu said flatteringly.

"It's easy to hear what you say..." Xiao Jiejie curled her lips and said.

"I'm really telling the truth...this also..." Zhang Yu said with an embarrassed look on his face.

"It's nothing... I think you are lawless now..." Xiao Jiejie said angrily.

"I'm really not a monk holding an umbrella... I really can't help it... Think about it... I also want to come back to you alive..." Zhang Yu said bitterly.

"That's what you just don't have feelings for her anymore..." Xiao Jiejie suddenly went straight to the point.

I have to say that women are so powerful, they can always get to the point when it comes to emotional issues.

"There must be feelings..." Zhang Yu said bravely.

"You already have feelings...and now...what do you mean..." Xiao Jiejie curled her lips and said.

"I...don't...ask for sympathy from the leaders of the family..." Zhang Yu said with aggrieved tone.

From what he meant, it was as if a child had made a mistake.

"You are really getting better and better now... I asked you why you always run out every two days. Do you always go out to get involved with women... At home... can you be busy... or do you already feel that There is no freshness..." Xiao Jiejie complained.

"I do have something to do when I go out... The Taoist temple needs to be run, and the disciples are limited in strength. Sometimes, I really need to personally take action... As for flirting with others, that is definitely not a problem..." Zhang Yu said flatteringly. .

"I've asked you to say all the beautiful words, and you'll give us a showdown later...Anyway, I think you are becoming more and more courageous..." Xiao Jiejie said with eyes wide open.

"I promise...there will be absolutely no next time..." Zhang Yu said bravely.

"Roll up your arms and sleeves for me..." Xiao Jiejie said suddenly.

"Yes." Zhang Yu quickly complied and rolled up the sleeves of his Taoist robe.

There were a lot of red ropes wrapped around his wrists. After Xiao Jiejie looked at it, she nodded with satisfaction and said, "The performance is not bad... By the way, do you feel guilty after seeing so many red ropes..."

"Yes!" Zhang Yu nodded quickly and said.

"These days, the family has prepared a lot for you... It's okay if you want her to come into the house. At least you have to pay off the debt you owe first..." Xiao Jiejie curled her lips and said.

"No problem..." Zhang Yu said quickly.

"I agreed very quickly, but this is just my level. In addition, I don't care about the little aunt, Tongtong, and Luo Chen..." Xiao Jiejie pouted.

"Thank you Jiejie...Jiejie is really gentle and considerate..." Zhang Yu said flatteringly.

"More and more glib! Humph!" After Xiao Jiejie said that, she turned around and walked straight into the villa.

Xiao Jiejie agreed, and Zhang Yu breathed a sigh of relief. Zhang Yu turned around and walked towards the tree.

Nini stood there waiting for him, while Mu Huayi and Leng Lingxue were still meditating with their eyes closed. It was obvious that they had to stay quiet at the critical moment of exercising. The Great Protector has already begun to study the wheelchair, inspecting it very carefully.

After Zhang Yu came over, he said: "Senior, I have to take Nini in first and come out later."

"Yes." The Great Protector nodded and said, "Do your housework first."

"Okay..." Zhang Yu knew in his heart that Nini might not be able to hear what he and Xiao Jiejie said, but she would definitely not hide it from the ears of the Great Protector.

He looked at Nini and said, "Nini, let's go home."

"Yeah." When Nini heard this, she immediately became excited, walked quickly to Zhang Yu's side, and hugged Zhang Yu's arm.

Zhang Yu understood that now that Nini's parents were dead and she had left her hometown, he was her only support. Nini is innocent by nature and has no foresight, so she must not let others down. It would be a bit embarrassing to go back like this now, but Zhang Yu couldn't bear it. He pushed Nini's hand away and could only let Nini take his arm and walk away.

After only walking a few steps, Agou suddenly ran over and shouted in front of Zhang Yu, "Woof woof woof... woof woof woof..."

"Agou, what do you mean?" Zhang Yu said in confusion.

"It said it was hungry, and its brothers were also hungry and wanted to eat meat..." Nini said.

"I know, I will make arrangements for you later..." Zhang Yu said.

"Woof woof..." Agou barked twice excitedly, then turned around and ran towards the dogs, and the big guys started playing.

The little guy has always been loyal, but now it seems that he also has a childlike heart and likes to play with his kind.

Zhang Yu took Nini towards the villa and soon arrived in front of the villa.

The door of the villa was ajar. It seemed that Xiao Jiejie had deliberately left the door open for him. Zhang Yu opened the door and walked inside. The entrance is through the entrance hall, and after exiting the entrance hall, there is a large living room, but there is no one in the large living room.

But Zhang Yu could smell the fragrant steamed buns in the restaurant. I traveled all night yesterday and didn't eat anything. It's no wonder that Ah Gou was hungry. Now that he could smell the aroma of steamed buns, Zhang Yu was also hungry.

Zhang Yu took Nini to the restaurant. When they arrived at the door of the restaurant, they could see Xiao Jiejie, Fang Tong, Yang Ying, and Luo Chen sitting around the dining table eating steamed buns.

The four girls obviously knew that Zhang Yu was back, but none of them said anything, as if they didn't see it. Even though Yang Ying was sitting directly opposite the door and saw Zhang Yu, she remained silent and completely regarded Zhang Yu as nothing.

"smell good……"

But at this moment, Nini next to Zhang Yu suddenly said, this girl is really affordable, she said this right away.

Seeing what Nini said, Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, but what she didn't expect was that Yang Ying actually stood up and said: "Have you not had breakfast yet... Little sister, come and sit down... I made steamed buns at home this morning. …”

After saying that, she walked towards the door, took Nini's arm, led Nini into the restaurant, and asked Nini to sit next to her.

On the table, there is a pot of steamed buns, which look like they have been cooked a lot. Yang Ying immediately went to serve Nini a bowl of mung bean porridge, got her chopsticks and a spoon, and then said gently: "Since you are home, don't be polite, hurry up and eat it while it's hot..."

Nini was really not a polite person. She took the chopsticks, picked up a bun and started eating. After only one bite, she couldn't help but praise, "It's delicious, it's delicious, it's really delicious...much better than the vegetarian buns in the Taoist temple..."

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