Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4807 Zixiao Palace

"This should be a conspiracy." Zhang Yu whispered directly.

"Conspiracy?" Upon hearing this, Ling Hongzi said curiously: "How do you say this?"

"It takes a long time to say this... It's not the time to talk about this yet. I think we should do business first..." Zhang Yu said.

"What's the business?" Ling Hongzi asked.

"Go find the leader of Shushan Sect..." Zhang Yu said.

"Go find the leader of Shushan Sect..." Ling Hongzi pondered, and then said: "Isn't he poisoned and unconscious? What should we do with him... Also, we don't know where he is... "

"It doesn't matter if I don't know where he lives, but generally speaking... the leader must live in the back, and it should be the most magnificent house... So, it shouldn't be difficult to find... As for what to do with him... he must want to We can cure him..." Zhang Yu said in a low voice.

"Cure... I think it's unlikely..." This time it was Zhen Junzi who said: "The Shushan sect is also proficient in medicine. If it could really be cured, it would have been cured long ago... There shouldn't be any need for others. Come and cure it... This has never been cured, obviously it really can’t be cured..."

"No matter what, we have to find the person first and then talk after confirming it... Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be over once and for all when the person dies..." Zhang Yu said.

"Sure, let's go look for it." Zhen Junzi nodded and said.

Zhen Junzi and Ling Hongzi didn't know much about what happened to the Shushan Sect, so for now, they could only follow Zhang Yu's lead to see what was going on. In fact, they were also very curious. The leader of the Shushan Sect was definitely a top-notch master, but he could be poisoned and injured, and even the Purple Green Sword was taken away. Isn't this a joke? Who can do this?

The three of them rushed towards the backyard. Although Zhang Yu had seen the map on Qixia Peak, he didn't see where the place where the leader lived was marked. But we are all traveling together, so we can almost guess where people will live.

After walking for a while, the three of them found a relatively large courtyard. As soon as Zhang Yu saw this courtyard, he remembered that according to the mark on the map, this place seemed to be called Zixiao Palace.

Zhang Yu stopped and whispered: "This courtyard looks like the place where the master lives..."

Ling Hongzi nodded and said softly: "It looks similar."

Zhang Yu looked around and then made a roundabout gesture. Of course Ling Hongzi and Zhen Junzi understood what he meant and immediately followed him along the courtyard and around the diagonal side.

Arriving at the left side of the courtyard, Zhang Yu first made a gesture to silence himself, and then made a gesture to move up. Ling Hongzi and Zhen Junzi nodded lightly, and Zhang Yu immediately reached out to grab the wall and slowly put his head over the wall.

If you look into the courtyard, you will see a large hall in the courtyard. In front of the main hall, four Taoist priests wearing blue and white robes stood. The styles of the Taoist robes of these four people are obviously different from those of ordinary Taoist priests of the Shushan Sect.

With Zhang Yu's ability, it is not so easy to be discovered climbing the wall. The four Taoist priests standing outside the palace gate obviously did not notice Zhang Yu.

As soon as Zhang Yu saw the appearance of the courtyard, he could almost guess that this was probably the residence of the leader of the Shushan Sect.

He slowly retracted his body and jumped back slightly, also making no sound.

Seeing him coming down, Ling Hongzi whispered: "What's it like inside?"

"There is a large hall inside, and there are people guarding it outside. From the looks of it, it is probably the residence of the leader." Zhang Yu said in a low voice.

"There are people guarding you, so what are you going to do?" Ling Hongzi said in a low voice.

"I plan to sneak in from the back." Zhang Yu said.

After saying this, he stretched out his hand and pointed forward.

Ling Hongzi and Zhen Junzi looked at each other and nodded, then followed Zhang Yu and walked forward along the courtyard wall. After a while, we reached the backyard wall. Zhang Yu jumped up slightly like last time, grabbed the wall, and looked inside.

At this moment, the main hall is very close, and it can be clearly seen that the hall is lit by candlelight. There was no one guarding the back of the main hall. It was obvious that no one could sneak in here. Not only that, there are two windows open on the left side, which should be used for ventilation.

When Zhang Yu saw that there was no one there, why should he be polite? He immediately stretched his legs and rolled in.

Agou was always on Zhang Yu's shoulders, that is, when Zhang Yu climbed up the mountain, he was hiding in Zhang Yu's arms. Ah Gou's grip was very stable and very tight. Others had an eagle standing on their shoulders, but he was like a little pug standing on his shoulders.

When Zhen Junzi and Ling Hongzi saw Zhang Yu climbing over first, they naturally knew that it must be okay, and they both followed suit. Both were masters and barely made any noise.

The three of them tiptoed toward the window at the back of the hall.

Even the main hall, which looks very old, is now equipped with glass, but there is a layer of paper stuck inside the glass, making it impossible for people to see what is going on inside. Fortunately, two windows were open. The three of them came under the windows and listened carefully, but did not hear any sound.

Zhang Yu made a gesture, indicating that he would take a look. He slowly raised his head and looked into the window.

Just by looking at it, you can see that this should be regarded as a main room, with tables and chairs placed there. There is a large screen on the left and right sides. It is also because the screen is too big that it is difficult to see what is behind the screen.

Zhang Yu looked at it for a moment and thought about it, why don't he go in and take a look. But before he could move, he immediately heard footsteps pacing back and forth behind the screen on the left side. The sound of footsteps is not loud, but it can give people a feeling that the person pacing seems to be very anxious.

Hearing the sound, Zhang Yu couldn't go in. If he collided with him, he didn't know what trouble he would cause. But if you don't go in, how can you determine whether the leader is there and what his condition is?

At this juncture, Zhang Yu suddenly heard the courtyard door in front of him being pushed open, and immediately there were rapid footsteps running over.

Immediately afterwards, a man's voice sounded from the other side of the palace door, "Junior Brother Sun, what are you doing? Why didn't you knock on the door when you came in!"

"Oops! Something big happened!" A young man's voice sounded.

"What's the big deal?" asked the man who spoke before.

"That...Uncle Qin...Uncle Qin has become the acting head of our Shushan Sect..." The young man's urgent voice sounded, and when he finished speaking, he began to breathe heavily.

"What! How is this possible... Didn't it mean that the leader can only be taken over by someone from Qixia Peak? Why is Uncle Qin from Diancang Peak the acting leader..." The man made a surprised voice again.

While they were talking, Zhang Yu heard fast footsteps coming around the screen. It was Zhang Yu who reacted quickly. He immediately ducked and shrank back.

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