Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4792 Secret Channel

The little girl has all the say, but it still depends on Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu whispered: "Yinling, you and Agou come out, I'll go over and take a look."

Zhang Yinling immediately moved out, and Agou followed. Zhang Yu walked to where Zhang Yinling was standing just now and looked at the rockery in front of him.

The rockery stone looked nothing special, just like other rockery stones. Zhang Yu raised his hand and patted it on the rockery stone. There seemed to be nothing wrong with the top of the rockery. Zhang Yu slowly moved his hand down and patted it. When he reached the bottom, Zhang Yu was absolutely sure that there was definitely a different world underneath the rockery.

Zhang Yu stomped his feet heavily on the spot, trying to hear the sound, but when he stomped his feet, there was no obvious hollow sound in the sound. Of course, there is also a little hollow sound.

From this, Zhang Yu was able to roughly judge that although the ground beneath his feet had its own caves, the soil layer was extremely thick. If he hadn't stamped hard with his feet, he would not have heard the hollow sound below.

In fact, this is also true. Anyone who walks on the road will stamp his feet vigorously. If Agou hadn't discovered that there was something wrong with the rockery, it would be difficult for Zhang Yu to find out what was wrong with it.

Since there is a secret passage below, it means that there must be a mechanism here in the rockery. Based on Zhang Yu's experience, it is not difficult to find the mechanism here. But at this time, we don't just look for the mechanism as soon as we come up, but try first to see if we can move the rockery away manually. After all, it is just a rockery stone. With Zhang Yu's strength, it is not a problem to push it away directly.

Zhang Yu took a step to the side, stretched out his hands to press on the rockery, and pushed hard.

With a push, the rockery stone did not move at all, as if it was welded to the ground.

Seeing this, Zhen Junzi said: "This rockery stone doesn't look very big, but it can't be pushed... It seems there must be something wrong down here..."

"There must be an agency...but Zhang Yu will definitely have no problem with this..." Zhang Yinling said confidently.

"I don't know if there is a problem. Let's take a look first." Zhang Yu curled his lips and said.

After saying that, he began to search on the rockery, and soon discovered that the mechanism should not be on the rockery. So, he turned to look for the adjacent rockery stone. Before searching, Zhang Yu must have pushed the rockery stone first. If he could push it, it meant that the mechanism was not on it. If he couldn't push it, he would There should be an agency.

The first thing he pushed was the rockery rock on the right side of the rockery. Not to mention, it was just a push, but it didn't really move.

Zhang Yu immediately began to search on the rockery. Within a few minutes, he found a raised part on the rockery. He just twisted it and heard a "crunching" sound.

The original rockery stone slowly receded back, and a dark cave gradually emerged under the rockery stone.

Seeing a cave exposed below, Zhang Yinling immediately said excitedly: "I just said there is a problem down here, and it seems there is! Come on, let's go down and have a look."

"Don't worry yet!" Zhen Junzi shouted directly in the tone of an elder.

Zhang Yinling shut up immediately and did not dare to speak out. When Zhang Yu saw the mechanism opened, he also came over. He and Zhen Junzi looked into the dark cave together and saw that there were no steps below, just a hanging rope ladder. Not only that, the cave should be so deep that the end cannot be seen at a glance. What’s more, the height of the soil in the cave completely proved Zhang Yu’s guess, it was at least one meter thick.

Zhen Junzi flipped his palm, revealed a fire talisman, and struck it downwards.

With a "pop" sound, the fire talisman turned into a fireball, fell below, and glowed. This time I saw it clearly. According to the distance between the fire and the top, it was almost four or five meters.

What's more, Zhang Yu didn't feel the breath of the formation below.

Zhang Yu naturally didn't care about the height of four or five meters. He said directly: "I'll go down and take a look first."

After saying that, he showed the money sword in one hand and jumped down.

With a soft "bang" sound, Zhang Yu fell steadily to the ground.

He looked around, and in the light of the fire, Zhang Yu could see that this was the end of the secret passage, with an area of ​​about ten square meters. To the left, there is a corridor, but I don't know where it leads.

Seeing that there seemed to be nothing unusual when Zhang Yu went down, the little girl said, "I'll go down and have a look too. You catch me!"

This girl was also very courageous and immediately jumped down. When Zhang Yu saw Zhang Yinling jumping whenever she wanted, he quickly stretched out his hand to catch the little girl, relieved her from the force of the jump, and then put her aside to stand. When Agou saw Zhang Yu and Zhang Yinling coming down, he also jumped down, and with a "whoosh", he came down and stood at Zhang Yinling's feet.

Zhen Junzi was a little angry when he saw Zhang Yinling jumping at will, but fortunately there was no danger. He rushed down and said: "You guys step aside, and I will get down too."

Zhang Yu and Zhang Yinling walked to the side, and Zhen Junzi jumped down from above, but he was still steady.

When he came down, he had to take a look around, and soon discovered that there was only one way to go on the left side.

Zhen Junzi pointed to the corridor on the left and said, "It seems we can only go that way."

"What are you waiting for? Come over and take a look." Zhang Yingling said excitedly.

"You girl, I don't know what potential dangers there are here, please stay back." Zhen Junzi glared at Zhang Yinling.

The old man is Zhang Yinling's grandfather, so he is naturally worried that something might happen to Zhang Yinling, but this girl is not afraid of anything. Zhen Junzi secretly said in his heart, your father usually disciplines you like this, just because you are not my granddaughter, otherwise, I can beat you eight times a day.

Zhang Yinling was scolded by her uncle, so she did not dare to speak out and shrank to Zhang Yu's side.

Zhang Yu said: "Senior, I don't think it's better to let my dog ​​walk in front, and I will follow behind, and Yinling will follow behind me. How about you be responsible for breaking up the rear?"

Zhen Junzi knew that one of him and Zhang Yu must open the way and the other break up. He nodded and said, "Okay, I'm done."

"Senior, you're welcome." Zhang Yu then looked at Agou on the ground and said, "Agou, you are responsible for clearing the way."

When Ah Gou heard this, he seemed very excited, just like Zhang Yinling. The little guy walked directly towards the corridor. Zhang Yu held the money sword and followed behind him. Zhang Yinling followed behind Zhang Yu. Zhen Junzi held the magic weapon and walked at the back.

After walking only a few steps, they arrived at the corridor. Zhang Yu flipped his palm, lit a piece of talisman paper, and held the fire ball in his palm to provide lighting. Entering the corridor, walking forward for a short distance, you can see the end. In front, there should be another stone room.

Agou was the first to walk into the stone room, and then barked twice, "Woof woof..."

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