Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4834 Too awesome

Zhang Zhenren, Zhang Yinling, Zhen Yizi and other people from the Tianshi Mansion were all waiting at the side of Qixia Peak. They watched helplessly as Zhang Yu and the others climbed up from the cliff, and then disappeared.

As time passed little by little, everyone inevitably became worried, especially since they still couldn't wait for Zhen Junzi's call and didn't know what the situation was like above.

They wanted to call Zhen Junzi and Ling Hongzi, but they didn't dare to make random calls. You know, these three people didn't just go to visit, but climbed up secretly. If they were well hidden, wouldn't it be terrible if three people were exposed with just one phone call?

But there is still no news from above. Standing under the cliff and peeking up, you can't see the end. As for the battle happening above, no matter how lively it is, it is impossible for the people below to hear it.

The little girl Zhang Yinling paced back and forth anxiously, and encouraged her father three times in succession to go up and have a look, but she was scolded by Master Zhang every time.

It's not appropriate to call, and it's not necessarily appropriate to go up and check. I really can't think of any particularly good way at the moment.

They were waiting below for days that lasted like years. At this juncture, Zhang Zhenren's cell phone suddenly vibrated, "Buzzing buzzing... buzzing buzzing..."

Hearing the vibrating sound of his mobile phone, Zhang Zhenren quickly took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Ling Hongzi's phone number.

When he saw that it was Ling Hongzi who called, Master Zhang couldn't help but feel happy and said directly: "It's senior brother's call."

He then put the phone to his ear to answer it, and said: "Senior brother... you are down... okay, okay... we will go there right away..."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Zhenren looked at Zhen Yizi and said: "Uncle, it's the call from my senior brother. He said that he has gone down the mountain now. Something big happened on the mountain, and I couldn't finish talking on the phone for a while. Let me Let’s meet up at the Qixia Peak Pass first and then we’ll talk about it.”

"Okay." Zhen Yizi nodded and said.

After hearing this, Zhang Yinling said excitedly: "Great, great... By the way, how is Zhang Yu's situation..."

"Your uncle didn't say anything, but I guess it should be fine. Everything will be clear when I see your uncle later. Let's go!" Master Zhang said.

They didn't waste any time and headed towards the mountain pass. After walking for a while, you can see the fire at the mountain pass. But now, the people at the mountain pass have been walking towards the mountain one after another, and they don't know what happened.

Several people rushed to the mountain pass. At this time, the people here were no longer sitting and resting. They were all lined up neatly, as if they were lining up to greet them. When they saw this, they were inevitably a little puzzled. Their walking pace was no longer so fast.

Even so, after walking for a while, someone saw them on the other side of the mountain pass. Immediately there were three people walking towards them quickly.

The leader, Zhen Yizi, stopped, and the others also stopped and looked at the people coming across from them. They quickly recognized that among the three people who came over, one was Ling Hongzi, and the other two were middle-aged Taoist priests from the Shushan sect.

When the two met, Zhang Yinling was the first to rush up and said, "Uncle, how is Zhang Yu? Why don't you see him coming down?"

"He has something to do up there, so he asked me to come down and pick you up together." Ling Hongzi said.

"He's quite busy... I just heard from my dad that something big happened up there. What is it?" the little girl said curiously.

"This..." Ling Hongzi did not answer immediately, but turned to look at a middle-aged Taoist priest beside him.

When going down the mountain, the three of them discussed it, because the people guarding the bottom of Qixia Peak were all disciples from Qixia Peak, and it was not convenient to tell them what happened here.

So, the middle-aged Taoist priest said: "I think we might as well go up the mountain first. If we have anything to do, we can talk about it after we go up the mountain."

"Okay, thank you for your work." This time it was Master Zhang who said.

Zhang Yinling was really curious about what happened above. However, my father said so, so I could only wait patiently. In fact, Zhang Yatou was not the only one who was curious. All the people in Tianshi Mansion were also curious. But they can also see that it is really not convenient to talk here.

Ling Hongzi then gave a brief introduction to the two middle-aged Taoist priests, one named Zhang Xiuzhu and the other Wang Xiumian. After a few pleasantries and some useless polite words, the Tianshi Mansion and his party met Zhang Xiuzhu and Wang Xiumian. Under the guidance of , walked forward.

The disciples of the Shushan Sect in front were all waiting in the aisle to greet him. He walked between them and then turned around and came to the Qixia Peak Pass. The group immediately climbed up the mountain and headed straight to the top of Qixia Peak.

It was late at night and the road to Qixia Peak was not easy to walk. Fortunately, everyone was a cultivator, so it was easy to say. Zhang Zhenren was worried that his daughter would make a mistake, so he grabbed his daughter's hand and walked up. It can be seen that although he usually reprimands, Zhang Zhenren does not have much love for his daughter.

The mountain road here is really not a place to talk. Just walking along the road is still very fast. It didn't take long for them to reach the top of Qixia Peak and see the gate of Shushan Sect.

At this moment, the mountain gate was open, with young disciples standing on both sides. Zhang Xiuzhu and Wang Xiumian Yinling entered the mountain gate. After entering, we didn't go far before we could no longer see the disciples of the Shushan Sect.

At this time, Zhang Yatou really couldn't help it anymore. She took two steps forward, squeezed to Ling Hongzi's side, and said with a smile: "Uncle, what on earth happened here, please tell me quickly...I have been waiting for you along the way." I just wanted to know, but the road was quite difficult, so I didn’t ask... Now it’s time to talk..."

Linghongzi also planned to find an opportunity to inform everyone about the situation. Seeing Zhang Yinling asking, Linghongzi stopped and said, "Then I'll be here and tell you about it."

"Okay, okay..." Zhang Yinling said happily.

Everyone stopped and gathered around Ling Hongzi, waiting for Ling Hongzi's story.

Ling Hongzi didn't hesitate and immediately told them what happened after they went up the mountain. However, in many places, it is relatively simple to save time. He focused on the poisoning of the leader of Shushan, the rebellion of Qin Laodao, the leader of Diancang Peak, and Zhang Yu's expose of Qin Laodao's conspiracy. The last thing is how Zhang Yu breaks through and reaches the realm of a lawyer. Qin Laodao commits suicide. Now Zhang Yu and Zhen Junzi should go to detoxify the head of Shushan.

After listening to Ling Hongzi's story, Zhang Yinling couldn't help but jump up excitedly and shouted excitedly: "Breakthrough! Breakthrough! Zhang Yu has a breakthrough! He... He became a lawyer so quickly... It's amazing... It's amazing incredible……"

All the experienced Taoists in Tianshi Mansion could not help but be moved. Firstly, he was surprised that Zhang Yu could reveal the truth about Wuyin Villa and Qin Laodao's conspiracy; secondly, he was shocked that Zhang Yu could break through so quickly and reach the level of a lawyer.

You know, Laodao Zhenyizi has been stuck as a prestige master for who knows how many years, and has never been able to understand Hongren's enlightenment and reach the realm of a lawyer.

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