Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4813 Zhang Yu’s statement

Seeing Zhang Yu making a move, middle-aged Kun Dao immediately said: "You kid, please be more honest!"

"I must be honest. Don't worry. I'm just a little tired from standing like this. Please relax." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"We are all standing! You hurry up and continue talking!" middle-aged Kun Dao said angrily.

"Okay, okay... I'll go on..." Zhang Yu said with a smile again: "Wu Xiuqi and Hua Xiutao ran away with the boy, but they didn't make it and were soon caught by the child's biological father. Here we are. The child's biological father naturally discovered the affair between the two. In fact, if he could be calmer and not run away from home, the flaw would probably not be exposed. The child's biological father was very angry and sent Wu Xiuqi and Hua Xiu to Tao and the child were brought to a place called Wuyin Mountain, and then broke all the joints in Wu Xiuqi's body, gouged out Wu Xiuqi's eyes, and tortured him to death. But even so, the child's relatives The father was still angry, but the child was young and always needed someone to take care of him. He couldn't bring the child back to Shushan. After thinking about it, he built a Wuyin Villa on Wuyin Mountain and let Hua Xiutao continue to take care of his son. . Hua Xiutao actually didn’t want to live anymore because of Wu Xiuqi’s death. However, her son was by her side and needed to be taken care of, and her daughter’s life and death were uncertain, so she couldn’t die. In this way, Hua Xiutao chose to live on. The child’s biological father Dad will definitely not live in Wuyin Villa all the time. After all, he has to return to Shushan to practice. In this case, it is inevitable that someone will be responsible for looking after Hua Xiutao at Wuyin Villa. As the child grows up, the child His biological father also did not want his son to develop feelings for this woman after he became sensible, so he no longer used Hua Xiutao to take care of him, but hired others to take care of him and teach his son the skills. The father was the best at Shushan sect and taught his son the skills. It must be the best, so it is also the Shushan sect's technique..."

When Zhang Yu said this, he paused again. He couldn't keep talking and had to take a breath. He rested for a moment, then continued: "The child's father is getting stronger and stronger, but because of his innate destiny, he has never been able to get what he wants. In desperation, he can only find another way so that To satisfy his ambition. Finally, he came up with a way, which was to turn Wuyin Villa into a refuge to take in those evil heretics who were being hunted in the world and had no other way out, and let these people be driven by him in order to satisfy him. His ambition..."

When Zhang Yu was talking, the people present would look at Zhang Yu from time to time, and from time to time they would look at Qin Laodao on the other side.

Qin Laodao's face was as dark as water. When he listened to Zhang Yu's story, he said coldly: "Boy, just keep making it up. I'll let you talk for now. When you finish, we'll see how you die!"

Zhang Yu was calm, pretending not to hear anything, and just said to himself: "The father of the child is a very sophisticated man. Of course he knows that he wants to control these evil heretics and make these people willingly do things for him. It is not an easy task. First of all, he needs to intimidate these people with strong strength. However, he cannot stay in Wuyin Villa every day, so he can only support another puppet owner and appear more mysterious. Secondly, he also had to set up a formation outside Wuyin Villa to prevent these people from going out casually. Thirdly, it was even more important. He set up a brothel and casino inside Wuyin Villa, and relied on gambling and women to earn money from these Obtaining magic weapons and the skills they practiced in people's hands, and then winning over these people in the name of rewards, is simply a combination of kindness and power. By the way, I would also like to add that in order to take revenge on Hua Xiutao, he even forced Hua Xiutao went to the brothel to pick up the guests, and allowed the heretics to humiliate, beat and scold her. For the sake of her son and her daughter whose whereabouts were unknown, Hua Xiutao could only choose to continue to endure... The strength of Wuyin Villa became stronger and stronger, and even Mu The Wang Qiao family is inextricably linked to the Villa. The ambition of the child's biological father has inevitably expanded, and his courage has become bigger and bigger. He actually dared to unite with the Qiao family. When he went to the Tao family, a tall man Just a 1.5-meter tall boy dug a tunnel in the room where the Tao family entertained guests, and he used this boy to subcontract the Tianyin Qin that the Tianshi Mansion brought to the Tao family..."

"Zi Zi!" "Dig a tunnel!" "Who is that Zi Zi? Where is he?"... When the white-robed Taoist priests standing on the side of middle-aged Kun Dao heard Zhang Yu talk about tunnels and Zi Zi, their eyes immediately widened. , asked one after another.

After all, when Zhang Yu and his party came to Qixia Peak, there was a Zi Zi among them. Such a tall Zi Zi would leave a deep impression on anyone. In addition, they were digging a tunnel to get to the treasure tower. Based on these two points alone, they could be sure that this guy was probably the one who dug the tunnel at the Qixia Peak Guest House.

"Everyone, please don't worry, just listen to me continue." Zhang Yu said.

"Don't wait around, tell me quickly!" "Yes, yes, tell me quickly!" "Especially that guy, where is he!"... A group of old men in white robes said eagerly again.

Zhang Yu still seemed unhurried and waited for their voices to settle down before continuing: "This guy colluded with the people who delivered food to the Tao family. After substituting the Tianyin Qin, he successfully gave the Tianyin Qin to After they returned to Tianshi Mansion, we from Tianshi Mansion soon discovered that the Tianyin Qin brought back was fake. As a result, we had to conduct an investigation, and then we found out that the most important thing was The two suspects were Miao Shou Lei Ge and the other was from the Wood King Qiao family. So, the Heavenly Master ordered someone to pretend to be a third-grade layman Zheng Yiyuan, and first went to Green Water Manor to investigate Lei Ge. As a result, Lei Ge died before the investigation could be completed. After Lei Ge died, we from the Tianshi Mansion had no choice but to go to Mu Wang Qiao’s house. Coincidentally, because we were pretending to be Zheng Yiyuan at the time, we met people from the Maoshan Sect, so we had a fight with the Maoshan Sect. , they went to the Qiao family because they were in trouble. The people in the Qiao family are really good. When they saw Zheng Yiyuan going, they even lied that someone in the family was trapped in the Green Leaf Forest Farm and asked Zheng Yiyuan to go to the Green Leaf Forest Farm. After waiting , only to find out that this is not the case at all. The forest farm belongs to your Shushan sect, and your Shushan sect people are still catching ginseng in the mountains. What a coincidence, a ginseng-seeking bird suddenly attacked Zheng Yiyuan, and Zheng Yiyuan killed him Looking for the ginseng bird, he immediately met the Taoist priests of your Shushan sect, and they fought hard twice. In the end, Zheng Yiyuan killed several Taoist priests of your Shushan sect. After coming down from the mountain, all the people who went to the Green Leaf Forest Farm with Zheng Yiyuan were dead. There was one left named Du Meng. The two of them drove to Zhuyaoziwa, and happened to meet people from your Shushan sect. They started fighting again. Zheng Yiyuan also killed your people, but one of them was wearing a white robe. The Taoist priest ran away."

"That person is me!" Good guy, just after Zhang Yu finished speaking, an old man in white robes shouted loudly on his side.

Zhang Yu turned his head and looked over. What a coincidence. It was absolutely true that this old man in white robe was the one who attacked him in Zhuyaoziwa.

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