Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 487 Wudangzhai’s first business

"He is 35 years old and is in the stone business. Can we go and take a look now?" The young woman seemed a little anxious and spoke in a hurried voice without thinking at all.

Seeing that the other party answered without hesitation, Zhang Yu nodded secretly.

Hearing her age and the fact that she was in business, Zhang Yu wondered if this young woman might have become a mistress after being widowed. Even if Zhang Yu could meet each other, the relationship between people is sometimes difficult to explain. They are not a couple, they do things like a couple every day, and fortune telling cannot be based on this.

"No problem, where is your home?" Zhang Yu asked calmly.

Usually no one comes to the door, so I just study the formations in Wudangzhai. Now that I finally have business, I don't accept any business. It really doesn't make sense.

"In the Longwan Villa area." The young woman replied.

When Zhang Yu heard the name, he felt it was familiar, and then he remembered that he had been there before, where there was a black dragon vein, and the money sword was also obtained from there.

He packed up two ordinary magic weapons and went out to do business, somehow looking decent.

After leaving Wudangzhai, the young woman's car was a Mercedes-Benz. She glanced outside Wudangzhai and saw a precious donkey, and asked casually: "Mr. Zhang, are you driving?"

"I don't know how." Zhang Yu said directly.

"Then, why are you coming back?" the young woman asked again.

"If you invite me to see Feng Shui, won't you be responsible for sending it back?" Zhang Yu asked back.

"Send, send." The young woman said quickly: "Please get in the car."

Seeing the other party asking about his car, Zhang Yu felt something was wrong, and said to himself that he had to be more careful first. There are everyone these days, and he has offended many people.

He got into the young woman's Mercedes-Benz, and the young woman drove directly.

Zhang Yu was sitting in the passenger seat, and there was a faint fragrance in the car. Judging from the young woman's taste, it was pretty good. Zhang Yu asked casually: "Who did you hear that I know Feng Shui?"

"I heard it from a friend," the young woman replied.

"Does your friend know me?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"He also heard it from others. Mr. Zhang probably doesn't know him," the young woman said.

If she had said that she heard it from yesterday's astrology and Feng Shui exchange meeting, Zhang Yuzhen wouldn't have the slightest doubt. After all, I was very popular yesterday, there were so many people there.

But if your friend also heard from others and then told you that you found Wudangzhai today, it shouldn't be yesterday.

Before yesterday, not many people knew that they were capable. Even in the agency, people are advised to read Feng Shui, but not everyone knows about opening Wudang Zhai. If you find it through an intermediary, there is no problem.

Zhang Yu secretly murmured in his heart, this woman is really weird, and she said ambiguous things. After seeing your husband, everything will be clear.

He didn't try to find out, nor did he ask for details. He was just like an old monk sitting quietly in the passenger seat in meditation.

However, within ten minutes, Zhang Yu's phone rang. Without looking, he knew who was calling. As expected, it was Fang Tong.

As soon as I answered the phone, I heard Fang Tong's voice, "Where have you been?"

"I'm going to show people Feng Shui!"

"Then why don't you take me?"

"Didn't you go to eat? I didn't dare to disturb you. You eat slowly and I'll be back when I'm done."

"You, you, you." Fang Yatou was so angry that Zhang Yu didn't make her angry to death. She ordered all Zhang Yu's favorite food, but it turned out that this guy just said he was gone.

Zhang Yu naturally couldn't take this girl with him. As expected, he still didn't know if she really cared about Feng Shui.

Longwan villa area.

As soon as he arrived at the place, Zhang Yu was sure that it was the villa area where he originally came.

Entering the villa area, the young woman walked in the opposite direction of Xia Yuechan's villa.

This was a two-story villa, similar to Xia Yuechan's. The car drove into the courtyard, and the young woman led Zhang Yu inside.

The first floor has a large living room, kitchen, dining room, maid's room, utility room, etc. It is elegantly decorated and very neat. Went up to the second floor and immediately entered a room, which was a bedroom. Inside, a man in his mid-thirties was sleeping.

"Is he your husband?" Zhang Yu asked in a low voice.


"Why do you sleep at noon?"

"He always has nightmares when he goes to bed at night, so he doesn't dare to sleep. He always stays up until dawn. Even so, he is always scared to wake up." The young woman said.

Zhang Yu nodded, and at this moment, the man on the bed suddenly exclaimed, "Ah!"

After the voice settled, the person sat up and kept muttering, "Ghost, ghost"

"Honey, are you okay?" The young woman rushed to the bed nervously, hugged the man's arm, and said softly: "Have you had another nightmare?"

"I dreamed that I went to the cemetery. There was a door there, and a female ghost in white greeted me and asked me to go over. I seemed to go over involuntarily, and then she opened her fangs at me and scared me to death." The man said with lingering fear.

"Don't be afraid, I've invited Mr. Zhang here." The young woman said, turned to look at Zhang Yu, and said eagerly: "Mr. Zhang, please help find out what's going on. My husband has nightmares every day. .”

The man also looked at Zhang Yu. When he saw that Zhang Yu was in his early twenties, he couldn't help but be a little surprised, and frowned slightly. Apparently he felt a little unreliable, but he was embarrassed to say it.

"No problem, I'll help you take a look to see if there's something wrong with the feng shui." Zhang Yu said calmly.

He glanced around and saw that there was nothing unusual in the room. If there was evil spirit or something, Zhang Yu should be able to feel it even without using the Qi Observation Technique.

It can be said that Zhang Yu didn't find anything wrong when he entered the villa.

I have been to many houses with problems, and I can basically find problems as soon as I walk in.

He then looked at the man's face. Judging from his face, the man should be unmarried. He is not married at the age of 35. He is living with this young woman, or what?

Seeing Zhang Yu looking around, the man asked: "Mr. Zhang, do you see any problem?"

Zhang Yu shook his head slightly and said, "I didn't see it."

"Ah" the man looked disappointed, frowned and said, "What, what can we do? Otherwise, try looking for someone else."

"Don't worry, let Mr. Zhang think of a solution. It's said that Mr. Zhang is very capable. I can't see it now. Maybe he can come up with a solution in a while." The young woman quickly comforted her.

"Don't worry, you two. Although I can't see it for the time being, I will definitely be able to help you solve the problem. By the way, can you give me your arm?" Zhang Yu came to the bedside and said with a smile.

"What are you doing?" The man extended his arm to Zhang Yu.

"Let me feel your pulse." Zhang Yu said, placing his hand on the man's pulse gate.

"Can you still feel your pulse?" the woman said curiously.

"You know a little bit about it." Zhang Yu said humbly.

Soon, he discovered that the man's pulse was normal and there was nothing wrong with it.

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