Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4882 Broken

Zhang Yu glanced at the remaining three unopened coffins. In order, his eyes quickly fell on the coffin with the word "人" engraved on it.

Zhang Yu raised his hand to hit the Transformation Mirror, and with a "bang" sound, the coffin lid was blown away.


After the coffin lid flew up, it was immediately ignited and burned. But this time, Zhang Yu didn't feel the formation's aura getting stronger.

Zhang Yu walked slowly to the front of the coffin. He walked very quickly, and he was careful and worried that something might suddenly pop out of the coffin.

Arriving in front of the coffin, Zhang Yu looked inside and saw a corpse lying inside the coffin. There were two corpses in the coffin before, but this time it suddenly became one. Zhang Yu was a little surprised and couldn't help but look at it carefully.

The corpse was wearing a brass-colored robe, and its face was yellow. After a moment, Zhang Yu suddenly realized that something was wrong. Because this corpse is not human at all, but carved out of wood. The corpse looks lifelike, but there is still a difference between a human being and one carved from wood. However, the carving craftsmanship was so exquisite that Zhang Yu didn't notice it for a while. Fortunately, the wooden man couldn't grow hair. When he saw the bald head, Zhang Yu realized something was wrong.

"A wooden man, what does this mean..." Zhang Yu muttered and paused for a moment, not noticing anything unusual here.

After waiting for a while and seeing no reaction from the wooden man, Zhang Yu thought for a while, then turned and walked towards the coffin with the word "地" engraved on the other side.

As he walked, Zhang Yu raised his hand and played the Transformation Mirror.

With a "dang" sound, the Huagang Mirror directly knocked away the coffin lid here.

The coffin lid also ignited on its own with a pop. Still the same, Zhang Yu didn't feel the formation's aura getting stronger this time.

Zhang Yu walked slowly to the coffin and looked inside the coffin. In this coffin, there was a corpse wearing a silver robe lying. After looking carefully, Zhang Yu found that this coffin was also carved from wood, but the wooden figure's face was painted with white paint.

"It's interesting... ha..." Zhang Yu smiled lightly and turned to the coffin with the word "天" engraved on it.

Zhang Yu hit the Huagang Mirror again, and with a bang, the coffin board was blown away.


The coffin boards were then set alight and burned to the ground.

Zhang Yu slowly came to the coffin and looked inside. This time, lying inside the coffin was a wooden man in golden robes. Because of his previous two experiences, Zhang Yu could directly tell this time whether the person lying here was a human or a wooden figure.

"Three wooden men... seems to have such a meaning..." Zhang Yu thought in his heart: "The three talents of heaven, earth and man, plus the six evils... The person who can arrange such a formation seems to be really impressive... ...It's just a pity that I have better luck...I will break your formation for you now..."

Zhang Yu turned his palm over, and this time a blue talisman appeared in his palm.

Zhang Yu bit his finger and started drawing on the talisman paper. His cultivation has improved a lot now, and it is no longer difficult to draw talisman on the blue talisman paper.

The talisman paper was quickly drawn. He took out another blue talisman paper and also drew a fire talisman.

Blue talisman paper is relatively precious. Even if Zhang Yu can be self-sufficient, he can't say that he has painted it in advance. He only has one blue fire talisman on his body, and the other talisman papers are all blank in order to adapt to changes.

He took out the one he had prepared before, stepped back a few steps, and followed "shuashuashuashua" and threw the three talisman papers almost together into the three coffins of heaven, earth and people.

"Puff puff!"

As soon as the three talismans entered the coffin, they were immediately ignited, setting off blue flames.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of "puff, puff, puff" could be heard. It turned out that just as the three coffins of Heaven, Earth and Man were being lit, flames were also coming out of the other six coffins.

Not only that, Zhang Yu could feel that the aura of the formation in the stone room instantly dissipated a lot, and became lighter and lighter, and it was estimated that it would disappear completely soon.

However, almost at the same time, Zhang Yu also smelled the strong smell of corpses. This corpse stench can almost kill a living person directly, and it is stronger than the corpse stench emitted by so many walking corpses before. Zhang Yu smelled the stench and almost vomited. He quickly held his breath, turned his palm, and showed the money sword, being careful and alert.

"Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!"...

Less than two seconds later, the sound of fire igniting sticks was heard again in the stone chamber.

The nine coffins, which were originally unable to be broken directly by the Huangang Mirror's blow, were actually ignited by the fire inside the coffins.

Soon, the fire from the nine coffins intertwined and spread towards Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu was startled when he saw this posture. He originally thought that the formation had been broken and everything would be fine. Fortunately, the fire in the stone room was getting bigger and bigger, and it kept burning towards him.

Zhang Yu quickly backed away, but this stone room was only so big, that is, there was no coffin at the back. Zhang Yu quickly retreated to the wall, but the fire was still sweeping towards him.

"What...what's going on..." Zhang Yu said in shock.

The fire was raging, and there were also golden, silver, and copper-colored flames in the fire. Not only that, the fire also exuded a devouring corpse stench.

Seeing the fierce fire approaching, Zhang Yu had no escape route behind him. In desperation, Zhang Yu directly struck out the money sword.


The money sword turned into 108 copper coins and was woven into a money sword net to block the raging fire.

"Chi chi chi... chi chi chi..."

The fire then hit the money sword net, and with just two touches, the money sword made a burning sound.

Zhang Yu was able to conclude that the fire was not an illusion, but a real existence. Because he used his true energy to connect the Money Sword Network, he was absolutely sure that the Money Sword Network was under fierce attack.

On the altar, Master Song was slumped on the ground, supported by his two junior brothers. The old master Mingzhen was still biting the bullet and desperately urging the fire gourd, hoping to make the fire dragon hold on for a while longer.

However, the flames on the fire dragon kept dissipating. At this moment, it suddenly disappeared completely.

Seeing the fire dragon disappear, Mingzhen Lao Dao couldn't help but close his eyes. He knew in his heart that they were dead.

However, as soon as he closed his eyes, he suddenly felt that the aura of the formation here instantly dissipated a lot.

Upon discovering this, he hurriedly opened his eyes and shouted excitedly: "The formation is broken!"

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw that the green flames surrounding them had gradually dissipated.

"The formation is broken!" "It's broken!" "We can't die!"... People like Zhenren Song and Yu Laodao couldn't help but make excited sounds.

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