The people from Tianshi Mansion and Wuyin Villa were fighting endlessly. This kind of competition is different from the hardships Zhang Yu has experienced before. In the past, when fighting against others, Zhang Yu mostly did it alone. It was rare to have so many masters around him.

The people at Wuyin Villa are basically a mob. Although there are many people, they are nothing more than gathering feathers to gather together. The masters at Tianshi Mansion were obviously very organized. During the battle, Zhang Yu could already feel that seven veterans had formed the Tiangang Beidou Formation invisibly, relying on the power of the formation to compete with the opponent. .

More and more people fell down on the opposite side. Tianshi Mansion gradually gained the upper hand, and could even be said to have the absolute upper hand. Even Zhang Yu had to admit that a famous sect is a famous sect, and its strength cannot be easily compared.

Soon, the people at Kirigakure Villa realized that they could no longer withstand the attack. After all, most of the people here are here to take refuge. If you can beat them, fight them. If you can't beat them, the thirty-six tactics are better. After all, no one can say that they are really in the same boat as Kirigakure Villa, sharing life and death. Seeing that so many people had fallen one after another, there were not many guests left who ran out of the courtyards on the left and right sides. They did not dare to fight, so they turned around and ran away.

Naturally, the people in Tianshi Mansion are not at an advantage in terms of numbers. During the fight, five of them had been injured before and fell down. In this fight, several more fell down, and only about ten were left standing. They saw someone running away, and they didn't know for a moment whether they should go after him or not.

It was Zhang Yu who shouted loudly, "Don't let them all run away. One group is blocking the front, and the second and third groups are chasing them from left to right!"

In fact, the only people left in the group were Zhang Yu, Zhenren Zhang who was slightly behind, and Zhen Junzi who formed the formation. The other two veterans had already fallen. But his words still reminded other veterans.

Zhen Yizi shouted loudly: "Split up and chase each other, and never let the others go..."

At that moment, he directly named a few names and asked the eight people to divide into two groups, one to pursue them to the left and the other to the right.

While Zhen Yizi was arranging tasks, Zhang Yu kept his hands on the side and was still competing with the owner of the village wearing a brass mask and a few men in gray opposite him.

"Boom boom boom..." "Bang bang bang..." "Bang bang bang..." "Ah..." "Ah..."...

At this time, Zhang Yu used his most powerful magical weapon, the Transformation Mirror, and hit the owner of Wuyin Villa directly.


The Huagang Mirror carries the Gangfeng and goes straight towards the village owner. When the village owner sees the Huagang Mirror coming towards him, he immediately plays a token.

With a "dang" sound, the Transformation Mirror hit the token, and the token was thrown backwards. However, Huagang Mirror's momentum did not diminish and it continued to hit the owner of the village.


The Huagang Mirror hit the village owner's chest, and a sound of broken bones was heard. Looking at the village owner wearing a brass mask, he fell to the ground.

At this moment, Zhang Yu was stunned. He never expected that one of his moves could knock down the owner of Wuyin Villa. In Zhang Yu's opinion, the owner of Wuyin Villa was extremely powerful and beyond his reach. The reason why he dared to take action was because there were so many masters from Tianshi Mansion around him. Even if you are not as good as the opponent, you can still get it done if you all work together.

But Zhang Yu was really surprised that he was able to knock the opponent down with this attack.

As soon as he succeeded, the man in gray standing next to the village owner was stunned, turned around and ran away.

If they didn't run away, they would have been able to hold on for a while. Now that they turned around and ran away, they became a target. The masters of Tianshi Mansion greeted each other with their magical weapons, and heard the sound of "Puff, Puff, Puff" and the screams of "Ahhhhh".

Soon, all the people in gray clothes in the courtyard fell to the ground. In the courtyard where the restaurant was located, no one from Wuyin Villa was standing there. The people from the Tianshi Mansion also chased on both sides. Only six people from the Tianshi Mansion were left beside Zhang Yu, including Zhen Yizi, Zhang Zhenren, Zhen Junzi, and Zhang Yinling.

Zhang Yu rushed forward quickly. Zhen Yizi was thinking about checking on the injured members of his sect. When he saw Zhang Yu running over, he had to say: "Junior brother, you go over and take a look. The others stay to check on our sect." The situation of the injured."

Zhang Zhenren and two other old Taoists immediately agreed. Zhang Yinling saw Zhang Yu running forward and quickly followed him. Zhang Yu quickly rushed to the side of the village owner. The owner, wearing a brass mask, was motionless and seemed to be dead.

But Zhang Yu did not dare to be careless. He reached out to recall the money sword and Huagang Mirror, and stabbed the opponent's heart with the money sword first.

Seeing that the village owner was motionless and didn't make any sound, Zhang Yu knelt down and grabbed the village owner's wrist. Under the touch, Zhang Yu confirmed that the other party had no pulse, and then checked with his inner eye, and then discovered that there were no three souls or seven souls in the owner of the village.

It can be said that the owner of Wuyin Villa is completely dead.

It was precisely because of this that Zhang Yu was a little confused. He really didn't believe that the other party would die like this. Zhang Yu then raised his hand and grabbed the brass mask on the owner's face, and the mask was ripped off by him.

The mask was lifted, revealing the appearance of the owner of the village. Zhang Yu was shocked again when he saw the appearance of the owner.

It turned out that he had met this village owner before, it was Di Yuanzhen, the white-robed old man who asked him to meet at night after he came to Wuyin Villa. I still remember that at that time, I used a jade rope to capture the white-robed old man, and then handed him over to the owner of the village wearing a bronze mask. Di Yuanzhen was slapped to death by the owner of the village on the spot, and his body was taken away. However, after Di Yuanzhen was photographed to death, Zhang Yu did not check the body.

Now seeing that the person wearing the mask was actually Di Yuanzhen, Zhang Yu was not surprised. Similarly, Zhang Yu also took a breath. If he had not taken down Di Yuanzhen at that time, but cooperated with Di Yuanzhen, he might have been poisoned by the Villa.

Test! Di Yuanzhen was really testing himself.

Zhang Yu was able to confirm this at this moment, but doubts also arose in his heart. That is, Di Yuanzhen will definitely not be the owner of Wuyin Villa, so who will be the owner of Wuyin Villa?

Zhang Yinling followed Zhang Yu and stood next to Di Yuanzhen's body. Seeing Zhang Yu looking at the corpse, she couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong with you? Who is this person...I heard you say before that the man wearing the brass mask is the owner of Wuyin Villa... ...He should be it..."

"It's hard to say whether he... is right or not..." Zhang Yu said.

"It's hard to say...why is it hard to say...didn't you say so...the owner of the villa is dressed like this..." Zhang Yinling said in confusion.

"The owner of the villa is indeed dressed like this... However, this person's strength is completely unmatched by the owner of the villa..." Zhang Yu said.

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