Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4729 Meeting Kong Yi again

Zhang Yu walked through the garden and returned to his residence along the road. When we came to the door of the small building, there was still candlelight in the building. Zhang Yu raised his hand to push the door, but naturally did not push it open. He then knocked on the door and said, "Dang Dang Dang..."

Soon, Xi Hong's timid voice sounded in the hall, "Who is it?"

"It's me." Zhang Yu said.

There were footsteps, followed by another "squeak", and the door opened. Xihong stood inside the door. It was not difficult to see that she was drowsy at the moment and must have just woken up.

Zhang Yu could tell that she was either coming down from upstairs or downstairs.

"You're back." Xihong said softly.

"You're back...why didn't you go upstairs to sleep..." Zhang Yu said.

"I'm worried about going upstairs to sleep and not hearing your knock on the door. Come in quickly..." Xihong said and stepped aside.

Zhang Yu walked into the main room, Xihong closed the door and locked it. Zhang Yu glanced at Xihong and said, "I'll go upstairs to the bathroom first, and then come down. Then you can just go upstairs and sleep."

"Yes." Xihong responded softly.

Zhang Yu went directly upstairs to the bathroom. He first made himself comfortable, then simply touched up his makeup before returning downstairs.

Xihong was sitting next to the table, with several bottles of mineral water on the table. Xihong saw Zhang Yu coming down and said, "There is no hot water here, only mineral water. If you are thirsty, just drink this."

"Where did you get the mineral water?" Zhang Yu asked curiously.

"There are them in the cabinets upstairs and downstairs, but I haven't seen them before. But there is no water heater here... and I don't know where to take a shower... It seems that I haven't taken a shower in a long time..." Xihong pursed her lips. , said pitifully.

"This... I'll ask you when the time comes..." Zhang Yu said.

When he said this, Zhang Yu also realized that he seemed to have not taken a shower for a while.

" will be up to you then...I, I...then I will go upstairs and continue sleeping..." Xihong said softly.

"Go, I'll rest too." Zhang Yu said.

Xihong then went upstairs, while Zhang Yu opened a bottle of mineral water and took a few sips. Then he walked to the wall, sat down against it, and closed his eyes.

Zhang Yu fell asleep and woke up at dawn. But today, when Zhang Yu woke up, he didn't hear Xihong's footsteps, guessing that Xihong hadn't woken up yet.

When you wake up in the morning, you will inevitably have a strong urge to urinate. Zhang Yu stood up and walked upstairs. In fact, the design here is quite reasonable. After all, the bathroom and bedroom are upstairs, which is convenient for going to the toilet.

However, Xihong's arrival made Zhang Yu's daily life somewhat inconvenient.

Follow the stairs to the second floor. As soon as you go upstairs, you can see that Xihong is still lying on the bed, sleeping soundly.

This girl went to bed tonight, which was obviously different from last night. She probably trusted Zhang Yu very much. When she went to bed, she had already taken off her red shorts and was only wearing a pair of light green panties underneath. There was a thin quilt on the bed, but it was held in this girl's arms and was not covered over her body. I guess it was a bit hot in the summer. It was covered at first, but then turned to the side.

Zhang Yu glanced at Xihong. Xihong's skin was very white, and because she liked to dance, her figure was also quite perfect. At this time, Xihong was wearing very little. If it were an ordinary man, he might not be able to control it. But Zhang Yu was not an ordinary man after all. After taking a look, he looked forward and went straight to the bathroom.

After convenience, Zhang Yu simply washed up and walked out of the bathroom. When I came out this time, I saw that Xihong had been wrapped in a quilt. She must have woken up because she heard the sound of water. Not only that, Xihong also covered her head with a quilt.

Zhang Yu pretended not to notice and just walked to the stairs and went downstairs. When he was halfway there, he heard the sound of Xi Hong getting out of bed. Immediately afterwards, Xihong's voice also sounded, "Are you going out to eat... Remember to bring me breakfast... By the way, wait for me... I'll go downstairs and close the door..."

Zhang Yu couldn't help but smile and said, "Okay, don't be in a hurry."

Although he said he was not in a hurry, Xihong downstairs seemed to be quite anxious. Zhang Yu could hear Xihong putting on her shorts quickly. Soon, Xihong ran downstairs in a hurry. After going downstairs, the girl suddenly lowered her head, seeming very embarrassed.

Zhang Yu thought he had just gone upstairs and saw something, so he made the girl feel embarrassed. So, Zhang Yu simply said: "I'll go to the restaurant to eat first. I'll bring you whatever you want to eat."

"As long as it's the same as yesterday morning... But... it's best, it's best for you to help me ask... if I have any change of clothes..." Xihong lowered her head and said embarrassedly.

Zhang Yu immediately understood that this was the reason why the girl was embarrassed. Zhang Yu nodded and said, "No problem."

He then walked behind the door, opened it, and walked out. Xihong quickly went over and closed the door again, locking it in place.

Zhang Yu went directly to the restaurant, and he unconsciously felt a sense of expectation in his heart. He hoped to see the little nun Kong Yi this time.

It was already late when we arrived at the restaurant. There were many people eating in the restaurant. Not only was the first floor full, most of the tables were occupied. As soon as Zhang Yu came in, a young man in Tsing Yi came up to greet him and asked whether Zhang Yu planned to eat upstairs or downstairs.

Zhang Yu had already seen the person in the wheelchair and would definitely not eat downstairs. He said there were too many people downstairs, so he should go upstairs.

Arriving at the second floor, as soon as he went up, Zhang Yu glanced around and saw a man wearing a black cassock sitting at the table by the window. This man doesn't have much hair, just a round head, and he is eating with his head down.

Seeing this man, Zhang Yu's heart couldn't help but move, and he walked over casually.

Due to Zhang Yu's approach, the round head in black cassock had to raise his head and glance at him. Their eyes met, and the round head in black cassock continued to eat. Zhang Yu saw clearly the appearance of this person, it was Kong Yi.

Look at the things on Kong Yi's table, a plate of steamed buns, a bowl of porridge, and a plate of pickles. By this standard, it is clearly the standard configuration of Kongyi.

Zhang Yu was at the table next to Kong Yi. The young man immediately asked Zhang Yu what he wanted to eat. Zhang Yu said directly: "Bring me a bowl of tofu puffs, five beef pies, and five chive boxes. In addition..."

He was about to say that he would ask the young man to prepare the things to be packed, but then he realized that Kong Yi was beside him, so it would be a bit bad to ask him to pack things. Therefore, Zhang Yu did not speak.

"What else?" the young man asked.

"Besides... I'd like to have another tray of steamed dumplings... but I'm wondering if they're big enough to finish... You can have these first..." Zhang Yu said.

"Okay! Sir, if you don't have enough to eat, feel free to give us orders. We are faster here." After the young man finished speaking, he walked quickly towards the stairs.

As soon as he left, Zhang Yu glanced at Kong Yi again, intending to talk to Kong Yi. However, there were not only the two of them upstairs, but also four tables. After hesitating for a while, Zhang Yu still thought that we would talk about it later.

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