Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4694 Pork Kidney Wat

After listening to Du Meng's statement, Zhang Yu felt that his experience was similar. However, he took action because he killed the opponent's ginseng bird first. Of course, for the sake of a bird, the other party can directly kill people, which shows that they are also ruthless. To be honest, Zhang Yu felt that even if he didn't kill the ginseng bird, the other party might kill him directly.

Zhang Yu did not tell what happened to him, but just said: "I met five Taoist priests... What sects are they from... Also, isn't this the Qiao family's forest farm... How can there be so many Taoist priests..."

"I don't know what sect they are from... This is really a bit strange..." Du Meng said bitterly.

"Can you drive?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"No." Du Meng said.

"There's a big trouble now. We can't stay here anymore and we have to leave quickly." Zhang Yu said.

"Okay." Du Meng nodded.

Although Zhang Yu does not have a driver's license, Xiao Jiejie once taught him how to drive. In addition, during the training camp, he even learned how to fly a helicopter. If you let him drive now, he can drive away except for the handman.

He immediately went around to the car door on the other side, pulled it directly, and the door opened.

Zhang Yu got into the car, Agou ran into his lap, and Du Meng also opened the door and got in the passenger seat. Zhang Yu turned the key in the ignition, started the car, and left immediately.

Zhang Yu didn't know anything about the terrain here, but he knew in his heart that this place was dangerous and he had to leave here as soon as possible.

He drove all the way. As he was unfamiliar when he first got in the car, after driving for a while, he was almost comfortable with it. This is also due to the fact that we are in the wilderness and there are no cars on the road.

It dawns early in summer, and gradually there is light. Fortunately, the road is very deserted. After driving for about an hour, it was bright and clear. Zhang Yu stopped the car on the side of the road, took out his mobile phone, opened the navigation map, and checked his current location.

They were located on the outskirts of the Meishan enforcement area. According to the map, there were mountains everywhere. The name of the Green Leaf Forest Farm they went to was probably called Doghouse Mountain. It’s a bit confusing why a mountain that looks quite beautiful is called this name.

Zhang Yu didn't have time to think about it. The most important thing now was to find a place to rest. He was fine, but Du Meng, who was sitting in the passenger seat, had turned sallow and had fallen asleep. He needed to check his injuries. Moreover, Du Meng's body was covered in blood, so he couldn't enter the city like this.

Looking at the situation on the map, not far further, there was a place called Zhuyaozi Depression. Zhang Yu estimated that there would probably be people living there. Zhang Yu followed the map and went straight to Zhuyaozi Depression. When he arrived, he could see a large fish pond. It can be seen that it should be a place where farmers raise fish. Since there are fish, there must be someone there. Zhang Yu stopped the car and looked around, and soon discovered that there was a family at the other end of the fish pond.

Zhang Yu drove his car along the fish pond. As the path changed, Zhang Yu saw a stone bridge in front of him, which he could drive into.

He drove over the stone bridge, which was filled with pig kidneys. The pig kidney depression is not big, it looks like a small island. Once you enter it, you can see that there are fishing nets hanging everywhere.

Right in front, there is a courtyard. The courtyard is very old, and even on the courtyard wall, there are fishing nets hanging out. Zhang Yu took a general look and found that apart from this family, there were no other houses. He stopped the car on the spot to avoid driving to the courtyard gate and letting people see Du Meng covered in blood in the car.

Zhang Yu opened the door and got out of the car. Agou also jumped out, and one person and one dog walked towards the courtyard in front.

After walking only a few steps, Zhang Yu heard the sound of dogs barking in the courtyard in front, "Woof woof woof..." "Woof woof woof..." "Woof woof woof..."...

Judging from the sound, there was definitely more than one dog in the yard, at least four or five.

As soon as Agou heard the dog barking, he immediately started barking, "Woof woof woof..."

Its cry is quite cute to human ears. However, the barking dogs in the yard suddenly stopped moving.

It would be impossible to live in a place like this, with such a big fish pond, and not have a few dogs to look after the house and the yard.

Zhang Yu and Agou quickly walked to the courtyard door. Not only was the courtyard door closed, it was even locked. When he saw this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but frown slightly. He finally found a house, but there was no one at home.

Zhang Yu looked around, and then shouted loudly, "Is there anyone? Is there anyone? Is there anyone?"

He shouted several times in a row, his voice was not low, but he didn't hear any human voice.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Yu thought that even if someone heard it, they wouldn't be able to come back right away. Now, I might as well check on Du Meng's injury first.

Zhang Yu quickly returned to the car and opened the passenger door. Du Meng was still sleeping and didn't seem to notice Zhang Yu opening the door. At this time, it is estimated that even if Zhang Yu stabbed him directly, he would not know how he died.

This coma should be caused by excessive blood loss. Zhang Yu unbuttoned Du Meng's clothes. It was easy to take off the outer clothes, but the vest underneath was stuck to his body.

Now Du Meng's wound has clotted, and if he pulls off his vest, it is likely to open the wound. Zhang Yu did have a way to prevent Du Meng from feeling any pain, and there was trauma medicine on his body, but without a bandage, it would definitely not work.

Zhang Yu turned his head and looked at the courtyard in front. In his opinion, there must be something bandaged in this house. With such a big fish pond and so many fishing nets, it is normal to have bumps and bruises, and you must prepare such things at home.

Although Zhang Yu often went to other people's homes secretly, he always had a reason. This time he went to steal gauze, which was a bit embarrassing and embarrassing. However, Du Meng's wound must be treated in time, otherwise, the person may not be able to survive. For an injury like Du Meng's, it would be impossible to explain it to the hospital. If the policeman is called in, who will he talk to?

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Yu closed the car door and walked towards the courtyard in front again. Arriving outside the courtyard wall, Zhang Yu jumped lightly, grabbed the top of the wall, and leaned half over. Looking inside, there were four big wolf dogs squatting in the yard. The four dogs were not tied up and were looking up at him.

Zhang Yu didn't want to fight with these dogs, so he just said: "Ogou, get in first."

Agou, who was standing at Zhang Yu's feet, immediately ran to the courtyard door and got in under the courtyard door. As soon as he entered, he looked at the four big wolf dogs in the yard. They all began to tremble and lay on the ground, not daring to raise their heads to look at Zhang Yu.

When Zhang Yu saw this, he jumped into the courtyard with one leg. The yard was not small, and there were two large tile-roofed houses in it. Zhang Yu went straight to the big tile-roofed house in front and came to the door. There was also a lock on the door. This was not difficult for Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu took out a pin and was about to open the door.

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