Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4764 You can’t go, it’s very dangerous

"It's okay, we can become smaller..." the little boy's voice rang.

As he spoke, Zhang Yu saw that the two children in the tank instantly shrank to the size of a finger.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu felt relieved and said directly: "I told you earlier, you still have this ability..."

Zhang Yu then reached out and dug into the jar, pulled out two small ginseng sticks, and put them into his arms.

He then said: "Okay, just follow me."

After saying that, he closed the cylinder head and walked towards the stairs to the third floor.

After only taking a few steps, the little boy's voice sounded next to my ear again, "Do you want to go up..."

"Yeah..." Zhang Yu said.

"You can't go up." The little boy's voice immediately sounded.

"Why?" Zhang Yu asked.

"It's extremely dangerous up there, let's go down..." the little boy said bitterly.

"How did you know?" Zhang Yu asked curiously.

"It feels..." the little boy said.

Immediately afterwards, the little girl's voice also sounded, "Yes, I also feel that there is a special danger up there... Both of us have predicted the danger..."

"You can still get caught if you predict..." Zhang Yu said smoothly.

The little girl's pitiful voice sounded again, "We have been dealing with them for several days. Their strange birds are really powerful..."

"That's it...I..." Before Zhang Yu could finish his words, he immediately saw two footsteps coming out of thin air.

Zhang Yu turned around and saw that it was Yao Sanchun and Gao Jinbao.

When Zhang Yu saw the two of them, he couldn't help but frown secretly, and still said deliberately: "Why did you come up so quickly..."

"There are swords down there, nothing else, useless, useless..." Gao Jinbao curled his lips and said.

Yao Sanchun then said: "You are still the best. Why didn't I think of it just now? In this tower, things must be better as you go up. Let's not waste time, let's go to the third floor."

After saying that, he walked towards Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu couldn't directly attack them now. After all, he hadn't seen the falling star money yet.

Moreover, these two guys are not just people. If they take action when they don't see something, they are obviously asking for trouble and are prone to causing trouble.

So, Zhang Yu grinned and said, "Let's go to the third floor first."

At that moment, the three of them walked towards the third floor together, went up the stairs, and then came to the third floor.

As soon as he went up, Zhang Yu's eyes lit up. It turned out that there were no boxes or anything on the third floor, just items floating in the air on the third floor.

The area of ​​the third floor is not as large as the second floor. There are not many things floating in the air, but they are dazzling.

There are mostly gourds here, including white gourds, red gourds, blue gourds, and green gourds. In addition to gourds, there are also floating bracelets, necklaces, pagodas, lamp holders, daggers, tokens, seals and other objects.

Gao Jinbao and Yao Sanchun also saw this. Their eyes immediately flashed with greed, and Gao Jinbao even licked his mouth.

Yao Sanchun walked in the front. He stepped forward, and Zhang Yu and Gao Jinbao followed immediately.

After reaching the second floor just now, Zhang Yu only took one step, and there was a change before his eyes, and he fell into the formation. But this time, the three people took three or four steps and got closer and closer to the floating baby in front of them, but they didn't notice anything unusual.

Seeing that there was no abnormality, Zhang Yu couldn't help but said: "What's going on... Something seems wrong..."

Gao Jinbao followed Zhang Yu, and he also said: "Yes, what happened this time... I didn't see... any formations..."

Yao Sanchun in front also stopped and said: "There is something really wrong... let's not move yet..."

After speaking, he carefully looked at the objects floating in front of him.

Zhang Yu and Gao Jinbao also looked carefully. Zhang Yu soon discovered that there was something wrong with these suspended things. They seemed to be arranged in twelve hexagrams. That is the Ziwei Twelve Palaces on the formation chart.

It has to be said that Yao Sanchun is also very knowledgeable, and he also discovered this, and then said: "I know... It turns out that these treasures that look like magic weapons are just a formation... They are based on Ziwei Ten The layout of the second palace should be the Ziwei Tai Chi array on the array diagram..."

"Yes, I think so too... So what do you think we should do now..." Zhang Yu said.

"If you don't have a formation, you won't dare to rush in. Now that you have a formation, why are you afraid of him? If you two are timid, you don't have to follow me. I'll take the Falling Star Money alone, and then come back and follow You guys meet up." Yao Sanchun said confidently.

"Taoist Priest, I'll go with you... I've seen this array too... It's nothing serious... If we go together, we can still take care of you..." Gao Jinbao said quickly for fear of suffering a loss.

Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment, and at the same time, the little girl's voice sounded in his ears again, "You can't go there, it's very dangerous..."

Hearing the little girl's voice, Zhang Yu glanced at Gao Jinbao beside him and found that Gao Jinbao didn't seem to hear the little girl's voice. After confirming this, Zhang Yu simply said: "Well... since the Taoist leader is going... I won't go there... Anyway, our purpose this time is to get the Falling Star Money back, and it will be the same for whoever gets it... "

After all, the situation here was somewhat different from downstairs, and what the ginseng doll said, Zhang Yu decided that it was better not to take risks. Although he wanted to get the falling star money, he only had Gao Jinbao and Yao Sanchun to get it. At worst, he could just find an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Zhang Yu is generally not willing to take advantage of someone's situation, but it depends on who the target is. Among the people in Wuyin Villa, there are a few who are good people. Let’s not talk about others, let’s just say Gao Jinbao. He looks like a scum of the Buddhist family. Even Kong Yi wants to kill him to clear the door for the Buddhist family.

Upon hearing what Zhang Yu said, Gao Jinbao glanced at Zhang Yu with disdain, and then said: "Taoist Priest, let's go."

"Let's go!" Yao Sanchun said, and stepped forward.

The two of them went straight to Linlang's magical weapon in front of them, one behind the other. The area on the third floor is just that big. After a few steps, I walked in. After the two entered the floating magic weapon, they disappeared in front of Zhang Yu's eyes.

At this moment, Zhang Yu was completely sure that these suspended magic weapons were really a formation. But what is it like inside?

Qixia Peak backyard.

In the courtyard at the end, there is a palace that is not very big. Above the palace, there is a plaque hanging with three characters written on it - Zixiao Palace.

Zixiao Palace is the residence of the leaders of the Shushan Sect in past dynasties. Outside the palace, four Taoist priests in blue and white robes stand. These four Taoist priests are all in their thirties. They all carry long swords on their backs and look very serious.

In the middle of the night, the four Taoist priests suddenly heard a "click" sound, and the four people who originally had their backs to the temple door turned around immediately. They immediately saw an old Taoist wearing golden Taoist robes stepping out of the hall.

As soon as they saw this old Taoist, the four Taoist priests quickly bowed and saluted, and said in unison: "See the head master! I wonder what the master has ordered!"

"Someone broke into the treasure tower without permission!" the golden-robed old man said sharply.

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