Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4682 Catching the Wind

"It's really an honor for Zheng to have Taoist Priest wait here for a long time. I don't know how to call him..." Zhang Yu also clasped his fists and said politely.

While talking, Zhang Yu looked at the old Taoist. The old Taoist had white hair and a face full of vicissitudes of life. He had a smile on his face and looked very peaceful. The old man is not very tall, about 1.7 meters tall. Other than that, there is nothing special about him.

"I have long forgotten my Taoist and layman's name, but I have heard of my Taoist name..." the old Taoist said in an easy-going way.

"It turns out it's Taoist Master He Wen. I'm being disrespectful." Zhang Yu continued to be polite.

After a few thoughtful words, Zhou Qingyun had to introduce Guan Ying, and both parties exchanged some unhelpful polite words.

After taking their seats, the banquet began, which was regarded as a welcoming banquet given by Taoist Master Hewen to the three of them.

During the banquet, there was just chatting, but Zhang Yu was also happy now. At least he came to Mu Wang Qiao's house for an honest reason. Will he be able to find some clues next?

This meal only lasted an hour. After all, it was already late at night, and it would be bright in a while. Taoist priest He Wen said that the three of them had come a long way and had a hard time traveling and traveling. It is not early now, so they should rest early and we will talk again tomorrow.

There are four guest rooms on this two-story building. Zhang Yu and the three of them each chose one and stayed there.

In the room, all facilities are complete. Although it is all antique mahogany furniture, it also has a TV, toilet, bathing facilities and so on.

He didn't sleep last night. After riding in the car for a day today, Zhang Yu was really a little tired, so he didn't think about it too much. He fell on the bed and had a good sleep.

When he woke up, it was already noon. After washing up, Zhang Yu put on his makeup again, lit a cigarette, sat on a chair and started smoking.

Just after he finished smoking a cigarette, there were footsteps outside, followed by a knock on the door. Zhang Yu could tell that the footsteps came from Zhou Qingyun's room first.

Zhang Yu asked "Who?" and as expected, Zhou Qingyun's voice sounded outside. Zhang Yu opened the door and said, "Xiannephew, what's the matter?"

"Uncle Master, the old man of the Qiao family was very happy when he heard that you were coming. He held a banquet at noon to welcome you. Master He just called me and said that someone has come to pick us up." Zhou Qingyun said this. , he seemed very excited.

It was not difficult for Zhang Yu to guess that given Zhou Qingyun's level, he probably wouldn't be able to receive him in person from the old man of the Qiao family, and the boy himself knew that. But Zhang Yu is different. The famous third-grade layman also has a certain name in the world. Even if it is not as good as the masters of those major sects, it still has some weight.

Similarly, Zhang Yu also knew very well that masters like this, who were famous, both good and evil, and had no sect, were actually the most favored, and they were the ones that every boss liked to recruit. After all, it is impossible for those famous masters to tell which boss they will serve as minions. At best, they will help to brighten the scene when they are in trouble, and they have certain conditions.

Being able to recruit some experts who are in charge of the house is much better than going out to hire people for nothing.

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said: "I never expected that I could get Mr. Qiao's personal attention. I have nothing to deal with here. Go and greet Guan Ying. Let's go downstairs right now."

"Yes, uncle." Zhou Qingyun followed to Guan Ying's room, knocked on the door, waited for Guan Ying to speak, and said what he just said exactly.

Guan Ying had also gotten up and finished washing. Seeing that Zhang Yu was also going, she definitely had to go, so she agreed.

The three of them went downstairs together, but Zhang Yu didn't bring Agou with him. After all, it was a banquet. The way Agou ate was a bit exaggerated. He could just pack it up and bring it back after he finished eating.

When you get downstairs, you can see a young man in a suit waiting there. After a few words of greeting, the young man led the way out of the courtyard and walked towards the courtyard inside.

The Qiao family is really big. They walked for twenty minutes and passed through several courtyards before arriving at a very large courtyard. In the courtyard, there is a garden, pavilions, water pavilions and other scenery, which naturally does not need to be detailed.

Passing through the garden, there is a two-story building in front of it. It is said to be the second floor, but in fact, it is not clear where to go up. The door on the first floor is wide open, and it looks like a flower hall. There is an Eight Immortals table inside, and five people are already sitting next to the table.

The young man did not enter the door. When he arrived at the door, he simply said, "Mr. Zheng, a third-grade layman, has arrived."

Not to mention, being able to eat here depends entirely on Zhang Yu's face and has nothing to do with Zhou Qingyun.

The person sitting in the middle at the Eight Immortals table in the flower hall immediately stood up, and then walked towards the door to welcome him, saying enthusiastically: "I just found out this morning that layman Zheng came to my humble residence last night. I missed my welcome from afar, and I hope Mr. Zheng will forgive me. "

The four people who were sitting at the table also stood up and followed them to the door, all of them showing great enthusiasm.

Zhang Yu had to be polite, clasped his fists and said: "This old gentleman must be Mr. Mu Wangqiao. It is inappropriate for Zheng to bother you late at night. It is really an honor for Zheng to be invited to a banquet by the old man today... …”

As he said, he had to take stock of these five people.

The first person to come out was an old man who looked to be in his seventies. The old man was energetic, so Zhang Yu could immediately guess that this old man must be Mr. Mu Wangqiao.

Zhang Yu had dealt with the Qiao family, but the person he met was not the old man, but Qiao Wanzhi, the young master of the Qiao family. At that time, Zhang Yu also deceived others into using lightning to split wood, which was a real scam.

Coming out behind Mr. Qiao were an elderly man in his fifties, a middle-aged man in his forties, a man in his thirties, and the Taoist priest He Wen whom he met last night.

The fifty-year-old man looked very reserved, but he was also smiling and extremely enthusiastic. The middle-aged man in his forties looked indifferent and had a smile on his face. The man in his thirties, tall and thick-set, with a stubble all over his face, looked like a bold man.

Mr. Qiao was polite to Zhang Yu again, and then introduced the four people behind him to Zhang Yu. Needless to say, Taoist Master He Wen, we met last night, and Mr. Qiao focused on introducing the other three.

"Jushi Zheng, this is Mr. Zheng Lun. Speaking of which, we are still related to Jushi Zheng. This is Mr. Qian Qian, and this is Mr. Du Meng..." Mr. Qiao introduced them one by one. The man in his fifties was named Zheng Lun. The middle-aged man in his teens is named Qian Qian, and the man in his thirties is called Du Meng.

Zhang Yu must have never heard of these names, but he still had to say something like "I have admired them for a long time." The same was true for these three people. After being polite for a while, Mr. Qiao invited everyone to re-enter the flower hall and take their seats.

Here, Guan Ying and Zhou Qingyun are just like decorations, and they don't even need to be introduced. No one cared about these two.

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