Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4712: Impatient

According to the rules, after the sharp-mouthed monkey-chin took out the magic weapon, a middle-aged man in gray clothes immediately came over and took the thing to Mazi's face, who inspected it. This kind of inspection is nothing more than a formality, because here, no one dares to cheat with fakes. But in order to show fairness, we still have to do this.

But no one looked at the pamphlet written on Mazi's face first. Presumably, the secret manuals of exercises are different from magic weapons. If you have a good memory, you can memorize them on the spot, so it's a gamble.

After confirmation, both parties will discuss the betting method. It's just that the confirmation here is different from the sharp-mouthed monkey's cheek that challenged Zhang Yu just now and shouted the slogan that anything can be gambled. It needs to be confirmed by both parties.

Pockmarked Face still chose Fantan this time, and Sharp Mouth Monkey Cheek had no objection, but Pockmarked Face said that last time the other party bet first on odd and even, so this time he should be the first to choose. The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man has no objection, after all, God knows whether it will be an odd or an even number.

The two of them each grabbed the chess pieces. Because they made an order last time, this time the pock-marked person chose an even first. In his opinion, this was a matter of probability. The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man naturally chose the single, and then the gambling began.

Just like last time, the middle-aged man in gray in the middle used small iron rods to separate the chess pieces into groups of four. Before they were all taken out, everyone was able to count them out at about the same time, and there were still nine chess pieces left. In other words, this game is still a single.

Sure enough, there was only one chess piece left, and the middle-aged man in gray announced that the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheek had won the game. The sharp-mouthed monkey cheek jumped excitedly to the gambling table and took away the Sangmen Penetrating Bone Nail and the secret book.

Compared to his excitement, his pockmarked face was already gnashing his teeth. When the sharp-mouthed monkey returned to the chair and squatted down, the middle-aged man in gray clothes in the middle said as usual: "Is there anything else you want to bet on?"

The pock-marked face gritted his teeth and reached out to touch his chest. After a moment, he seemed to have made up his mind. He stared at his eyes and said: "I will still bet, do you want to continue betting?"

"I'll naturally accompany you when you bet." The sharp-mouthed monkey said with a smile.

"But! Don't you dare to bet bigger!" He said loudly and proudly with a pockmarked face.

"Why bet bigger?" asked the sharp-mouthed monkey.

With a pockmarked face, he took out a blood-red token from his arms and slapped it on the table. He then said loudly and boldly: "This magic weapon is called the Rakshasa Token. It is my personal magic weapon. It is much more powerful than your Sangmen Penetrating Bone Nail! I use this as a bet, you In addition to returning my secret book to me, there is also another magic weapon that I can like!"

"Are you so powerful..." the sharp-mouthed monkey said with a curl of his lips.

"You can inspect the goods first. If you think it's OK, we'll bet on it. If you think it's not OK, then we won't bet. But I have just made it clear, and I have to add one more method that I can like. Otherwise, I can't bet." He said with a pockmarked face.

"Okay, let me take a look first." said the sharp-mouthed monkey.

A middle-aged man in gray clothes went over directly, took the blood-red token from Mazi Lian, and sent it to the sharp-mouthed monkey.

The sharp-mouthed monkey-chin took the token and looked at it, then asked the middle-aged man to give it back with a pockmarked face. He then took out many things from his arms, including pamphlets, talismans, and magic weapons. It was obvious that this guy really won a lot.

He looked at them one by one, and then took out four small red flags. He pushed the four small flags forward and put the other things back into his arms.

"You should be able to use these four flags. In terms of power, there is nothing to say. If you know Qimen Dunjia, the power should be even stronger." After saying this, the sharp-mouthed monkey made a gesture of invitation.

The middle-aged man in gray clothes brought the four small flags in front of Pockmarked Face. After Pockmarked Face took the four small flags in his hand, he obviously took a breath of cold air. He nodded and said, "Okay, let's get started!"

Put all the chips of both sides in the middle of the table, and then determine the rules. Even if you have a pockmarked face, you still want to bet on Fantan, but your sharp mouth and monkey cheeks means there is no problem. Immediately afterwards, Sharp-nosed Monkey-Child proposed that he had lost two games in a row, so he should choose first in this round, and Sharp-nosed Monkey-Child had no objection.

In this way, both sides grabbed a handful of Go pieces each, and then said with a pockmarked face: "I'll bet on double!"

Having made two orders in a row, in the pockmarked view, it was time to make an even number. The reason why he asked to choose first was probably for this reason.

The sharp-mouthed monkey cheek said: "Then you bet on evens, and I'll bet on odd."

Just like the previous two times, the chess pieces were put into the bowl and delivered to the middle-aged man in gray in the middle. This guy is responsible for separating the chess pieces with small iron rods.

The four chess pieces were separated, and with little effort, everyone around the gambling table could clearly see that there were only nine chess pieces left on the table. After being divided into two groups, there was only one chess piece left on the table.

Needless to say, the pointy-mouthed monkey-chin won again.

The sharp-billed monkey jumped onto the table, and then grabbed the magic weapon on the table. When the pockmarked man saw this, he became anxious, jumped up, and shouted sternly: "Put it down!"

Hearing his shout, the sharp-billed monkey looked up at him and said, "What's the matter?"

"Why do we always get single orders? There must be some fraud involved!" The pockmarked face was obviously desperate and he shouted angrily.

"What do you mean? There are so many people watching, and there are people from the gambling house as notaries... If you say that, we won't be able to have fun..." The sharp-mouthed monkey said with an aggrieved look.

The middle-aged man in gray clothes also looked at the pockmarked face and said: "Our gambling house has always been fair and impartial, and there will never be any tricks or favoritism... Isn't there something wrong with what you said..."

"Hmph!" Pockmarked Face instantly realized that this was Wuyin Villa. No matter how much hatred he felt in his heart, he didn't dare to say anything and just turned around and left.

"What kind of gambling goods..." The sharp-mouthed monkey curled his lips, put everything in his arms, returned to the chair and squatted down.

The middle-aged man in gray didn't pay much attention to it. It was probably because this kind of anxious defeat was already commonplace. He just glanced at the people around the gambling table, and then said calmly: "Is there anyone else betting?"

Everyone looked at each other, everyone said something. The one wearing a bright red cassock with a short hair said: "I've been losing a lot lately, so it's not interesting. Why not go to the brothel to see if there are any new things?"

After saying that, he turned around and walked toward the door.

Others didn't want to gamble, maybe they just came to watch the fun. They all walked towards the door one after another, and some said as they walked, "Yes, let's go to the brothel." "I'm not interested in this, go back to practice." "Practice day by day, I'm not tired, it's still in time. Have fun..."...

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