Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4899 Beast Language

The barking of Agou made the chaotic barking of dogs disappear. But Zhang Yu was extremely puzzled. He turned to look at Wang Jie, as if asking, what is going on?

Wang Jie had just heard Zhang Yu speak and said quickly: "Uncle, it's a stray dog..."

"Stray dogs... How come there are so many stray dogs in our Taoist temple? What's going on..." Zhang Yu said in confusion.

"This matter has to start with the three Canadians you brought back..." Wang Jie said.

"Canadians..." Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment, thinking to himself when he would bring Canadians to the Taoist temple.

But then he rang, it should be Nini, Yun Kil, and Quilin. But Zhang Yu was still puzzled and said in confusion: "What does it have to do with the three of them..."

“These stray dogs were all adopted by the Canadian girl. Not only stray dogs, but also many stray cats, and many birds...all in the yard of the three of them...all in a small zoo... They were brought back by you, uncle, so everyone can't say anything and can only let them keep them... Fortunately, those dogs only bark in the morning and are usually quiet..." Wang Jie said.

"That, that's not right... I asked Yuan Xiaoxiao to teach them the language... and I didn't let them raise animals... What's going on..." Zhang Yu said.

"This matter... you have to ask Yuan Xiaoxiao... Anyway, I am not very clear about this matter, but I know that there is such a thing..." Wang Jie curled his lips and said.

"Okay, I understand. You go and do your work. I'll go over and take a look..." Zhang Yu said.

"Okay, I'm going to work on carving a monument for burial..." After Wang Jie finished speaking, he hugged the urn and left.

Zhang Yu pushed his wheelchair and walked towards the cross-yard where Nini lived. While walking, I suddenly heard the sound of a dog barking again, "Woof woof woof..." "Woof woof woof..." "Woof woof woof..." "Woof woof woof..."...

Hearing the sound of the dog barking again, Zhang Yu was startled again. Because according to the past situation, as long as the dog barks twice, no one dares to bark randomly.

But this time, it seemed a little unusual.

When Ah Gou heard the dog barking, he was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he started barking, "Woof woof woof... woof woof woof..."

"Woof woof woof..." "Woof woof woof..." "Woof woof woof..." "Woof woof woof..."...

Good guy, it’s okay that Agou didn’t bark this time. But when he barked again this time, those dogs barked even more happily.

This is the first time A-Gou has encountered this kind of thing. In the past, no dog would dare to do something wrong if he barked twice. But the other party's current barking was not only disrespectful to it, but even a bit provocative.

"Uh... uh..." Agou then let out a low growl, seemingly preparing to teach those dogs who didn't give face a lesson.

As soon as Zhang Yu heard Agou's voice, he quickly said: "Wait... wait... Agou, calm down first... let's go and see what's going on first..."

"Woof..." Agou barked softly and nodded.

Zhang Yu pushed the wheelchair and led Agou forward. When Nini came, because of the language barrier, Zhang Yu did not arrange for Nini and three people to live in the guest room, but found a place to live across the hospital. Relatively speaking, it is more convenient for the people in the Taoist temple and for Nini and the other three.

After walking for a while, the barking of the dogs finally stopped. After another while, they finally arrived at the courtyard where Nini and the others lived.

The courtyard door was open at the moment. Before Zhang Yu could reach the door, he could hear Yuan's little voice in the courtyard, "Nini, you are really amazing. You can make these dogs perform so quickly." seem to be able to really communicate with them, how do you do this..."

"I don't know, but suddenly I can understand their voices..." Nini's voice sounded again.

"Young Master, what's going on with that dog barking just now... As soon as the dog barked, I saw that all the dogs in our yard were suddenly frightened... All of them were trembling..." This time, speaking It's Quiline.

They all spoke Mandarin, and although they had a slight voice, they were still fairly fluent. Regarding this, Zhang Yu had to admire him for learning quickly enough.

Similarly, Zhang Yu also became curious about what Kuilin said.

Nini's voice followed, "There is a dog threatening them, telling them that if they dare to bark again, they will eat them..."

"Why is that dog so bad..." Quilin said.

"That's right, why are you so bad... There is no Taoist temple here. I want to see which dog dares to run wild here..." Yuan Xiaoxiao then said.

"I'm not afraid... I told our dogs, don't be afraid of that bad dog. If we are afraid, it will take advantage of it... I will support them and let them continue to bark, and tell the bad dog, If you don't accept it, come over and try it out... As a result, the bad dog doesn't dare to bark anymore... It just bullies the weak and fears the strong..." Nini said proudly.

After hearing this, Zhang Yu finally understood. No wonder Agou was so angry just now. It was indeed the stray dogs who were provoking him. But what kind of stray dog ​​dares to be so arrogant?

But Zhang Yu also realized that Nini seemed to be able to communicate with dogs. Otherwise, how could she tell the dogs what to say.

However, it seems a bit inappropriate to call Nini and the three dogs "bad dogs". Doesn't this mean that the flood has washed away the Dragon King Temple and the whole family no longer knows each other?

Zhang Yu led Agou toward the courtyard, and soon arrived in front of the gate. As soon as I arrived at the door, I could see many dogs squatting in the yard, and many cats lying down. There were also various birds standing on the branches or on the eaves, which looked very lively. Nini, Yuan Xiaoxiao, and Kuilin were sitting on a bench on the side, looking at the dogs.

"Woof woof woof..." "Woof woof woof..." "Woof woof woof..."...

At this moment, the dogs in the yard suddenly looked outside the yard and started barking.

Hearing the dog barking, Nini, Yuan Xiaoxiao, and Kuilin immediately looked towards the door. Nini even shouted: "You bad dog, how dare you..."

Before she could finish her words, she immediately saw Zhang Yu and jumped up from her chair, shouting excitedly, "Octopus!"

Immediately afterwards, she rushed towards Zhang Yu.

"Nini, Kuilin," Zhang Yu said with a smile.

Before he could finish his words, Nini rushed in front of him and hugged him. Nini then shouted excitedly: "You are finally back! You miss me so much! You miss me so much..."

In front of his apprentice, Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed to be held by Nini like this.

Fortunately, Zhang Yu reacted quickly and said quickly: "Nini, why are there so many dogs, cats, and birds in the yard? What's going on?"

After hearing this, Nini let go of Zhang Yu, turned to point at the animals in the yard, and said proudly: "I raised these all."

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