Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4716 Jumping off the building

Red Kasaya Cuntou has spent a lot of money. For a woman, he even ignored the mentality of "Kasaya's Magical Power of Subduing Demons" and just used this mentality to exchange for a woman.

The middle-aged woman on the stage looked around and saw that no one continued to bid. In fact, it was estimated that no one could make a bid. A complete set of mental techniques such as "Kasaya's Magical Power to Suppress Demons" is available. What kind of mental techniques are there that can be more high-end than this?

Of course, there must be more advanced mental methods than this. Whether these people present will say otherwise is another matter. Even if it is possible, it will not be taken out.

"Is there anyone with a higher bid? If not, Xihong belongs to this gentleman." The middle-aged woman on the stage pointed to the man in the red cassock.

No one in the audience said anything. Seeing this, the middle-aged woman said happily: "The person who won Xihong is this gentleman! Please invite this gentleman to come on stage and take Xihong upstairs!"

The middle-aged woman did not suggest that the guy in the red cassock should first write out the inner thoughts of "Kasaya's Magical Power of Conquering Demons". She just asked this guy to go on stage to lead the people first. It can also be seen from this that Wuyin Villa is not afraid of this guy cheating at all.

This is true, how can a person not bow his head under a low eaves, especially if it is a consensual transaction like this, if you dare to cheat, you may not live until dawn.

"Hahahaha..." The short-haired guy in the red cassock couldn't help laughing proudly, and hurriedly walked towards the stage.

When he got off the stage, he didn't even walk up the steps. He jumped up and came to the stage.

The red cassock took a few steps to get in front of Xihong, the girl in red shorts. He picked Xihong up in his arms and said with a big grin: "Little beauty, let's go!"

It is not difficult to see that this guy is very familiar with the environment of the brothel. He hugged Xihong and walked directly off the stage, turned around and walked towards the wall on the right.

As he walked over there, Zhang Yu's eyes followed him subconsciously, and he saw there were steps leading up on the other side of the wall.

The flower hall is empty and reaches all the way to the top. The second and third floors are corridors, and there are rooms on the corridors.

Accompanied by the sound of "Teng Teng Teng" footsteps, Hong Kasaya Cuntou quickly hugged Xi Hong and killed the third floor.

With a "bang" sound, a door was kicked open by this old man. He carried Xihong into the room and could no longer see the two of them.

Zhang Yu has no interest in this, but he has some sympathy for this girl named Xihong. He understood what was going to happen next, and he also knew that Xihong would probably die here, and it would be difficult to be alive.

But now, Zhang Yu can't do anything. After all, this is not a city, but Wuyin Villa. If he dared to take action, there would probably be nothing but death at the scene. At best, you can put on some padding. As for the secrets of Wuyin Villa, they cannot be passed on.

Zhang Yu picked up the wine cup, and Yan Luo, who was sitting next to him just now, had already put the wine on the island. Zhang Yu didn't signal Yan Luo to drink with him. He raised his hand and poured the wine in the cup into his mouth.

Although he didn't want to care about this, he glanced upward unconsciously. He immediately saw two men in gray clothes appearing on the third floor at some unknown time, walking towards the room where the man in red cassock had just entered.

The door was already closed by the red cassock. The two came to the door of the room and one of them knocked on the door.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yu heard an unhappy voice coming from the red cassock, "Who is it!"

"We are from the Villa." A man in gray said very politely.

Because the flower hall was empty, Zhang Yu could probably hear the sound even on the third floor.

Immediately, he heard the red cassock's head cursing and saying: "Why are you so disappointed! Are you still afraid that I will default on my debt?"

The man in gray said politely again: "Sir, this is the rule of the villa. It's not your first day here, so don't make it difficult for us!"

With a creak, the door opened, and the voice of the red cassock became clearer, "Okay, okay, come in, I will write to you now!"

After hearing this, Zhang Yu understood that the middle-aged woman who was in charge of welcoming guests was not responsible for the guests' requests for secret books. This kind of thing was all done by the masters of the villa, and everyone performed their own duties.

As soon as Hong Kasaya Cun Tou entered the room, people from the villa came to the door. They must have gotten the secret book before Hong Kasaya Cun Tou did what he did. It can be seen that Hong Kasaya Cuntou has played here more than once, but this time, he was a little too excited and in a hurry.

The two men in gray followed Cuntou in red cassock into the room. It is estimated that now they are going to start writing the secret book of "Kasaya's magical power to subdue demons". But just after the two of them entered the room, within twenty seconds, a person suddenly rushed out of the room. The man didn't run anywhere else and threw himself headfirst downstairs.

"Ah..." A scream came from this person's mouth. Anyone could hear it clearly. It was a girl's voice.

Zhang Yu's eyes never left the room on the third floor, so he saw clearly that the person who rushed out was the girl who had just been carried into the room by the red cassock.

Seeing the girl jump directly from the building, Zhang Yu's heart tightened and he stood up with a leap. Soon enough, he flicked his left hand, and the jade rope sprang out from the cuff of his sleeve, and rolled towards the girl who was facing down.

With a "swipe" of the ground, when the girl's head was still one meter away from the ground, the Yuxu rope wrapped around the girl's waist. With a thought in Zhang Yu's mind, the jade rope wrapped around the girl and flew towards him.

The speed of the Yuxu Rope is fast, and the speed at which the girl flies over is also fast. If it hits Zhang Yu, even if the Yuxu Rope is Zhang Yu's own magical weapon, it will probably be able to knock him out. But Zhang Yu was also very fast. He lifted his right hand and used a Tai Chi cloud hand to lift the flying girl's body above his head.

With this move, most of the strength was relieved. Zhang Yu followed up and firmly picked up the girl in his arms, and then placed her on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Yu looked at Xi Hong who had landed and asked calmly.

Xihong was obviously in shock at this moment, and began to breathe heavily, "Huhuhu..."

For an ordinary person, the scene just now is really thrilling, and it is not easy to recover from it. It was as if she didn't hear Zhang Yu's words and just kept breathing.

At this moment, everyone at the other tables in the flower hall stood up unconsciously. Judging from what these people meant, they were almost stunned by the scene just now. I just don’t know whether these people were shocked by why the girl jumped off the building, or by Zhang Yu’s cultivation, or both.

And on the third floor, the voice of the man in red cassock could be heard yelling and cursing, "What do you mean? Why did you bring someone to jump off the building!"

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