Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 472 Destiny

Jack Liu defeated many Xuanmen in a row, broke Feng Chongjue's magical weapon, and even forced out Jia Zhenren. Qi Wuyao has been watching from the side, obviously winning.

He called Wen Qiong before, but it was Pan Yun who answered the call, saying that his mother was busy and could not attend. Pan Yun didn't say what the specific matter was, and he didn't tell his mother that she had a headache.

At this moment, seeing that Jack Liu was about to win a big victory, Qi Wuyao wondered whether he should call Wen Qiong to see if Wen Qiong was free to come and present the award. After all, it is on the territory of Zhendong District, and it is not bad for the district office to come out and end it. After the news media publicized it, Jack Liu also had to accept Wen Qiong's favor. There is no problem in setting up a large Feng Shui array in Wen Qiong's home.

Besides, Jack Liu had even defeated the masters of White Eyebrow Palace, let alone Jack Liu’s teacher Alessandro Pisano. If Pisano took action, he would probably be able to sweep away the Taoist sects in the country.

So, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed Wen Qiong's number.

After the call was connected, Qi Wuyao said politely: "Auntie, are you finished? The exchange meeting here is almost over. I wonder if you would come and sit for a while to help wrap things up. This, this is actually not necessary. After all, announcing the winner or loser is just an exchange. Wouldn’t it be nice if it ended successfully? Then try to wait until after this competition is over, and then I’ll call you. Okay, okay.”

Wen Qiong, who was on the other end of the phone, was now feeling refreshed. Zhang Yu's methods were indeed brilliant, which made her particularly satisfied, so she decided to hire Zhang Yu as a personal masseur.

She was still lying on the bed. Pan Yun had handed her the phone just now, so she knew it was Qi Wuyao calling.

Seeing his mother hang up the phone, Pan Yun said, "What's the matter with him?"

"He said that the astrology and Feng Shui exchange meeting was about to end, and he asked me to go and take a look and announce that it was successfully concluded. I told him that if you look at it and say it, it won't pass," Wen Qiong said.

"Is this right? Why bother with him?" Pan Yun said directly.

Zhang Yu was nearby. When he heard that it was almost over, he immediately said anxiously: "It's almost over. I still have to go visit."

I was busy treating Wen Qiong, and just massaged her for a while, but I didn't even notice the time. I also promised Master Jia to be present. If I didn't go, it would be a breach of trust.

"Are you going?" Pan Yun looked at him.

"Isn't that right? I promised my master that I would compete with that Jack Liu. Auntie, I can't stay here anymore. I'm leaving now." Zhang Yu said and was about to leave.

When Pan Yun heard that he was going to compete with Jack Liu, he couldn't help but become interested and said, "I'll send you there."

How could Wen Qiong not see what her daughter was thinking, and said, "Forget it, let's go together. I'll simply pack up, then call Qi Wuyao and tell him we're on the way."

Of course, the issues she considers are not as simple as her daughter's. I have already given the favor to Qi Wuyao, and now I have to say something. You can't get stuck halfway through a favor. Just now, she was mainly unhappy because of the sudden headache. Now that she thinks about it, once the favor is given, she must give it to the end. By the way, we also have to see how capable that Jack Liu is.

Besides, on the rostrum, Jia Zhenren took out a bunch of copper coins.

Copper coins are not uncommon as magical weapons. In addition to money swords, there are also coins from the Five Emperors and so on.

Jia Zhenren definitely didn’t have the five emperors’ money. They were Qin Shihuang’s half-liang coins, Emperor Wu’s five baht coins, Tang Taizong’s Kaiyuan Tongbao, Song Taizu’s Song-Yuan Tongbao, and Ming Chengzu’s Yongle Tongbao.

Jia Zhenren's money here is all the five emperors' coins, which are Shunzhi Tongbao, Kangxi Tongbao, Yongzheng Tongbao, Qianlong Tongbao and Jiajing Tongbao.

He placed these copper coins in eighty-nine directions and added true energy to them in order to generate evil energy as quickly as possible.

After the formation was completed, Master Jia was watching from the side. The eyes of the people present were all focused on the TV screen, and they couldn't take their eyes off it. It is inevitable that some experts can see that Jia Zhenren used the Eight-nine Evil Gathering Formation. There should be no problem in using this formation to forcefully break the Pisces Wealth Formation.

Jack Liu held twelve golden playing cards in his hand, and began to turn them around again, tossing them up and down.

After just over a minute, sweat began to drip from Jack Liu's head. Before, he didn't sweat at all, but now, he was sweating profusely.

Jia Zhenren was closest to him and saw this scene in a glance.

"Huh?" Master Jia secretly wondered what was going on with Jack Liu and why he was sweating so much.

"Something is weird, there must be something weird. Could it be..." Jia Zhenren is an experienced person, and he quickly realized a problem.

This Feng Shui bureau is probably not only blessed later. Firstly, it should be related to the golden cards in Jack Liu's hand. Secondly, it should be the blessing of his life on the formation.

Now his Eight-nine Evil Gathering Formation has put a lot of pressure on the Pisces Wealth Formation, so it has also infected Jack Liu. Otherwise, Jack Liu would never be able to sweat so much.

Using the blessing of one's life on the formation is definitely a taboo in the Feng Shui formation, and it is considered life-threatening. This kind of formation can only be set up once, and a second one cannot be set up at the same time, because you only have one life.

What's more important is that once the formation is broken, the person who set up the formation will be killed at worst, or seriously injured at worst.

Similarly, if you use your own life to set up a formation and pay such a high price, the power of the formation will naturally be great.

Master Jia finally saw it through. No wonder Jack and Liu were risking their lives in such a big battle. It seems that this kid is very ambitious and really plans to take a piece of flesh and leave in Zhenhai City.

Just as he was thinking of this, Jia Zhenren suddenly felt a stagnation in his chest and felt a little uncomfortable. Immediately afterwards, all the copper coins placed in the glass jar flew out at once, "pah pah pah, dang, dang, dang."

The copper coins either fell to the ground or hit Jia Zhenren's body. Jia Zhenren stumbled backward and almost sat down on the ground.

With a "wow" sound, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

"Junior brother!" Zhenren Yuan on the stage could see it most clearly. She immediately stood up and shouted.

The people in the White Eyebrow Palace in the audience also stood up nervously and exclaimed one by one, "Master!" "Senior Brother!" "Master Uncle!".

Shangguan Ning, Ma Yunyu, and Qiu Yunji all reacted quickly and hurriedly ran upwards, came to Jia Zhenren's side, and supported Jia Zhenren.

Jack Liu on the side did not help Jia Zhenren. He breathed a heavy sigh of relief, raised his arm, and simply wiped the top of his head with his suit sleeve. The sweat was pouring, and the sleeve was soaked immediately. .

He secretly thought in his heart that it was very dangerous. This Master Jia really had a way of doing it. He relied on his own formation to be slightly better. Otherwise, he would be even worse off than Master Jia.

Jack Liu took another breath, and then asked pretending to be concerned: "Master Jia, are you okay?"

"It's okay. Thank you for your concern." Zhenren Jia gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go down."

"Okay, Master." The two apprentices supported Jia Zhenren. Shangguan Ning took out his handkerchief and wiped the blood from his uncle's mouth.

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